Lesson Plan
Title:9-1-1, I have an EMERGENCY!
Subject:How and when to call 9-1-1
Author:Krista Ott
Grade Level:K-3
Time Duration:20 Minutes
Objectives:1. Recognize which emergency situations require a 9-1-1 call;
2. Recognize which situations do not require a 9-1-1 call;
3. Remain calm and do not get scared due to an emergency
4. Dial 9-1-1 and provide the correct information
5. Avoid making false 9-1-1 calls
Materials:Simulated phone and cell phone, 9-1-1 script, large emergency flash cards
Activities and Procedures:
1. The children will take part in a question and answer portion that will help determine what a real emergency is and when to call 9-1-1. The activity will have a set of flash cards with minor and major emergencies written or shown in pictures. The appropriate action will be on the other side.
2. The children will role play a practice emergency using 9-1-1 and a phone.
Assessments:The children will receive a pre and post test to determine their knowledge.
Key Concept 1:Call 9-1-1 for Emergencies Only
Key Idea:
Emergencies are serious situations when something unexpected or dangerous happens, and people get injured or even killed. That’s the time to call 9-1-1!
Key Questions:
How many of you know what an emergency is?
Who can give me an example of an emergency?
An emergency happens when there’s been an accident, someone is hurt badly, or there is a situation where someone could be injured or even killed. Let me give you some examples and you tell me whether they are an emergency or not.
1. You smell smoke or see flames pouring out a house window? YES 2. You forgot to clean your room? NO 3. You hear a loud noise and see two cars crashed in the road? YES 4. You can not find your backpack? NO 5. You find your mom, dad, sister, or brother lying on the floor and you can not wake them up? YES 6. You missed your school bus? NO 7. Your friend, sister, or brother swallowed a big piece of candy and now they can not speak or breathe? YES 8. You can not find your shoes? NO 9. You see a strange man or woman looking into your windows and trying to break into your house? YES 10. You accidentally make a mess in the kitchen trying to cook breakfast? NO 11. You see someone trying to burn down a building or start a dangerous fire? YES
Good, these are some examples of real emergencies. These people need help and they need it fast! Real emergencies can be scary, but you need to be brave, stay calm, and not panic. Remember, these people are counting on YOU to help them. Try not to be frightened, and call 9-1-1.
Key Concept 2: 9-1-1 is a Call for Help
Key Idea:
9-1-1 is the number to dial for help if you have an emergency.
Key Questions:
How do you think you could get help is there was an emergency?
A. Dial 9-1-1. You do not need to dial any other numbers except 9-1-1. Here is what the will say,
“9-1-1, what is your emergency?”
What do you say back to them?
B. Tell the operator WHAT the emergency is and WHAT happened.
C. Tell the operator WHERE you are, or WHERE you live.
D. Tell the operator WHO needs help.
E. The operator is going to ask you some questions. This helps them decide what kind of help you need. It is very important that you stay calm, listen, and talk to the operator.
F. When the operator has all the information they need, they will tell you it is ok to hang the phone up.
Key Concept 3: When Not to Call 9-1-1
Key Idea:
9-1-1 is only for emergencies. But when in doubt, call 9-1-1.
Key Questions:
There are 3 times you should not call 9-1-1.
1. As a joke. Prank calls waste the operators time and can delay another emergency call. That can delay someone else from getting help if they really need it.
2. To ask for information. 9-1-1 operators are very busy and have a specific job to do. They do not have time to answer all of your questions, so ask you questions to your mom, dad, teacher, brother, or sister.
3. To see if the number works. You can trust that the number works. If you dial 9-1-1, you still talk to an operator immediately.
Pretest/ Post Test
1. What number do you call is you have an emergency?
2. Is losing your shoe an emergency?
3. Is your house on fire an emergency?
4. Do you know your address?
5. Do you know your phone number?