education SERVICES
Executive Director: Jim Gilhooly
ST VINCENT'S PRIMARY SCHOOL - Headteacher Eileen Tompkins
29tthSeptember 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
Firstly I want to invite all parents and carers to next week’s Parent Council AGM here in the school hall on Wednesday 5th October at 7pm. We value the active involvement of our parents and carers in taking the school forward and helping us to continue to improve. The work done by our parent council throughout the year is of huge benefit to our school and I want to thank all involved for their commitment and support. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday next .
Sincere thanks for the very generous sponsorship you have given to your children in the Dancethon. To date we have raised over £2000 which is a very welcome boost to our school funds. Our thanks also to Mr. Michael Feeney (parent of Hayden in P2) for running the Loch Ness marathon to support our school. There is still a chance to support his crowd funding page, details of which have been posted on the Parent Council Face book page.
Please feel welcome to join us during the month of October when we will recite a decade of the Rosary in the playground (weather permitting) before school each day.
Parents of children in Primary 1 are invited to come in next Monday October 3rd at 1.45 for the Primary 1 blessing followed by a short learning workshop with class teachers .
Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 13th October and you will receive an appointment shortly to meet with your child’s teacher.
School will close for October week holiday on Friday October 14th and reopen on Monday October 24th
Kind regards
Eileen Tompkins
Crosshouse Road Greenhills EAST KILBRIDE G75 9DG Telephone 01355 241649
Facsimile 01355 241290 e=mail:
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