11/18/08 MINUTES
The Steck CSC meeting was held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008. Present were:
Principal La Dawn Baity
Faculty Representation Andrew Menard
Susan Buck
Linden Silver
Betty Dolmas
Jenny DiPaolo
Parent Representation Leanna Clark
Greg Cummings
Adam Haynes
Boo Hardie
PTSA Representative Nora Neuriter
Parent Visitors Beth Davis
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Baity.
1. Boo Hardie will take over the position of CSC Secretary from Adam Haynes.
2. The minutes of the previous meeting were discussed:
September minutes have been posted on the website, the October minutes need to be posted.
11/11 postponed orientation has been rescheduled to the next CSC meeting to be held December 16. It will commence at 3:15. Michael will be invited to commence the orientation at 4:00 pm. The orientation will likely last for 90 minutes.
3. PTSA Update: dollar-a-day and the auction are the big pushes. The auction committee is being established, there is some distance to go with dollar-a-day. The suggestion to place a visual thermometer of how much has already been raised, together with pictures of the paraprofessionals was felt to be a positive idea. Dollar-a-day envelopes will be provided at the Community Night.
4. The Coffee and Conversation meetings have been a success. They are very well attended. La Dawn Baity intends to hold the meetings every other month, alternating the primary and intermediate grade parents. The ECE concerns have been addressed and all points regarding the choice system clarified. Mr. Daniel Firman and Louise Barella will be invited to address the rationale behind the choice system policy. Date to be determined. There was some discussion (Floyd) over whether or not there needs to be a plan already in place in the event of there being a situation requiring a third K class. La Dawn Baity will discuss further with her colleagues and advisors and then feed back to the CSC the decision of whether or not a plan needs to be devised.
5. Follow up items from October included the possibility of holding a Family Science Night in the Spring in keeping with the School Improvement Plan. La Dawn Baity is in active discussions about this. Nora Neuriter agreed to ask PTSA whether an International Night will be held in the spring also. The approved Mission Statement has been published in this months Newsletter. It was suggested by Floyd that we inform the school community that the efridayfolders will be posted on the day before a long weekend occurs.
6. Public Input: Floyd requested that, and Greg Cummings agreed to look into one or two of the constituency rules and feedback to him his findings in writing. He also wanted clarification about the latest playground safety rules that have been circulated. The CSC agreed to table this point on the agenda for a later meeting.
7. The Community Night discussion involved agreeing on the format of the evening; making minor amendments to the Power Point presentation, and clarifying the role of the CSC members as facilitators.
8. La Dawn Baity put forward a recommendation to revert back to the previous ECE structure. There will be two half day ECE classes, each with the capacity of 16 students. La Dawn would like to structure the intake so that only neighbourhood and siblings of those already in the school will be accepted. All members of the CSC voted to agree the recommendation.
Adjourned 5:40pm