Biller Desktop
Biller Desktop
Access from: Financial
Billing/Accounts Receivable
Biller Desktop
1st Screen: your data will show – (in this example Steve Cotton is not a biller.)
- If you’re a Biller you can proceed to page 5 below.
- However; if you’re covering for someone else due to an absent these next steps is how you will compile a co-workers “Worklist”.
Click on Compile Worklist
Click on the “drop down arrow” Look-Up function or press <F9> to get a list of Billers.
If you know the User Mnemonic of the Biller you can just key that here.
Select the Biller from the list – In this example we Selected Donna’s User Mnemonic.
The ‘Last Created On’ date and file number will default when you enter through the field.
Select ‘OK’ or press <F12> to compile a new Biller Worklist.
Select “Close” or press <C> to close DONE message.
You will then need to change the user to the Biller you use in the above compilation.
Select Change Biller
Select ‘Yes’ or <Y> to change Biller.
If you had rejections from page 2 above and just working your own you would skip pages 3 & 4 above.
Under the Sub Header REJECTIONS are three types:
- Claim – Fail from the Checks put into the Claims Dictionary. (These are the corrections a Biller would be responsible for.)
- Bill Cycle – Fail from the Checks put into the Reimbursement Management (Proration) Dictionary – These are usually checks for Medical Records Coding
- Pre-Bills – These are checks that could be fixed prior to the bill process
Click on the Claim Line – then on Worklist from the selections on the right hand side of the screen.
Basic demographics and the Claim Check error will appear at the bottom of the screen for the account that is hi-lighted on the list.
Click on the tab on the right side of the screen to fix the error. In this example the ADM SOURCE is located under the Demographics tab. So we click on that tab.
If the error was insurance related (policy number missing) you would click on the insurance tab.
Depending on the error you would click on the appropriate tab at the top of the screen. In our case the ADM SOURCE is under the registration tab.
Then click on the EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.
To access the ADMIT SOURCE field you must first have an ADMIT PRIORITY
Click on the ADMIT PRIORITY field; then on the ‘Drop Down Arrow’ (or <F9>) to access the look up options.
Or if you know the mnemonics you can key it here.
Select the appropriate entry.
Click on the ADMIT SOURCE field; then on the ‘Drop Down Arrow’ (or <F9>) to access the look up options.
Or if you know the mnemonics you can key it here.
Select the appropriate entry.
Press Save or <F12> to file the change
You need to then screen and queue the claim. Click on Claims
Click on Screen
Click on the ‘Drop Down Arrow’ or <F9> to access the insurances attached to this account.
Select the appropriate Insurance – (in this example there is one insurance associated to this visit.)
Click on the ‘Drop Down Arrow’ or <F9> to access the claims attached to this account.
Select the claim – (in this example only one claim is attached to this visit.)
Select OK or <F12>
Select ‘Close’ or <C> -- Note -- if any additional failed claim checks were on the visit you would not get this message but a message tell you what the new failed claim check is.
This indicates that our claim is now been placed on the claim Queue.
The next few screen shots will walk through placing and/or removing a claim from the Print Queue.
Click first on the Claim – then on Queue
The Claim & User information will default in.
- This screen is where you manually date range an interim claim.
- Or enter the Document Control number if you’re submitting an adjustment claim
- Or change the third digit – should you need to override the default third digit.
Click on ‘OK’ or <F12>
Click on ‘Yes’ or <Y> to proceed --
These next few screen shots show how to remove a claim from the print Queue.
Click first on the Claim – then on Queue
The Claim & User information will default in.
Click on ‘OK’ or <F12>
Click ‘Yes’ or <Y> to remove from queue
Click on ‘Worklist’ to return
Continue to the next claim on your work list using the steps above.
In this example I only fixed one of our two claims that failed.
The claims fixed will drop off your list the next time it is filed. (Usually daily during end-of-day process.)
You can manually re-compile the Worklist by following the next few screens.
Recompile work list
Select your user--
Click ‘OK’ or <F9> Click ‘Close’ or <C>
You will note that the claim that we fixed dropped from the Worklist.
At times you have an electronic claim but need to print it to paper; perhaps to send in a hard copy with attachments.
From Process Account – Select your account and click on Claims.
Click on the Insurance – not the claim
The insurance will default in
Click on the ‘Drop Down Arrow or <F9> to access the drop down screen.
The electronic claim form for this account will be hi-lighted; press Cancel
From the Claims Lookup menu select the appropriate UB04 claim
You will note it will be a new claim.
Click on ‘OK’ or <F9>
Click on ‘Yes’ or <Y> to print claim
Click ‘No’ or <N> -- if you preview the claim first it will print with some data filled in with XXXXXXXX
The only reason to preview is for alignment; which should already be aligned on the claims printer
Select the claims forms printer
Example Paper Claim From
Cancel back out to process account screen.
Click on ‘Single’ to advance to next account
The Responsible Tab at the bottom shows Claim under the Rejections Section
The Excluded Tab shows Bill Cycle under the Rejections Section
The Patient Lists tab example is below along with the on-line description
Jump to options screen.
Change Biller Tab online help screen description.
Compile Worklist Tab online help screen description.
This is a screen shot of the Claim Check Dictionary where you flag a Claim Check up as a UR check.
This is a screen shot of the Reimbursement Management Dictionary where Proration Checks are set up.
This is a screen shot of the Claim Dictionary where Claim Checks are set up.
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