March, 2012
Environment Management Plan (EMP)
For Subproject Repairing and Upgrading Dyke Luong Yen Khai from K3+262.66 to K6+133.1- Thanh Chuong district, Nghe An Province
March, 2012
Currency equivalent
Unit = Vietnam Dong (VND)
1 VND = 0.00004878048 $
1 $ = 20,500 VND
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CBDRM Community-based Disaster Risk Management
CEP Community Engagement Program
CNF Commune Fatherland Front
CPMO Central Project Management Office
CPO Central Project Office of MARD
CSC Construction Supervising Consultant
CSEP Contract Specific Environmental Plan
DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
DONRE Department of Natural Resources and Environment
ECOP Environmental Code of Practices
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMC Environmental Management Consultant
EMDP Ethnic Minority Development Plan
EMP Environment Management Plan
EOL Estimation of Loss
ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework
GoV Government of Vietnam
LEP Law on Environmental Protection
MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
OP Operation Policy of World Bank
PESU Provincial Environment and Social Safeguard Unit
PPC Provincial People’s Committee
PPMU Provincial Project Management Unit
QCVN National Technical Regulations
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
EA Environment Assessment
RPF Resettlement Policy Framework
TCVN National Environmental Standards
UXO Unexploded Ordnances
WB World Bank
m3 Cubic meter
m2 Square meter
kg Kilogram
(i) The fiscal year of Vietnam government ended on December 31st every year. The previous fiscal year represents the calendar year in which the fiscal year end, for example, fiscal year 2000 ended on December 31st, 2000.
(ii) In this report, “$” means United States Dollars (USD).
a) Repairing and upgrading Luong Yen Khai dyke, section from K3+262.66 to K6+133.1 with 2.87 km of length 9
b) Reconstructing 4 culverts 10
c) Access road and approaching ramps to the dyke 11
d) Activities at borrow pit sites. 12
3.1 General Characteristics and Land Use 14
3.2 Soil and Water Quality 15
3.3 Natural disasters in the subproject area 15
4.1 Potential Positive Impacts 17
4.2 Safeguard Screening and Identification of Issues 17
4.3 Social impacts 20
4.4 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 20
4.5 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures 23
5.1 Actions to be Taken during Subproject Implementation 25
5.2 Environmental Monitoring Program 27
a) Contractor performance monitoring 27
b) Monitoring effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures 27
6.1 Organization and Responsibilities 28
6.2 Monitoring and Reporting 29
6.3 Budget Arrangement 31
Table 2.1. Technical design criteria for Culverts 10
Table 2.2. Summary of the subproject construction quantities 11
Table 2.3 Location and surveyed volume of borrow pit sites 12
Table 3.1: Statistics of typhoons, floods and damage in Thanh Yen and Thanh Khai 15
Table 4.1: Results of safeguard screening for Luong Yen Khai subproject 17
Table 4.2: Potential negative impacts of the subproject 18
Table 4.3. Summary of acquired land area in the communes (Source: RAP, 2011) 20
Table 4.4: Potential Negative Impacts of the Subproject 24
Table 4.5: Mitigation measures proposed for the subproject 25
Table 6.1: Institutional responsibilities for the Subproject 28
Table 6.2 Subproject reporting requirements 30
Table 6.3: Tentative workplan for Subproject 30
Figure 2.1: Cross section of Dyke 10
Figure 2.2: Longitude section of Culvert 11
Figure 2.3: Approaching ramp layout 12
Figure 2.4: Location of the Subproject 12
Figure 3.1: Land use of the Subproject 14
Figure 3.5 Map of Natural risks in Subproject area 16
Background: The subproject “Repairing and Upgrading of Luong Yen Khai Dyke from K3+262.66 to K6+133.1, Nghe An Province” is one of the six subprojects to be implemented in the first year of the Vietnam Managing Natural Hazards Project (VN-Haz project or the Project). The subproject has been proposed with the purpose of preventing Ca river flood to protect the life and properties 10,756 people, and 652 hectare (ha) of agriculture and forest land in the three communes of Thanh Luong, Thanh Yen, and Thanh Khai, Thanh Chuong District, Nghe An Province.
Description: The subproject includes the following activities: (a) Repairing and upgrading of 2.87km of dyke, (b) Reconstructing 4 culverts under the dyke, and (c) Construction of 780.8m of access road and 29 dyke approaching ramps with the purpose for dyke saving in emergencies during floods.
Impacts and mitigations: Overall impacts of the subproject would be positive. The potential negative impacts would be small to medium and could be mitigated and would be due to (a) land acquisition, (b) site clearance, (c) construction activities, and (d) risk of local flood during operation. No dredging will be required under the subproject.
The subproject area is mainly agricultural land, with no critical natural habitat. It is estimated that acquired land for the implementation of the sub-project will include garden land and agricultural land. Total area of permanent land acquisition will be 13,300 square meters (m2), including 13,100 m2 of agriculture land and 200 m2 of garden land. The implementation of the subproject will affect a total of 83 households (HHs), equivalent to 466 project affected people (PAPs). The affected HHs will be compensated in line with the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). In the subproject area, no graves and temples or any other physical cultural structures will be affected.
Potential negative impacts during site clearance and construction would be mainly due to activities of the dyke upgrading and construction, increasing the level of air, noise, vibration, water pollution, and local traffic congestion. However, these impacts would be localized, temporary and could be mitigated by: (i) ensuring that contractors apply good construction practices by application of the Environmental Code of Practices (ECOP); (ii) maintaining close consultation with local authorities and communities throughout the construction period and (iii) close supervision of field engineers and environmental staff. The subproject ECOP has been prepared and it will be included as an annex to the bidding and contract documents and closely monitored and supervised by the construction supervising consultant and local community.
The potential impacts during operation will be limited to potential local flood which may occur when the dyke maintenance (routine and/or periodic) is inadequate and/or inappropriate operation of the culverts. To reduce the risks, the implementing agencies responsible for operation and maintenance of these facilities will be required to ensure adequate capacity and resources for these tasks as well as to implement a Community Engagement Program (CEP) to increase knowledge and awareness of the nearby communities on flooding issues.
Actions to be carried out under the subproject: To mitigate these impacts, the following measures will be carried out in close consultation with the local authorities and communities, especially the affected HHs during the pre-construction, construction, and operation phases:
1. Effectively and timely implement RAP;
2. Incorporate ECOP into bidding and contract document and inform bidders;
3. Closely supervise and monitor safeguard performance of contractor to ensure effective implementation of measures to mitigate the impacts during site clearance and construction;
4. Prepare and implement a Community Engagement Program in close consultation with local communities;
5. Ensure effective operation of culverts and adequate budget for maintenance of dyke and assess road.
Responsibility: Nghe An Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) will be responsible for ensuring effective implementation of the EMP of the Luong Yen Khai subproject, including reporting the implementation progress and safeguard performance of contractors. - PPMU will set up a Provincial Environment and Social Safeguard Unit (PESU), headed by a senior staff, responsible for forging effective implementation of safeguard measures for the subproject, including incorporating appropriate ECOP in the bidding and contract documents, and ensuring that the bidders are aware of this commitment. PPMU will work closely with the local authorities, local agencies and local communities to forge an effective implementation of the measures. PPMU may also hire a group of national consultants to assist in the coordination and/or implementation of the EMP, including a periodical supervision on contractor performance and a monitoring on environmental quality during construction.
At project level, the Central Project Management Office (CPMO) will be responsible for overall supervision and monitoring the implementation progress of the subproject including safeguards. CPMO will hire a group of national consultant to assist in the supervision and monitoring of safeguard measures for the Project, including provide safeguard training to the subproject staff.
Ø Cost for implementation of mitigation measures during construction, including training on environmental management for workers, consultation with local communities and water users, environment quality monitoring, sediment analysis, and compensation to damage (if any) will be part of the subproject construction cost. This cost will be included in the contract with the contractor and is expected to be 1% of the construction cost.
Ø Cost for the day-to-day supervision of contractor’s safeguard performance by the CSC as well as cost for periodic monitoring at the subproject level will be part of the subproject supervision cost. This cost is expected to be 1% of the construction cost.
Ø Cost for periodic monitoring at the project level will be part of the project management of CPMO.
Ø Cost for the implementation of the CEP will be part of the subproject mitigation measures cost and a budget of $30,000 has been allocated for the subproject. This cost is included in Component 3 of the Project.
Ø Budget for safeguard training of staff will be part of the subproject management cost as appropriate.
The subproject “Repairing and upgrading Dyke Luong Yen Khai at section from K3+262.66 to K6+133.1” in Thanh Yen and Thanh Khai commune, Thanh Chuong district, Nghe An province is one of the six sub-projects to be implemented in the first year of the Vietnam Managing Natural Hazards Project (VN-Haz project or the Project). The objective of the subproject is to repair and upgrade a critical dyke section of Ca river left-bank dyke and the dyke-related civil works for: (i) controlling flood to protect the life and properties of 10,756 people, and 652 ha of agriculture and forest land in the area; (ii) improving conditions of the dyke for local traffic; and (iii) enhancing dyke rescuing capacity during flood season. The project activities will include repairing and upgrading of the dyke; reconstructing culverts; and constructing approaching ramps to the dyke and access roads for saving the dyke in emergencies. These activities may cause negative effects on the local environment and local community during preconstruction, construction, and/or operation. Safeguard screening in line with the criteria described in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) suggested that the subproject will trigger the WB’s safeguards policies on Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) and Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12).
To ensure that the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during the subproject implementation and in compliance with OP/BP 4.01, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared in line with the guidelines provided in the ESMF. This EMP summarizes the subproject description, the environmental background, potential negative impacts, proposed mitigation measures to be carried out during the subproject implementation. It also includes an environmental code of practice (ECOP) prepared for the subproject and it will be incorporated into the bidding documents and construction contracts as well as an implementation arrangement scope for environment quality monitoring. A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared and presented separately.
The Government’s regulation on EIA requires submission of an EIA report for the subproject. An EIA report has been prepared, submitted to, and approved by Nghe An Provincial People’s Committee.
The subproject is located in 2 communes Thanh Yen and Thanh Khai of Thanh Chuong District, Nghe An Province. The civil work will be carried out on the left bank of the existing Ca River Dyke (see location in Figure 2.4)
The scope of the civil work includes:
a) Repairing and upgrading Luong Yen Khai dyke, section from K3+262.66 to K6+133.1 with 2.87 km of length.
Along the upgraded section, dyke level at the starting point is +13.08 and at the ending point is +12.61. In average, its dyke height will be elevated by 1.8 meters (m) with compacted backfilling soil g=1.65 (T/m3); dyke top width: B = 6.0 meters (m) is strengthened with normal concrete M250, 20 cm thick, wide 5.0 m on a crush-stone compacted layer by compactors in 15 cm thick; two curbs are filled up with hill and rock soil, 0.5m wide each curb; an asphalt-fabric joint is placed at each 10 meter interval long;
The field-side roof is designed with slope coefficient m = 2.0 and planted with grasses for anti-erosion.
The river-side slope has a slope coefficient m = 2.0 and is strengthened with riprap in 25cm thickness layer on a crush-stone layer, 10 cm thick and a geo-textile layer HD250 at the bottom. All layers are placed in concrete frames, normal concrete M200, dimensions 10x12m, beam size (0.3x0.35m).
Work Grade: III (VN standard); design flood frequency P = 2%. The design of a typical cross section of the dyke is illustrated in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: Cross section of Dyke
Source: Main FS report, 2011
b) Reconstructing 4 culverts
Four culverts under the dyke will be reconstructed with their body by reinforced concrete M200; the foundation strengthened with bamboo piles, 8-10 cm in diameter, 2.0 m long, and density of 25 (piles/m2); the energy absorbing basin made of reinforced concrete M200; the backyard constructed by ashlars with mortar M100, 0.3 (m) thick; and the valve gate installed at the river side. Positions and parameters of the culverts are shown in Table 2.2 and Figure 2.2.