Oracle eBusiness Suite

BR.100 SIM AP Setup

Source Interlink Companies

Author: Padmaiah Veerapaneni

Creation Date: December 27, 2007

Last Updated:



Source Interlink Project Manager
Sierra Project Manager

Copy Number _____

Document Control

Change Record


Date / Author / Version / Change Reference /
27-12-2007 / Padmaiah Veerapaneni / 1.0 / SIM


Name / Position /


Copy No. / Name / Location /
1  / Library Master / Project Library

Note To Holders:

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Document Control ii

Application Setup Control Sheet - Oracle Payables 3

AP: Choose a Set of Books 3

AP: Define System Profile Options 3

AP: Define Financial Options 3

AP: Define Payables Options 3

AP: Define Lookups 3

AP: Define Tax Codes 3

AP: Define Payment Terms 3

AP: Define Distribution Sets 3

AP: Define Payment Programs 3

AP: Define Payment Formats 3

AP: Define Payment Bank Account (Internal) 3

AP: Define Invoice Tolerances 3

AP: Open Accounts Payable Periods 3

AP: Define Aging Periods 3

AP: Define Document Sequence 3

AP: Assign Document Sequence 3

AP: Define Payment Bank Account (Supplier) 3

AP: Define Suppliers 3

AP: Define Descriptive Flexfileds 3

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable 3

Open Issues 3

Closed Issues 3

File Ref: BR100_SIM_AP_SETUP_v1 0 Side 6 af 53

Application Setup Control Sheet - Oracle Payables

Environment Name:
/ Machine: / Type (definition, execution, or both):
Process / Steps / Responsibility / Due Date / QA Responsibility / QA Due Date / Signature Approval /
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Choose a Set of Books / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Profile Options / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define lookups / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payment Terms / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Tax Codes / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Financial Options / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payables Options / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Request Sets / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Assign Reporting Set of Books / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Invoice Tolerances / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Invoice Approvals / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payment Interest Rates / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Expense Report Template / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Account Segments for Expense Reporting / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Tax Recovery Rules / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Withholding Tax Groups / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Maintain Tax & Certificates / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Reporting Entities / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Income Tax Regions / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payment Formats / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Open Accounts Payable Periods / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Aging Periods / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Budgetary Control / N/A
Setup Credit Cards / AP: Define Card Code Sets / N/A
Setup Credit Cards / AP: Define Credit Card Programs / N/A
Setup Credit Cards / AP: Define Credit Card GL Sets / N/A
Setup Credit Cards / AP: Define Credit Card Profiles / N/A
Setup Credit Cards / AP: Define Credit Cards / N/A
Setup Printer for Supplier Mailing Label Report / SA: Create a Printer Style for Vendor Mailing Labels / N/A
Setup Printer for Supplier Mailing Label Report / SA: Create a Printer Driver for Vendor Mailing Labels / N/A
Setup Printer for Supplier Mailing Label Report / SA: Create a Printer Type for Vendor Mailing Labels / N/A
Setup Printer for Supplier Mailing Label Report / SA: Register a Printer for Vendor Mailing Labels / N/A
Setup Printer for Supplier Mailing Label Report / SA: Assign Printer Style to Vendor Mailing Label Report / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payment Bank Account (Internal) / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Payment Bank Account (Supplier) / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Suppliers / Defined
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Assign Bank Account to Suppliers / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define Supplier Site EDI / N/A
Setup Oracle Payables / AP: Define EDI Trading Partners / N/A

AP: Choose a Set of Books

Payables>Setup>Set of Books>Choose

Choose Set of Books

<Company Short Name> Process:
<Process Name> / Business Area:
<Business Area> / Date:
Control Number:
<Control Number> / Priority (H, M, L):
<Priority (H, M, L)> / Process Owner:
<Process Owner>

Description: Use this form to select a primary set of books to be used with Oracle Payables. Please note that if you already chose a Set of Books within Common Financials, then this step does not need to be repeated.

Warning: You cannot change your Set of Books selection in this window after you save it.

Functional Currency / USD
Accounting Calendar / C / Fiscal Calendar

AP: Define System Profile Options

System Administrator >Profile>System

System Profile Values

<Company Short Name> Process:
<Process Name> / Business Area:
<Business Area> / Date:
Control Number:
<Control Number> / Priority (H, M, L):
<Priority (H, M, L)> / Process Owner:
<Process Owner>

Description: Use this form to define your Profile options. These profile options specify how Payables controls access to and processes data.

Responsibility / Payable Manager
Application / Oracle Payables
Profile Name / Site / Application / Responsibility / User /
Default Country / United States / -
AP: Use Invoice Batch Controls / Yes
Concurrent: Report Copies / 0

AP: Define Financial Options


Financial Options

<Company Short Name> Process:
<Process Name> / Business Area:
<Business Area> / Date:
Control Number:
<Control Number> / Priority (H, M, L):
<Priority (H, M, L)> / Process Owner:
<Process Owner>

Description: Use this form to define the options and defaults you use throughout Oracle ApplicationsÔ. Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Assets share values entered in this form. You can define defaults in this form to simplify supplier entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice entry, and automatic payments.


GL Accounts

Future Periods / 6
Liability / 380.00000.00.000.21115.00000.000000.000.00000.0000.000.0000
Prepayment / 380.00000.00.000.57890.00000.000000.000.00000.0000.000.0000
Future Dated Payment
Discount Taken / 380.00000.00.000.86730.00000.000000.000.00000.0000.000.0000
PO Rate Variance Gain / 380.00000.00.000.86730.00000.000000.000.00000.0000.000.0000
PO Rate Variance Loss / 380.00000.00.000.86730.00000.000000.000.00000.0000.000.0000

Supplier - Entry

RFQ Only Site / No
Hold Unmatched Invoices / No
Invoice Match Option / Purchase Order

Supplier Number

Entry / Automatic
Type / Numeric
Next Automatic Number / 1 (If you select the Automatic Supplier Number Entry
method, enter the starting value you want the system to use for generating unique
sequential supplier numbers. After you enter a number and save your changes, the
system displays the number that it will assign to the next new supplier you enter.

Supplier - Payables

Payment Terms / Net 30
Payment Method / Check
Receipt Acceptance Days / -
Always Take Discount / No
Pay Alone / No

Supplier - Purchasing

Ship-To Location / -
Bill-To Location / -
Inventory Organization / SIM – SIM
Ship Via / -
FOB / -
Freight Terms / -

Encumbrance - N/A

Requisition Encumbrance

Use Requisition Encumbrance / No
Encumbrance Type / -
Reserve at Completion / -

PO Encumbrance – N/A

Use PO Encumbrance / No
PO Encumbrance Type / -
Invoice Encumbrance Type / -


Default Tax Code

VAT Registration –

Member State
VAT Registration Number

Recoverable Tax - N/A

Enable Recoverable Tax / -
Default Recovery Rate / -
Cash Basis Encumbrance / -

Calculation Rules

Rounding Rule / Nearest
Precision / -
Min Accountable Unit / -

Human Resources

Business Group / Source Interlink Business Group
Expense Reimbursement Address / Home
Use Approval Hierarchies / No

Employee Number

Method / Automatic
Next Automatic Number / 1

AP: Define Payables Options


Payables Options

<Company Short Name> Process:
<Process Name> / Business Area:
<Business Area> / Date:
Control Number:
<Control Number> / Priority (H, M, L):
<Priority (H, M, L)> / Process Owner:
<Process Owner>

Description: Use this form to set control options and defaults used throughout Oracle Payables. You can set defaults in this window, which will simplify supplier entry, invoice entry, and automatic payment processing.

Accounting Methods

Accounting Methods

Primary Accounting Method / Accrual / Set of Books / CORPORATE SET OF BOOKS
Secondary Accounting Method / None / Set of Books / -

Automatic Offset Method

Automatic Offset Method / None

Transfer to GL

Transfer to GL Interface

Transfer to GL Interface / Summarized by Accounting period
Transfer Reporting Book(s) / No
Submit Journal Import / Yes
Allow Override at Program Submission / No

Payment Accounting

Account for Payment

When Payment is Issued / Yes
When Payment Clears / No

Calculate Gain/Loss (one of these options needs to be marked as Yes)

For Each Invoice / Yes
For Total Payment / No

Account for Gain/Loss (By default these are marked as Yes and the system recommends not to change them)

When Payment is Issued / Yes / Yes
When Payment Clears / No / Yes (Default to Yes if Account for Payment When payment clears is set to Yes)

Use Future Dated Payment Account

From Payment Document / Yes
From Supplier Site / No


Use Multiple Currencies
Require Exchange Rate Entry
Exchange Rate Type

GL Accounts

Realized Gain
Realized Loss


Invoice Tolerance
Pay Group
Invoice Currency
Term Date Basis / Invoice
Pay Date Basis
Bank Charge Bearer / -

Tax Reporting - N/A

Combined Filing Program / -
Use Pay Site Tax Region / -
Income Tax Region / -



Use Invoice Approval Work flow / No
Confirm Date as Invoice Number / No
Allow Online Approval / No
Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices / Yes
Recalculate Scheduled Payment / Yes
Allow Document Category Override / Yes (always set to Yes)
Automatically Create Freight Distribution / No
Freight Account / Only needed if Automatically Create Freight Distribution is set to Yes

GL Date Basis

GL Date Basis / Invoice Date (default GL Date on invoice)

Prepayment - N/A

Prepayment Terms / -
Settlement Days / -


Allow Final Matching / Yes
Allow Distribution Level Matching / Yes
Allow Matching Account Override / Yes
Transfer PO Descriptive Flexfield Information / No

Interest - N/A

Allow Interest Invoices / -
Minimum Interest Amount* / -

Interest Invoice Accounts - N/A

Expense / -
Liability / -

Expense Report - N/A

Default Template / -
Payments Terms / -
Pay Group / -
Payment Priority / 99 (only for setup purpose)
Apply advances / Yes
Automatically Create Employee as Supplier / Yes
Hold Unmatched Expense Reports / No

Payment –

Bank Account
Payment Batch Limit
EFT User Number / -
Additional Pay Through Days / -
Allow Document Category Override


Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation / -
Method / -

Single Payment

Allow Print / Yes
Allow Pre- Date / No
Allow Void and Reissue / Yes
Allow Address Change / No

Remit- To Bank Account

Allow Remit- To Bank Account Override / No

Bank Charges

Use Bank Charges / No

Invoice Tax

Require Tax Entry at Header / No

Automatic Tax Calculation

Use Automatic Tax Calculation / No
Calculation Level / Header
Allow Calculation Level Override / -
Distribution Amounts Include Tax / -
Allow Override / -

Withholding Tax

Use Withholding Tax / No
Allow Manual Withholding / No
Tax Group

Apply Withholding Tax

Apply Withholding Tax / Never

Withholding Amount Basis

Include Discount Amount / No
Include Tax Amount / No

Create Withholding Invoice

Create Withholding Invoice / Never

Tax Defaults and Rules

Enforce Tax From Account / -
Enforce Tax From Purchase Order / -

Tax Code Defaults

PO for Matched Invoices / -
Supplier Site / Yes / 1
Supplier / - / -
Account / Yes / 2
Financial Options
Invoice Header


Accounts Payables Trial Balance Report

Relieve Future Dated Payment Liability - N/A

When Payment is Issued / Yes
When Payment Matures / No
When Payment Clears / No

AP: Define Lookups


Purchasing Lookups

<Company Short Name> Process:
<Process Name> / Business Area:
<Business Area> / Date:
Control Number:
<Control Number> / Priority (H, M, L):
<Priority (H, M, L)> / Process Owner:
<Process Owner>

Description: Use this form to define your Purchasing Lookup Codes.

Type / User Name / Application / Description / Access Level /
PAY GROUP / Valid Pay Group / Purchasing / Valid Pay Groups / User
VENDOR TYPE / Valid supplier types / Purchasing / Valid Supplier types / USER
ORGANIZATION TYPE / Organization Types / Purchasing / Organization Types / User
MINORITY GROUP / Minority Types / Purchasing / Minority Types / User

AP: Define Tax Codes

Payables>Setup>Tax>Tax Codes

Tax Codes