Mr………../ Mme…………..

Member of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee




…. June 2016

Dear Mr……….. / Mme…………,

In writing to you in respect of a European Commission Proposal amending the Firearms Directive, which has caused great concern in the community of legal firearms possessors, to which I belong.

It would appear from the proposal that the Commission in the aftermath of the recent terrorist attacks in France and Belgium suddenly considers it necessary to prohibit an important category of legally purchased semi-automatic firearms that are widely used for sportive and recreational purposes by European citizens. The prohibition would largely be inspired by the mere resemblance these firearms have with firearms used by terrorists.

As a rational reasoning lawful firearms possessor, I can only choose to oppose severely against this initiative for it is a tragic example of politics consisting in drawing away the attention of the real causes of terror and the correct approach to counter it. By concentrating entirely on the possession of certain legal firearms - of which in no way it has been demonstrated that they are cause for problems in our society - in the battle against individuals and networks focusing on the destruction of our Western democracies, the Commission:

- either clearly gives prove of political ignorance to help counter terrorism effectively;

- or proves to pursue entirely other goals than combating terrorism. Thereto the terrorist attacks serve only as a pretext to proceed with a totally different agenda, namely that of a partial disarmament of European civilians at a very high cost.

It is clear that terrorists don’t show the least interest in legal rules whatsoever. It will not arouse any interest or deter this group that the European institutions focus entirely on a wide category of firearms legally possessed by law-abiding citizens. Moreover, it will definitely please terrorists that by putting so much efforts by the European Commission into disarming European Citizens, an equal amount of efforts will not be used to shadow their whereabouts and prevent their devastating criminal plans.

As in no way, a common sense critical approach of this Commission proposal gives prove of a lack of interest in combating terrorism effectively, I may only hope that you will not endorse this proposition.

