Forever Home Feline Ranch Volunteer Application

Our mission: Forever Home Feline Ranch (FHFR) is a nonprofit organization created to provide every cat in need a forever home. Forever Home Feline Ranch will be a sanctuary where cats will have a second chance to live a full life in a no-cage, no-kill environment. Forever Home Feline Ranch will lead the effort to make Central Illinois a no-kill community by ending euthanasia as a method of controlling feline populations.

Date__/__/____Last Name______First Name______

Street Address______City______Zip code______

Home phone______Cell Phone______

Email address______


Emergency Contact______

(Please Print Legibly)

Phone ______ext______Relationship______

Please list any formal education, training, and/or experience in pet care or animal welfare:

Please describe any experience with cats.

Are there any tasks that you would not be able to perform YES NO If yes, please explain.

Have you been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving animal abuse within the last seven years? YES NO If yes, please explain

Have you had a tetanus shot or booster in the last 5 years? YES NO (Since you may be handling animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with your physician.)

Forever Home Feline Ranch is a no-kill organization run by volunteers. We are excited to meet new people who are able to help in any way possible. Here are some of the opportunities that are available:

  • Grant WritingCat and/or Event Photographer
  • Phone and Email Task ForcePublic Events Coordinator
  • FundraisingFeral Cat Team
  • Meals on Wheels TeamMedia Team
  • SalesPublic Speaking and Presentation
  • Donation JarsCommunity Outreach
  • Desktop Publishing

Forever Home Feline Ranch needs the support of generous and caring people to donate their time in order for us to continue our rescue efforts.

How did you hear about Forever Home Feline Ranch?

Have you done any other volunteer work? List what type, when and where.

Why do you want to become a Forever Home Feline Ranch volunteer? What do you hope to gain from this experience and what do you hope to contribute?

Do you have any physical, medical or psychological limitations or disabilities? YES NO

(Heart condition, mental illness, learning disabilities, back injuries, allergies) If yes, please explain

What email notifications would you like to receive?

  • Invitation to volunteer orientation
  • E-newsletter for our monthly newsletter and volunteer newsletter
  • Policy and schedule news (updates and changes)
  • Additional volunteer opportunities (volunteer opportunities that are open and need to be filled)
  • Upcoming events
  • Training opportunities
  • Emergency recruitment appeals
  • News related to our mission

Forever Home Feline Ranch Volunteer

Agreement & Release


My services to the Forever Home Feline Ranch (FHFR) are provided strictly in a voluntary capacity as a Volunteer, and without any express or implied promise of salary, compensation, or other payment of any kind whatsoever. My services are furnished without any employment-type benefits, including employment insurance programs, worker’s compensation accrual in any form, vacations, or sick time.

I will familiarize myself and comply with FHFR’s policies and procedures applicable to Volunteers. In particular, I fully understand FHFR expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of the animals under its care. I also understand that FHFR expects high standards or respectful treatment of FVFR clients, partners, volunteers and staff. I agree to abide by these standards in my capacity as a Volunteer.

I understand the importance of washing my hands thoroughly after handling animals to reduce the risk of infection.

I will not represent FHFR outside my immediate volunteer capacity. I understand the FHFR has designated people to represent FHFR to any media organizations.

I understand that FHFR can terminate my services as a Volunteer at any time.


I, ______, hereby agree to accept a position as a volunteer worker for the FHFR and in doing so, I hereby agree to comply with all the rules and regulations established by FHFR. I understand that failure to do so may result in my termination as a volunteer. As a volunteer, I agree to do my best to represent the FHFR organization to the public in an accurate and professional manner and I will support and advocate all of the organization’s goals policies.

I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without any pay or compensation of any kind.

I understand that the handling of animals and other volunteer activities on behalf of FHFR could result in injury to me or my personal property. I assume the risks of being bitten, scratched or injured by cats or kittens in connection with my volunteer work for FHFR. FHFR is not liable to me for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs or expenses whatsoever that I might suffer or sustain in connection with the performance of my volunteer duties.

I will indemnify and hold FHFR harmless from any claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, losses, costs, or expense whatsoever sustained by any animal or person in connection with my misconduct or grossly negligent performance of volunteer activities for FHFR or any breach of FHFR’s rules, regulations, policies or programs.

I understand that public relations are an important part of volunteering and I hereby allow FHFR to use any photograph taken of me in public relations efforts.

I have accurately and truthfully completed this volunteer application.

If I am under the age of 18 a parent or legal guardian may sign this application. If under age 18, please include date of birth.

Printed Name______


Date of birth (If Under 18)______Parent/Legal Guardian Name, Signature & Date
