April 5, 2017

The regular meeting of the Riverview Intermediate Unit Board of Directors was held on Wednesday, April 5, 2017,at 8:00p.m. in the headquarters location beginning with a moment of silence followed by the pledging of the flag.

The meeting was called to order by President Julie Hartley.

Members Present at Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Members absent at Roll Call:Jackie Manno, Michael Meals, Ken Brannon, Chris Pedersen, Angella Scalise, Penny Pifer and Jeff Kriebel.

Others present: Jeffrey Brown, Executive Director of RIU6and Cliff Geary, Financial Director.

Ms.Hartley announced the votes would be voice votes and recorded as roll call for all agenda items, unless someone had an objection. No one voiced an objection.

A request for executive session was made for the purpose of discussing personnel issues.

The following Board Committee Reports were presented:

Executive Committee / Met and discussed items for Executive Session.
Personnel/Negotiations Committee / No Report
Finance Committee / Talked about different items, information to come.
Facilities Committee / Flooring ongoing, outside work will start when weather permits. Parking lot resealing in future.

Motion by Mr.Proper,seconded by Ms.Strano Taylor,the board approved the agenda for the April meeting.

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Mr. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Lutz, the board approved the minutes from the March 1, 2017 board meeting.

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Mr. Ashbaugh, seconded by Ms. Strano Taylor, the board approved the following items:

  • To approve the subscription agreement between Riverview Intermediate Unit 6 and Safe Schools Training System for one year in the amount of $1,158.75
  • To approve the additions/deletions of transportation drivers as presented.
  • To approve the contract between Jive Communications, Inc. and Riverview Intermediate Unit 6 for one year for approximately $8,100.00.
  • To approve the purchase of 99 HP laptops and 59 HP desktops at an approximate cost of $122.872.00.
  • To approve the ESET Antivirus renewal contract for three years in the amount of $3,502.85.
  • To approve the Service Proposal from Johnson Controls from 5/1/17 to 4/30/18 at a cost of $4,042.00 for the first year of a three year contract.
  • To approve the contract with Blackboard (School Wires) for one year at no cost.
  • To approve the contract for professional services with Carl Hooker, keynote and break-out session for the ECL conference on June 14, 2017 in the amount of $4,500.00.

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Mr. Proper, seconded by Ms.Strano Taylor, the board approved the following items:

  • To approve the February 2017 Treasurer's Report.
  • To approve the Year to Date Budget Summary Report for February 2017
  • To approve the Bills for Payment:

February12-28, 2017 March1-25-2017

General Fund 146,899.29 72,564.89

Special Education Fund 152,612.88 46,752.83

Transportation Fund 32,372.97 33.19

Early Intervention Fund 82,681.60 27,723.30

Capital Reserve 4,303.00 664.00

Internal Revenue Service 22,391.65 1,699.10

Payroll Fund 198,722.07 317,616.46

Total 639,983.46 467,053.77

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Ms. Strano Taylor, seconded by Ms. Kopnitsky, the board approved the following items:

  • Approval to hire Holly Ordiway-Thiem, Paraprofessional, at a rate of $15,700.72 effective March 9, 2017.
  • Approval to hire Millene Siegel, Business Office Secretary, at a rate of $21,093.80 effective March 20, 2017.
  • Approval to hire Jennifer Dryzga, Paraprofessional, at a rate of $14,412.72 effective April 3, 2017.
  • Approval of two unpaid days for Amber Mohney on March 14 & 27, 2017.
  • Approval of a one year sabbatical for Tina Moon, Teacher.

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Mr. Proper, seconded by Ms. Strano Taylor, the board accepted with regret the following retirements:

  • Debra Marshall, paraprofessional, effective June 7, 2017.
  • Linda Riddle, paraprofessional, effective August 1, 2017.

Roll Call: Craig Ashbaugh, Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Gregory Barrett, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, Dwight Proper and Cindy Swendsen.

Motion by Ms. Strano Taylor, seconded by Mr. Lutz, the board approved an unpaid day for Rebecca Murtha March 27, 2017.

Roll Call: Kerith Strano Taylor, Julie Hartley, Bob Wachob, John Phillips II, Winfield Lutz, Ann Kopnitsky, and Cindy Swendsen.

Craig Ashbaugh, Greg Barrett and Dwight Proper voted no.

There being no further action to be brought before the board, motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. was made by Mr. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Proper and unanimously passed by those in attendance.

Respectfully submitted by,

Teresa Baker
Board Secretary