School of Psychology, University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 4072
(+61) 400 190 685
EMPLOYMENT ΨPostdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Queensland, Australia
Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship awarded to Professor S. Alexander Haslam / Present
– 2014
GlobalResearch Scholar
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Social Interactions, Identity, and Well-being program member
Advised by Professor Alexander Haslam & Professor Nyla Branscombe / 2014
– 2012
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (February–July)
University of Queensland, Australia
Australian Research Council grant awarded to Professor Jolanda Jetten & Professor Naomi Ellemers / 2012
Teaching Assistant
School of Psychology
University of Queensland, Australia / 2011
– 2008
Ph.D. (Social Psychology), July 2008–May 2012
University of Queensland, Australia
Advised by Associate Professor Winnifred Louis & Professor Matthew Hornsey
Thesis: Psychological strategies for control restoration / 2012
Bachelor of Psychological Science (First Class Honours)
University of Queensland, Australia.
Advised by Associate Professor Winnifred Louis
Thesis: Intergroup effects of shared human identity and human norms / 2007
Research Fellowship
$CN 75,000 per annum, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
“Groups as a source of psychological control.” / 2014
– 2012
Early Career Researcher Grant
$AU 18,500, University of Queensland
“The emotional body: Internal bodily awareness enhances emotion regulation in the short term but leaves people emotionally depleted.” / 2014
Global Scholar Creativity Grant
Katharine Greenaway, Maya Bhatia, Anne Broadbent, Margaret Frye, Elena Hassinger, Else Starkenburg, Vera Tai, & Renate Ysseldyk
$CN 5,000 from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research to fund interdisciplinary research
“Women in Science: Reflections from postdoctoral women in the social and natural sciences” / 2014
Massive Equipment & Infrastructure Grant
Andrew Neal, Stacey Parker, Alex Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Ross Cunnington, Eric Vanman, Paul Harnett, Bernadette Watson, Genevieve Dingle, & Katharine Greenaway
$120,000 from Health & Behavioural Sciences Faculty, University of Queensland
“Enabling mobile and naturalistic recording of physiological data in field and laboratory settings” / 2014
Global Scholar Creativity Grant
Katharine Greenaway & Margaret Frye
$CN 5,000 from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research to fund interdisciplinary research
“Practical and psychological resilience in the face of dashed hopes” / 2013
New Staff Research Grant
$AU 6,000, University of Queensland
“Explaining self-regulation failure: Bodily awareness and the capacity for self-control.” / 2013
Postgraduate Research Grant
Elise Kalokerinos, Katharine Greenaway, David Pedder, & Elise Margetts
$AU 500, Society of Australasian Social Psychologists
“The up-side of down-regulation: Suppressing positive emotions can improve interpersonal relationships.” / 2012
University of Queensland Research Scholarship
Competitive research grant awarded to outstanding PhD candidates
$AU 22,000 per annum / 2008
Establishment Grant
University of Queensland Graduate School, $AU 2,500 / 2008
Postgraduate Student Research Excellence Award, First Place
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Prestigious award for the best and most impactful publication record by a postgraduate student (first social psychology recipient), $AU 300 / 2011
Outstanding Postgraduate Research Award, Runner-Up
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists
Prestigious national award for research excellence, $AU 250 / 2011
International Travel Award
Graduate School, University of Queensland
Competitive travel bursary awarded to outstanding postgraduate students for professional development purposes, $AU 5,000 / 2011
Summer School Travel Scholarship
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists
Competitive travel bursary awarded to select postgraduate students to attend an international summer school, $AU 1,200 / 2010
Conference Travel Scholarship
International Society of Political Psychology
Competitive grant awarded for travel to annual meeting, $US 250 / 2009
Dean’s Commendation for Exceptional Tutors
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Student nominated commendation recognizing excellence in teaching / 2011
– 2009
Tutor Excellence Award
School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Competitive award recognizing excellence in teaching, $AU 80 / 2010
FameLab Australia Queensland State Finalist
International science communication competition for early-career researchers / 2014
Dean’s Commendation for Academic Excellence
Semesters 1 & 2 / 2007 –2005
Greenaway, K.H., Storrs, K., Philipp, M.C., Louis, W.R., Hornsey, M.J., & Vohs, K.D. (accepted). Lacking control stimulates approach motivation. Accepted to Journal of Experimental Social Psychology on October 31, 2014.
Greenaway, K.H., Wright, R., Willingham, J., Reynolds, K.J., & Haslam, S.A. (accepted). Shared identity is key to effective communication. Accepted to Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin on October 12, 2014.
Kalokerinos, E.K., Greenaway, K.H., & Denson, T. (accepted). Reappraisal but not suppression down-regulates the experience of positive and negative emotion. Accepted to Emotion on August 17, 2014.
South, E., Cruwys, T., Greenaway, K.H., & Haslam, S.A. (in press). Social identity reduces depression by fostering positive attributions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, Advance Online Publication.
Greenaway, K.H., Jetten, J., Ellemers, N., & van Bunderen, L. (in press). The dark side of inclusion: Undesired acceptance provokes aggression. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Advance Online Publication.
*Greenaway, K.H., Cichocka, A., Van Veelen, R., Likki, T., & Branscombe, N.R. (in press). Feeling hopeful inspires support for social change. Political Psychology, Advance Online Publication.
*This project was developed at the 2010 EASP Summer School. The first four authors were PhD students at time of first submission.
*Kalokerinos, E.K., Greenaway, K.H., Pedder, D.J., & Margetts, E. (2014). Don’t grin when you win: The social benefits of emotion suppression in performance situations. Emotion, 14(1), 180-186. doi: 10.1037/a0034442
*This project was developed at the 2012 SASP Summer School. All authors were PhD students at time of first submission.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., Hornsey, M.J., & Jones, J.M. (2014). Perceived control qualifies the effects of threat on prejudice. British Journal of Social Psychology.Advance online publicationpublished online 13 September 2013. doi:10.1111/bjso.12049.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., & Hornsey, M.J. (2013). Belief in precognition increases perceived control and lossof control increases belief in precognition. Plos One, 8(8), 1–6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071327.
Smith, J.R., Louis, W.R., Terry, D.J., Greenaway, K.H., Clarke, M.R., & Cheng, X. (2012). Congruent or conflicted? The impact of injunctive and descriptive norms on environmental intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32, 353–361. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2012.06.001.
Ronay, R., Greenaway, K., Ancich, E., & Galinsky, A. (2012). The path to glory is paved with hierarchy: When hierarchical differentiation increases group effectiveness. Psychological Science, 23(6), 669–677. doi: 10.1177/0956797611433876.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., & Wohl, M.J.A. (2012). Awareness of common humanity reduces empathy andheightens expectations of forgiveness for temporally distant wrongdoing. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4), 446–454. doi: 10.1177/1948550611425861.
*Greenaway, K.H., Quinn, E.A., & Louis, W.R. (2011). Appealing to common humanity increases forgiveness but reduces collective action among victims of historical atrocities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(5), 569–573. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.802.
*Selected for inclusion in an EJSP virtual special issue on Theory and Research on Collective Action edited by Julia Becker. The issue provided an overview of seminal and recent impactful research on collective action published in EJSP.
Greenaway, K.H. Louis, W.R. (2010). Only human: Hostile human norms reduce legitimisation of intergroup discrimination by perpetrators of historical atrocities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49(4), 765–783. doi:10.1348/014466609X479202.
PEER-REVIEWED BOOK CHAPTERSGreenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., Parker, S.L., Kalokerinos, E.K., Smith, J.R., & Terry, D.J. (forthcoming). Measures of coping for psychological well-being. In G.J. Boyle, D.H. Saklofske, & G. Matthews (eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. Planned publication date: November, 2014.
Louis, W.R., Barlow, F.B., & Greenaway, K.H. (2012). National identity, Australian values and outsiders. In Bretherton, D. & Balvin, N. (Eds.). Peace Psychology in Australia: Dreamings of Peace, pp. 87–106, New York: USA.
INVITED PAPERS*Louis, W. R., Barlow, F.K., Greenaway, K.G., & La Macchia, S. (2013, August). Effective anti-racism strategies and conversations: Lessons from the literature.InPsych.
*Invited article, Journal of the Australian Psychological Society.Circulation to 20,000+ members.
Consulting Editor
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin / 2014
Invited Judge for Student Poster Award
Society for Personality and Social Psychology meeting, Austin, Texas / 2014
National Society Newsletter Organizer
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists / 2014
– 2013
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
British Journal of Social Psychology
Cognition and Emotion
European Journal of Social Psychology
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Political Psychology
Psychological Bulletin / 2014
– 2011
National Society Postgraduate Representative
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists / 2012
– 2010
Postdoctoral Coordinator
Represent postdoc interests at the School level, arrange social and professional development activities for postdocs
School of Psychology, University of Queensland / 2014
Postdoctoral Representative
Represent postdoc interests on Research Committee
School of Psychology, University of Queensland / 2014
– 2013
Seminar Convener
Organize monthly research colloquia
School of Psychology, University of Queensland / 2014
– 2013
Postgraduate Representative
Research Higher Degree (PhD) committee
School of Psychology and Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
University of Queensland / 2011
– 2010
Laboratory Bookings Coordinator
Created and maintained online laboratory booking system
Centre for Research in Social Psychology, University of Queensland / 2010
– 2009
Indigenous Curriculum Committee Member
Curriculum development to increase Indigenous participation
School of Psychology, University of Queensland / 2009
Postgraduate Representative iTunesU UQ
Cross-faculty team, University of Queensland
Ongoing project to deliver university material to a worldwide audience / 2009
Conference Organizing Committee
2nd International Conference on Social Identity and Health
June 2014, Ottawa, Canada / 2014
Global Scholar Organizing Committee
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Global Academy meeting
Banff, Canada / 2014
– 2013
Conference Organization
Brisbane Symposium on Self and Identity
School of Psychology, University of Queensland / 2013
Summer School Organization & Coordination
Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology / 2010
Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology
Interpersonal and group-based emotions workshop
Dr. Tom Denson & Professor Brian Lickel
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Brisbane, Australia / 2012
Summer Institute in Social Psychology
Accuracy in Judgments of Personality and Social Issues workshop
Dr. Tessa West & Dr. Judy Hall
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Princeton University, USA / 2011
European Association of Social Psychology Summer School
Intergroup Emotions workshop
Professor Nyla Branscombe, Drs. Tilemachos Iatridis & Kate Reynolds
European Association of Social Psychology, Aegina, Greece / 2010
Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology
Social Neuroscience workshop
Dr. Eric Vanman & Dr. Tiffany Ito
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Brisbane, Australia / 2010
International Graduate College Summer School
Political Ideology workshop
Professor John Jost & Dr. J. Christopher Cohrs
International Graduate College, Jena, Germany / 2009
Social Cognition Network and Training Scheme Consultation Seminar
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
*Competitively selected as the sole Australian participant / 2010
Data Cleaning and Power Analyses Workshop
Dr. Natalie Loxton, University of Queensland / 2008
Structural Equation Modeling Workshop
Dr. Aarti Iyer & Dr. Natalie Loxton, University of Queensland / 2008
Indigenous Mental Health and Psychology Workshop
Mr. Michael Williams, Associate Professor Winnifred Louis & Dr. Paul Harnett
School of Psychology / Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit University of Queensland / 2007
Honours Supervision
4th year undergraduate research thesis supervision / 2014
Advanced Research Experience Course (PSYC2991/PSYC2992)
Unpaid research experience program for high achieving students / 2014
Summer Research Program
Paid research experience program for high achieving students / 2012
Guest Lecturer
Intergroup Relations and Group Processes
(approximately 200 enrolled students) / 2014
Guest Lecturer
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
(approximately 200 enrolled students) / 2014
Guest Lecturer
Social Identity and Health Honours seminar
(approximately 15 enrolled students) / 2014
Guest Lecturer
Introduction to Psychology: Developmental, Social, and Clinical (approximately 1,000 enrolled students) / 2011
– 2010
Private Tutor
Psychological Research Methodology (3rd and 4th year statistics)
Psychological Research Interpretation and Evaluation (3rd year methods) / 2012
Teaching Assistant: Social Psychology
Topics in Social Psychology
Teaching evaluations: 4.5 / 5 (2009) and 4.63 / 5 (2011)
Social and Organizational Psychology
Teaching evaluation: 4.4 / 5 / 2011
& 2009
Teaching Assistant: Statistics
Psychological Research Methodology III(3rd year statistics)
Teaching evaluations: 4.9 / 5 (2010) and 4.75 / 5 (2011)
Moderated & Mediated Multiple Regression
Postgraduate statistics workshop coordinated by Winnifred Louis / 2011
– 2010
Honours Information Kit
Voluntary development of comprehensive information kit for incoming 4th year students on how to excel during Honours / 2012
Statistics Workshop Coordinator
Voluntary educational workshop for student research assistants covering data entry and analyses on relevant projects / 2013
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR)
Association for Psychological Science (APS) / Joined 2012
Joined 2010
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) / Joined 2009
Social Psychology Network (SPN)
International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) / Joined 2008
Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRiSP)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 1