Yorkshire and Humber 0-25 SEND Strategic Forum

Meeting Notes

Date of Meeting / Monday 7 December 2015
Time of Meeting / 10.00am
Meeting Venue / Room 1, County Hall, Beverley
  1. Welcome and Introductions
In Attendance / Jackie Lown
Sharon Martin
Jane Gould
Matt Orr
Julie Killey
Linda Calverley
Chris Finnigan
Barbara Newton
Darren Chaplin
Michael Cotton
Paula Williams
Fiona Law
Jess Haslam / East Riding (Chair)
East Riding (notes)
East Riding
North Lincolnshire Council
North Yorkshire County Council
  1. Apologies
/ Keri Kaye
Ben Powell
Michelle Allison
Jane le Sage
Mandy Cameron
Alasdaire Duerden / Barnsley
North Yorkshire County Council
North Yorkshire County Council
  1. Notes of the last meeting (29.06.15)and matters arising
  • JL thanked JH for chairing previous meeting.

  1. Schools Admissions for Children Statement Scope
  • Schools admissions scoping - no carry forward to next meeting as MA not present at meeting.
  1. Matrix of Regional SEND Groups
  • JK shared matrix completed as far as possible.
  • Now we have a clearer picture of groups, need to agree how they link with this group.
  • JL attended ADCS to give feedback from this group and gave chance to reflect on what the group had achieved thus far and ADCS supported ongoing work of the group.
  • Agreed that JL will share matrix with all groups with a covering letter outlining role of this group and requesting an annual brief report of outcomes and actions of the group. Also to ask them how they think this group could assist their work and that this group may request work from the groups.
Action: JL to draft letter.
  • LC suggested that members of this group could attend one of the groups and identify links.
Action: JK to progress this. / JL
  1. HI Support across the Region/NDCS Representation
  • Group raised number of requests for information from NDCS often in a scatter gun approach and discussions about how this could be managed at a regional level.
  • MO shared move to try to establish a regional CHSWG which NDCS advocate includes NE Derbyshire. Group felt that this was not a positive move.
  • Group agreed that it would be fruitful to invite Allison Lawson to a future meeting for evidence of model they advocate of designated social worker for the deaf as opposed to integrated approach. Plus strategic and partnership arrangements and the role of CHSWG.
Action: Allison Lawson to be invited to a future meeting for 30 minutes. / SM/SS
  1. Data Update from Regional SEN Officers Group
  • MO discussed data recently circulated to group. Two key areas for discussion about what data is wanted in the future and what is wanted when it is collated.
  • JK highlighted that query has been raised nationally to ascertain if national data set would be useful.
  • Group agreed that data collated locally/regionally needs to gather what is needed for inspections including SEN support.
  • Discussions around post 16 and post 19 needs and increasing requests for EHC plans based on how Code of Practice is written and continued education outcomes which subsequently leads to social care provision being funded. JH has contacted DfE about concerns but has not yet had a response.
Action: JH to draft letter highlighting issues and concerns for JL to send to DfE on behalf of this group.
  • DC raised some guidance issues regarding post 19 provision that could be looked at.
  • MC shared that DfE and NSI will be running some workshops about post 19 provision - this will be in March in Halifax and will be included in the next regional newsletter.
  • Regional Officers Group to be asked to include in their updates:
-Age range
-SEN support
-Sharing good practice
Action: MO to feedback to KK and also to feedback thanks for collation of data. / JH/JL
  1. Regional Post 16 LLD Group Feedback
  • JK and DC did not attend meeting but gave feedback from the meeting notes.
  • Support is available but take up for this regionally has not been great. This is only available until mid-March 2016.
Action: MC to be contacted if interested.
  • DC confirmed that information from DfE confirmed that only provider can be named, even if not EFA funded.
  • Next meeting is in January in Sheffield.
  • JK and DC try to attend group and will be feedback.
  1. White Rose - SEN Framework Update
  • SM updated on progress of White Rose SEN Framework.
  • A small subgroup has been meeting - this was an open invite to all White Rose strategic group members to attend/nominate reps. Group is a mix of commissioners, procurement leads/officers and SEN officers.
  • Currently an interim framework, lead by Doncaster to tide over until new one is fully implemented.
  • Discussions are taking place with both the SEN officers group and regional parent carer forum to ensure their views etc are incorporated in the developments.
  • Project plan and timeline has been drafted. This will include events for providers. It is anticipated that the framework will be in place by September 2016 but in the event of any delays etc this can be pushed to January 2017.
  • Current spend on placements across the region is in excess of £32m for over 500 placements. Further analysis is being done particularly to look at how many are result of tribunals.
  • SM asked group for key outcomes they would like to see included and any other areas that the SEN framework group should consider.
  • Next meeting is 9 December and SM will feed in then. Further update will be given to this group at the next meeting.
  • SM shared that Jayne Ludlom, DCS Sheffield has agreed to ‘oversee’ White Rose and will regularly attend the strategic commissioning groups.
  • SM also asked of the group if there was an appetite for a regional approach to mediation and dispute resolution to which the group agreed.
Action: SM to feedback to White Rose. / SM
  1. Regional Wiki Proof of Concept
  • MC has been looking at how this could be implemented regionally for a while.
  • Summary paper circulated with meeting agenda for further details.
  • A few providers for this and MC has negotiated a deal with UEL ‘Rix Wiki’ system for 100 Wiki’s per LA’s for one year including support and training. After this it would be anticipated that schools would pick up ongoing costs for individual children and young people.
  • Ten LAs would be needed across Yorkshire and Humber to make this a viable proposal for a pilot cost.
Action: MC to share ongoing costs with group.
  • JK raised need to ensure that it linked with current systems LA’s use e.g. Capita and may be developments within existing systems that could be utilised.
  • MC explained that the Wiki is ‘owned’ by them ‘this is me’ and not sure why it needs to link with existing IT systems.
  • PW highlighted piece of work in Rotherham with adult services about Wiki’s costs etc and will share with group once completed.
  • Thus far MC has had limited response from LA’s about interest in progressing although has spoken to a couple of LA’s in more detail.
  • Not a lot of examples of similar approaches nationally and not aware of Yorkshire and Humber LA’s that have signed up for anything similar.
  • General consensus is that not the interest from ten LA’s in the region to take this forward.
Action: MC to inform UEL Rix. / MC
  1. Terms of Reference and Membership
  • Frequency change to four times per year.
  • Agreed JL to continue to Chair and meetings to remain in East Riding.
  • Group thanked SM and SS for ongoing support.
  • Agreed to include reference to role with regional groups and clear work schedule to be completed.
Action: JL to draft. / JL
  1. Regional Parent Carer Forum Feedback
  • No feedback from JK.

  1. Feedback from the East Riding Pilot Inspection
  • JG gave overview of feedback and tabled some information which was shared.

Action: JG to share self-evaluation template and summary sheet which was useful, and timetable structure.
  • Notes of verbal feedback, taken by ourselves as no formal written feedback from Ofsted - tabled.
  • Now currently gathering lessons learnt from all these included and consider how all settings can be prepare in future and maintain readiness.
  • JK going to try and arrange an accountability session around March 2016 time and asked JG to give feedback from pilot experiences.
  • MC shared that Ofsted is considering giving more than two days’ notice due to feedback from pilot areas.
/ JG
  1. Future Meetings
Please see below dates of future meetings.
If you have any agenda items please let Sophia know.
Date / Location / Room / Time / Agenda Items
7 March 2016 / County Hall, Beverley / Room 1 / 10.00 – 12.00
6 June 2016 / County Hall, Beverley / Room 1 / 10.00 – 12.00 / Health and Social Care Advice
5 September 2016 / County Hall, Beverley / Room 1 / 10.00 – 12.00 / Parent Carer and C&YP Involvement
5 December 2016 / County Hall, Beverley / Room 2 / 10.00 – 12.00

A:\Children And Young People, Specialist Services\2015\Yorkshire And Humber 0-25 SEND Strategic Forum\Minutes\JL207 - Y&H 0-25 SEND Strategic Forum Minutes - 07.12.15.Doc

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