Directed Readings on Space and Territory
Revised March 8, 2013
Wednesdays 12:30-2:30
Macauley 401
February 6:
Michel Foucault. 1967. “Heterotopias.” (Des espacesautres,” en Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité, n°5, octobre, 1984, pp. 46-49).
English translation:
Henri Lefebvre. 2009 State, Space, World. Selected Essays. N. Brenner & S. Elden, eds. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press ;read: Chapters 8 & 9 & 11, pp. 185-209, 223-54
February 13:
Henri Lefebvre. 1991. The Production of Space (1974). Transl. D. Nicholson-Smith. Malden, MA & Oxford, UK: Blackwell; Read: Chapters 1-4, & Afterword, pp. 1-228, 425-434
Neil Brenner & Stuart Elden. 2009. “Henri Lefebvre on State, Space, Territory,” Internatl. Political Sociology, 3:353-377
February 20:
Michel Foucault. 2004. Security, Territory, Population. New York: Palgrave; Read: Lectures 1-3 and 13
Stuart Elden. 2007. “Governmentality, calculation, territory.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space: 25(2007):562-580
February 27:
The Colonial Present
March 6: No Class (cancelled for weather)
March 13: Maps and mapping
EyalWeizman. 2004. “Strategic Points, Flexible Lines, ense Surfaces, Political Volumes: Ariel Sharon and the Geometry of Occupation,” The Philosophical Forum, XXXV(2):221-244
James Corner. 1999. “The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention.” In Denis Cosgrove, ed. Mappings, pp. 212-252. Reaktion Books
Rebecca B. Galemba. 2012. “Remapping the border: taxation, territory, and (trans)national identity at the Mexico-Guatemala Border,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30:822-841
Karl OffenJordanaDym. Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader.
Read: Introduction, and Chapters 19, 29, and 53 (pp. 1-18, 107-9, 159-162, 278-282 [rescheduled from Feb 27]
March 20: Spring Break (no class)
March 27: Territorialization
V. Das & D. Poole, eds. 2004. Anthropology in the Margins of the State. SAR Press;read pp. TBA(suggestion - Introduction, and chapters by Poole & Roitman – which are the ones that are, arguably , most focused on space?)
James Scott. 1999. Seeing Like a State. New Haven: Yale University. Read: “Nature and Space” pp. 11-52.
James Ferguson & A. Gupta. 202. “Spatializing States,” American Ethnologist, 29:981-1002
April 3: Instruments
Bill Maurer. 2000. “The Cadastral Survey: A Modern Reorderign of Territory.” In B. Maurer. Recharting the Caribbean: land, Law and Citizenship iteh British Virgen Islands, pp. 209-227. Ann Arbor: Univ of Michigan Press
Matthew Hull. 2012. “The Expropriation of land and the Misappropriation of Lists.” In M. Hull, The Government of Paper: The Materiality of Bureaucracy in Urban Pakistan, pp. 162-209. Berkeley: University of California Press
Tania Murray Li. 2007. “Rendering Technical.” In Li, The Will to Improve: Governmentality, Development and the Practice of Politics, pp. 123-155. Chapel Hill & London: Duke University Press
April 10: Topology
Andrea MubiBrighenti. 2010. “On Territorology: Towards a General Science of Territory,” Theory, Culture and Society, 27(1):52-
Penelope Harvey. 2012. “The Topological Quality of Infrastructural Relation: An Ethnographic Approach. Theory, Culture and Society, 29(4/5):76-92
April 17: Event
Doreen Massey. 2005. For Space. London: Sage
April 24: Affect
Nigel Thrift. 2008. “Spatialities of Feeling”. In N Thrift, Non-Representational Theory: Space, politics, affect, pp. 171-197. NY & London: Routledge
E. Hirsch & M. O’Hanlon, ed. Anthropology of Landscape.Oxford: Clarendon Press (selections)
May 1: TBA
May 8: make up class: These are some suggestions – take it as a work in progress. We should discuss and/or wait to see where we are in our thinking at this point in the semester.
Michael Kent. “The Making of Customary Territories: Social Change at the Intersection of State and Indigenous Territorial Politics on Lake Titicaca, Peru.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 13(2):283-310
Alberto Chirif & Pedro GarcíaHierro . 2007. “Territoriosindígenas: una utopia inconclusa.” En, MarcandoTerritorio, pp. 36-145. Copenhagen: IWIGIA
Kathleen Sullivan. 2006. “Landscaping Sovereignty in British Columbia,” Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 29(1):44-64
Candace Slater. 2003. Entangled Edens: Visions of the Amazon. Berkeley: Univ of California Press (selections)
Pablo Mamani. 2011. “Cartographies of Indigenosu Power: Identity and Territoriality in Bolivia.” In Nicole Fabricant & Brett Gusterson, eds. Remapping Bolivia: Resources, Territory adnIndigeneity in a Plurinational State, pp. 30-45. Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press
TeoBallve. 2012. “Everyday state formation: Territory, decentralization,adnt eh narcolandgrap in Colombia,” EnvironmentandPlannign D Society and Space, 30(4):603-622
Readings I have removed from syllabus since first version:
Henri Lefebvre. 1991. The Production of Space (1974). Transl. D. Nicholson-Smith. Malden, MA & Oxford, UK: Blackwell; Read: Chapters 5-end, pp. 229-424