City of Madison Juvenile Arrests 1999.

Numbers are expressed as rates per 100,000 within each race. E.g. a rate of 1000 = 1%.

Data Sources: (1) Uniform Crime Report on Race of Persons Arrested for 1999. Each person arrested is counted only once, for most serious crime. (2) Printout of juvenile misdemeanor citation arrests provided by Madison Police Department and entered and coded by Undergraduate Research Scholars under the supervision of Pamela Oliver. Items from this source are marked with a *(3) Dane County Youth Assessment 2000, students who live in “Madison Metropolitan Area,” percentages are converted to rates. (4) Census 2000 on racial composition of City of Madison. Juveniles ages 10-17 are estimated as 8/18 of population under 18. Note: UCR data does not break out Hispanics so they are not broken out in this analysis. Arrest data on American Indians is also very unreliable. Multiple-race persons are excluded from population figures and DCYA data.

White / Black / AmInd** / Asian / B/W ratio
Murder / 9 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Manslaughter / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Forcible Rape / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Other Sex Offenses (Mostly sex with a minor: if 2 kids under 16 have consensual sex, they are both charged) / 34 / 406 / 0 / 0 / 11.9
Robbery (combines armed and unarmed; a purse-snatching can be a robbery if you push the person) / 119 / 761 / 0 / 224 / 6.4
Aggravated Assault (weapon or serious injury) / 299 / 1370 / 0 / 298 / 4.6
Other Assault (no serious injury) / 939 / 8474 / 0 / 298 / 9.0
DCYA EVER IN A FIGHT / 28930 / 47950 / 1.7
DCYA EVER IN A FIGHT W/ WEAPONS / 9710 / 28770 / 3.0
Weapons / 350 / 863 / 0 / 149 / 2.5
Weapons citation* / 119 / 101 / 75 / 0.8
Burglary / 230 / 1167 / 0 / 149 / 5.1
Larceny/ Theft / 4829 / 15325 / 2632 / 2758 / 3.2
Retail theft citation* / 1638 / 1218 / 298 / 0.7
DCYA EVER SHOPLIFTED / 35720 / 43840 / 1.2
Arson / 43 / 51 / 0 / 0 / 1.2
Forgery, Counterfeit / 77 / 355 / 0 / 0 / 4.6
Fraud / 68 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Stolen Goods / 77 / 507 / 0 / 0 / 6.6
Vandalism / 887 / 1878 / 0 / 224 / 2.1
Prop. Damage* / 230 / 152 / 0.0 / 0.7
DCYA VANDALIZED / 28280 / 32880 / 1.2
Cocaine Sale / 239 / 2030 / 0 / 75 / 8.5
Cocaine Possession / 9 / 101 / 0 / 0 / 11.9
DCYA USED COCAINE EVER (Madison) / 1500 / 0 / 0.0
DCYA USED COCAINE EVER (All County) / 1980 / 1120 / 0.6
Marijuana Sale / 43 / 203 / 0 / 0 / 4.8
Marijuana Possession / 546 / 3501 / 0 / 224 / 6.4
Marijuana citation* / 452 / 1066 / 149 / 2.4
Drug paraphenalia* / 290 / 51 / 0.0 / 0.2
DCYA USED MARIJUANA EVER / 25730 / 38360 / 1.5
Gambling / 0 / 152 / 0 / 0 / only blacks
Operating vehicle while intoxicated / 43 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Alcohol while driving (not intoxicated)* / 410 / 203 / 0.0 / 0.5
Liquor laws / 2321 / 2182 / 0 / 969 / 0.9
Alcohol-related citations* / 2014 / 2486 / 373 / 1.2
DCYA ANY ALCOHOL / 52030 / 43840 / 0.8
Disorderly conduct / 2551 / 17152 / 1316 / 895 / 6.7
Disorderly Conduct citation* / 1229 / 5886 / 447 / 4.8
Curfew, loitering / 1433 / 5531 / 0 / 596 / 3.9
Loitering for purpose of drugs* / 17 / 1167 / 0.0 / 68.4
Curfew* / 1297 / 3146 / 75 / 2.4
Runaways / 973 / 1878 / 0 / 0 / 1.9
Other except traffic / 6339 / 25068 / 2632 / 2982 / 4.0

From misdemeanor citations

Trespass (most are "trespass after warning") / 725 / 6191 / 671.0 / 8.5
Truancy / 137 / 406 / 0.0 / 3.0
DCYA SKIPPED 4+ LAST MONTH / 3140 / 13430 / 4.3
Tobacco / 1459 / 2131 / 149.1 / 1.5
DCYA SMOKED TOBACCO / 32520 / 32880 / 1.0
Littering* / 60 / 203 / 0.0 / 3.4
Resist Arrest* / 299 / 2283 / 149.1 / 7.6
Other Public Order* / 358 / 812 / 0.0 / 2.3
Traffic Offenses*
Speeding* / 2867 / 1675 / 745.5 / 0.6
Alcohol while driving (not intoxicated)* / 410 / 203 / 0.0 / 0.5
Equipment Problems* / 358 / 355 / 149.1 / 1.0
Other traffic* / 2312 / 1928 / 969.2 / 0.8
Moving violations* / 1536 / 1066 / 447.3 / 0.7
Plates, display of reg.* / 102 / 457 / 0.0 / 4.5
License troubles + title (arise only after stop) / 1186 / 6445 / 372.8 / 5.4
Ratio license troubles/ sum other / 0.16 / 1.13 / 0.16
White / Black / AmInd / Asian
Population (Madison ages 10-17) / 11720 / 1971 / 76 / 1341

Tables prepared by Pamela Oliver, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin – Madison, from public data sources listed above.