Board members present

Maureen Donnelly, Anthony Esposito, Elaine Rittinger, Marie Flore Normil,

Dorothy Mayner, JoAnn Guest, R. Eudora Winston

Board members absent

Richard Villeda, Dr. Angel Granison

Others present

Jeanne Marie Ryan and Yves Aubourg

The president called the meeting to order at 7:21 pm. Mr. Esposito announced that the meeting was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act; Ms. Ryan stated that a quorum was present.

A motion (Guest/Donnelly/) to approve the minutes of January 2010 was made. The minutes were approved with D. Mayner, R.E. Winston, J. Guest abstaining. Ms. Normil arrived at 7:35.

Board Reports: Mr. Esposito reported that he attended the council meeting on February 16th. It was noted that appointments to the board have not been made.

Ms. Donnelly reported that the Friends of the Library will not meet until March.

Ms. Mayner reported that the RPL Oprah Book Club met at the Bank of America. Next month they will meet at the Cavalier Restaurant.

Ms. Ryan reported that the library was closed on January 27th due to the snow storm.

Programs and Services: Ms. Ryan reported that circulation for January was down by 458 items. Ms. Ryan reported that due to the bad weather M. Parham has been making visits to nursery schools.

Finance: The Board voted to approve the February bill listing. (Rittinger/Winston) as well as the January financial report (Donnelly/Normil).

Buildings and Grounds: Ms. Ryan reported that water is in the basement again. The Building Inspector has suggested a French drain against the back wall be installed. The Borough Engineer will be in to make an assessment. Bids have been asked for.

Planning: Ms. Ryan discussed the access possibilities for the new laptops. The staff will be scheduled to attend the New Jersey Library Conference in Long Branch on May 2nd -4th, on a rotating basis. A motion was presented (Winston/Donnelly) and approved that Board Members wishing to attend would not be funded.

Fundraising: The Friends of the Library will hold their Book and Media Sale in the spring, however no date has been set.

Personnel: Ms. Ryan reported that the library is understaffed by forty-one hours. Ms. Ryan also reported that Patricia O’Connell, a former employee, lost her husband, last week.

New Business: The board discussed the importance of beginning the search for a permanent Director. The board went into Executive Session at 8:11 p.m. (Guest/Winston) and returned to the normal meeting at 8:56 p.m. (Donnelly/Winston).

There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm (Donnelly/Normil).

Elaine Rittinger
