GRDC National Paddock Survey (NPS) Checklist(one sheet per paddock)

Grower Name:
Paddock Name: / Date completed
Enter Growerand Paddock Details in NPS software
Set up transects in each Zone
2 Zones per paddock – treat each Zone separately
5 Monitoring Points (MP) per Zone, GPS each MP.
Enter GPS reference points in software and on map below
You can delete the example map as shown and draw your own map for the paddock /
Enter Paddock History in NPS software (pre 2015)
Last 3 years: Rotation, Yield, Yield maps (if available), Soil test data, Herbicide, Fertiliseretc
Soil Sampling Pre-sowing– cores (0-10, 10-40, 40-70, 70-100 cm)
Take Photo at MP1 in each Zone
Every year: Each depth increment - soil water, Nitrate, Ammonium; topsoil - Colwell , BSES& DGT P (1 core from each of the 5 MPsper zone, bulked for each depth layer)
Year 1 only (2015): Additional soil chemistry (cores as above)
Every year: Predicta B (5x 0-10cm cores at each MPin the crop row,bulked per zone)
Send soil chemistry samples to APAL; PredictaB to SARDI
Install permanent Rain Gauge
Install Temperature Logger
Determine soil water (oven drying) (or let APAL know if not doing it yourself)
Enter Sowing Details in software
GS30 Monitoring – enter in software
Take Photo at MP1 in each Zone
Plant Counts (for project crops only)
Weed, Disease and Insect Monitoring (for project crops only)
Root Disease Sampling (5 plants from both sides of 0.5 m of crop row, at MP’s 1 to 5) (Wheat and Barley only)
Send plant samples collected for root disease to CSIRO (Gupta Vadakattu)
GS65 Monitoring – enter in software
Take Photo at MP1 in each Zone
Weed, Disease and Insect Monitoring (for project crops only)
Weed monitoring for non projectcrops
Harvest Details – enter in software
Enter paddock yield (total tonnes harvested)
Collect and load Yield Map
Sampling Post Harvest
Take Photo at MP1 in each Zone
Every year: Soil Water, NO3 and NH4(as per pre-sowing)
Every year: Cereal stubble samples to Steven Simpfendorfer (DPI NSW)
Measure and record total rain in Rain Gauge
Collect Temperature Logger and Download Data
Determine soil waters (oven drying) (or let APAL know if not doing it yourself)