Shepherd University * General Studies * Meeting Minutes* March 3, 2010

Committee Membership:

Laura Clayton (NURS) present

Larry Daily (Chair) present

Anna Devito (HPERS) X

Amy DeWitt (SGA) X

Heidi Dobish (PSYC) present

Meg Galligan (BADM) X

Karen Green (SOWK) present

Roger Hamood (ACCT) X

Lynne Hannah (EDUC) present

Anders Henriksson (HIST) present

Ann Henriksson (Library) present

Erik Jones (MUSC) present

Kristin Kaineg (ART) present

Mengyang Li (CHEM) present

Tim Nixon (E&ML) X

Carol Plautz (BIOL) present

John Schultz (ECON) present

Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer (PSCI) present

Ed Snyder (IES) present

Zhijun Wang (CSME) X

Kevin Williams (MCOM) present

Monet Johnson (SGA president) X

Student Rep (student rep) present

Helena Cole (retention Specialist) present

Scott Beard X

Holly Frye (Service Learning) X

Christana Johnson (Multicultural SA) X

Judi McIntyre (FYEX Director) present

Laura Renninger (Assessment Task Force) X

Tracy Seffers (Registrar) X

Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt (C&I Chair) present

The March 3, 2010 meeting of the Shepherd University General Studies Committee was held in the Cumberland Room of the Student Center. Chair, Larry Daily called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.

Meeting Schedule (2009-2010): The General Studies Committee will meet every third Wednesday of the month at 4:10pm

I.  Approval of minutes for meeting from 2/17/2010

Minutes approved. No corrections noted.

II.  Subcommittees

GS Committee to break down into subcommittees to define areas, tiers and competencies. The Subcommittee break down was submitted by Dr. Slocum-Schaffer.

·  Subcommittee 1

o  History

o  Communications

o  Writing (including Writing in the Major)

·  Subcommittee 2

o  Societal Expression

o  Cultural Expression

o  Artistic Expression

·  Subcommittee 3

o  Science

o  Quantitative/Math

o  Well-Being

·  Subcommittee 4

o  Competencies

o  Capstone

Composition of each Subcomittee: Each voting member chooses one (and only one) subcommittee on which to serve. Subcommittee service is optional but encouraged for non-voting members and student representatives.

Charge of each subcommittee: Define and describe the content and meaning of each requirement or competency, as well as which competencies should be a component of each requirement.

Dr. Synder motions to approve the breakdown

Second—Karen Green

Open for discussion: good idea and well balanced.

One Amendment was added to the proposed breakdown. Subcommittees must complete their charge and report back by the April 7 General Studies Meeting.

Motion approved by majority vote.

One nay.

Committee members sign up for desired subcommittee.

Subcommittee 1: Chair: Kevin Williams

John Schultz, Andy Henriksson, Sylvia Shurbutt

Subcommittee 2: Chair: Erik Reid Jones

Heidi Dobish, Rex Barkdoll, Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer

Subcommittee 3: Chair: Laura Clayton

Carol Plautz, Zhijun Wang, Mengyang Li, Ed Synder

Subcommittee 4: Chair: Karen Green

Ann Henriksson, Laura Renninger, Judi McIntyre, Helena Cole

GS members who still need a seat on a subcommittee: Anna Devito, Amy DeWitt, Meg Galligan, Roger Hamood, Tim Nixon, Holly Frye, Christana Johnson, Monet Johnson. Placement of these members will occur over email.

III.  Framework proposal: further feedback and discussion

·  Motion to postpone Framework proposal till next meeting on April 7, 2010

·  Second

·  Motion Passed, Framework will be addressed at the 4/7 meeting

IV.  Other Business

·  No other business was discussed.

V.  Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin Kaineg, Secretary