
Mrs. Andrea Winders

Homework hotline 770-795-5720ext. 7388

Welcome to Everybody Likes Math 7! Below, you will find some helpful guidelines to ensure success this school year!

Class Materials

Always have the following materials with you in class:

-pencil-all math work should be done in pencil

-notebook paper


-math notebook

-scientific calculator

*Students will be using a compass and protractor for this unit. Students will not be able to borrow the schools supplies to take home.


You are required to keep a notebook for this class in a 2 inch 3 ring binder. The dividers in your binder should be labeled as warm-ups,essential questionclasswork, homeworkand vocabulary.


Your grade in this class will be determined in the following manner:

-Tests/Projects 35%

-Homework 10%




When you enter class a warm-up problem will be displayed on the overhead projector. Warm-ups will be collected every Friday and will be recorded as a classwork grade. Each day is worth 20 points. Warm-ups should be completed on the warm-up sheet provided and kept in the notebook until the due date. You must show work on warm-ups in order to receive full credit


Homework is assigned almost every night. It will be checked or graded and should be completed to ensure proper retention of concepts learned in class. I will accept late homework assignments only within the week it was given. Every day it is late the grade will drop. For example, if you forgot to show me your homework on Monday or Thursday you have until that Friday to show me your homework for some credit. Projects and quiz corrections will not be accepted late.

Makeup Work

CobbCounty policy allows a student 1 day per day absent to make up work. For example, if you are absent on Monday, you will have until Wednesday to make up your work. If you are absent Monday and Tuesday, your work is due on Friday.


Students are assigned a textbook and are responsible for replacement costs of $43.98 if the book is lost.

Daily Procedures

Enter class promptly

Copy EQ? and homework assignment in agenda

Start warm-up

Check homework/review

Mini Lesson



Class Rules

Be on time.

Be prepared.

Be on task.


Speak only at appropriate times.

Other Expectations

All math work will be done in pencil.

Chewing gum, food, and drinks will not be allowed.

Work must be shown to receive credit on work.

Notebook organization must be maintained daily.

Do not get out of your seat without permission.

No extra credit will be given.


Please sign and return acknowledging that you have read and understand the syllabus for the Third Nine Weeks.

Student’s Name (Please Print): ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

E-Mail Address: ______