IAPS Annual (Executive) Meeting

Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Thursday, 16th September, 2004


Jan Boxill; Jeffrey Fry; Nicholas Dixon; Heather Reid; Heather Sheridan; Sharon Stoll; Cesar Torres (present for his committee report only); Deborah Vossen


Apologies received from Andy Miah, Claudia Pawlenka, Terry Roberts, Claudio Tamburrini

2.Confirmation of agenda

Agenda was confirmed.

3.Confirmation of minutes of previous IAPS General (Business) meeting (University of Gloucestershire, UK, 18th November, 2003)

Minutes confirmed as true and accurate record.

4.Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting

Amendment to constitution re voting

Last year’s proposal: The Constitution should be amended to expand the possibilities for voting arrangements and therefore should include the wording ‘all forms of mail’.

This has since been ratified by the membership and the Constitution amended.

(i)This now allows the membership to be balloted by email, but also where desired or needed snail mail will be used.

(ii)Agreed that all ballot information will be posted in the Newsletter, on the sportphil listserv, and disseminated via the email membership list.

Action: Sharon Stoll & Heather Sheridan

(iii)To encourage members to vote short biographies of all nominees for executive and committee positions will be posted in the Newsletter in advance of ballot.

Action: Terry Roberts & Sharon Stoll

(iv)To encourage people to accept nominations for executive and committee positions each current member of the executive or chair of a committee will be asked to provide a summary of their job description (a practical checklist of responsibilities, timelines etc) which will be posted on the website.

Action Sharon Stoll & Andy Miah


(i)On-line subscription payments

The cost and difficulty of paying subscriptions has been an on-going problem in retaining members and recruiting new members. Heather Sheridan explored a variety of different payment methods. Agreed that World Pay (an on-line system) be proposed to the membership as a future optional method of paying subscriptions in addition to the existing methods.

Proposal: We (the Executive) propose to introduce World Pay (an on-line system) as a future optional method of paying subscription in addition to the existing methods.

(ii)USA subscriptions agent

Doug McLaughlin is stepping down. Gregg Twietmeyer will be approached to take over with immediate effect.

Action: Heather Sheridan

(iii) Membership categories

Someone in Nigeria had enquired whether it would be possible to join as an “association. Agreed that different kinds of membership categories would be explored including association and university.

Action: Jan Boxill, Heather Sheridan & Deb Vossen


Paul Davis approved as JPS Associate Editor. Scott Kretchmar and Michael Burke approved as new members of the JPS Editorial Review Board.


Agreed that the Newsletter would be changed from seasons to months to reflect the different seasons of worldwide members.

Action: Sharon Stoll

8.Warren P. Fraleigh Distinguished Scholar Award

The result of a ballot of the membership is that both Bob Simon and Bernard Suits are to be awarded commemorative plaques in honour of their scholarly contributions to the philosophy of sport.

Action: Jan Boxill

9.Student scholarships

Jan Boxill proposed the setting up of a scholarship for students and others who might not have enough funds to attend the annual conference. The scholarship will take the form of a competition. The committee agreed unanimously that this would be a good idea. Jan will appoint a sub-committee of the Honors, Awards & Future Sites Committee to come up with a set of eligibility criteria and procedures.

Action: Jan Boxill & Cesar Torres

10.Conference Programme Schedule

Discussion about the current format including whether the extended break on Saturday afternoon was necessary, and whether we would prefer to start later on Thursday, have papers on Saturday afternoon, and still finish at noon on Sunday. Agreed that the Executive Committee meeting needs to meet earlier on Thursday.

11.Future Conference Sites

2005 – Montreal, Canada – Jean Francois Dore to be contacted for confirmation this weekend. If Montreal does not go ahead then possible alternatives are Prague, Czech Republic (Ivo Jirasek); Ohio, USA (Bill Morgan); Idaho, USA (Sharon Stoll).

2006 – Melbourne, Australia, to be held in conjunction with the Commonwealth Conference in March.

Jan Boxill reported that this posed challenges for our Constitutional procedures. Our year runs from 1st October to 30th September for elected officers, and presenting reports at our annual executive meeting and annual general business meeting. If we hold our annual conference in March 2006 we can either suspend the Constitutional procedures for that year or we can consider the Melbourne conference to be a special occasion like the 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress. Thus, the possibilities are:

(a)No conference in 2005; Melbourne, March 2006; No conference in October 2006; Conference in October 2007. Melbourne 2006 would be our Annual Conference.

(b)Conference in 2005 (location tbc); Melbourne, March 2006; No conference in October 2006; Conference in October 2007. Melbourne 2006 would be our Annual Conference.

(c)Conference in 2005 (location tbc); Melbourne, March 2006; Conference in October 2006; Conference in October 2007.

Melbourne 2006 would be a Special Joint Session with the Commonwealth International Sport Conference (CISC) not burdened by IAPS business. In other words, a similar set up to the 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress session.

(d)Same as (c), but Melbourne 2006 would be our Annual Conference and October 2006 would be a Special Session.

Agreed that options would be presented to the membership at the Business Meeting. Agreed that in order to avoid some of the planning issues that have arisen over future conference sites the following proposal would be presented to the membership.

Proposal: The Honors, Awards, and Future Sites Committee is to be allowed to negotiate future annual conference sites at any time throughout the year, rather than wait for the Annual General Business Meeting to vote on any proposed sites. Once negotiated, the HW&FSC Chair will present the candidates for future sites to the Executive Council for approval via email, if necessary, or at the Annual General Business Meeting if there is enough time to do so in advance of the conference taking place.


The following Officers have come to the end of their term of office:

Journal Editor: Nick Dixon

Conference Chair: Heather Reid

Elections Officer: Terry Roberts

Members at Large: Jeffery Fry & Claudio Tamburrini

The following have been elected/re-elected Officers:

Journal Editor: Nick Dixon (re-elected)

Conference Chair: Danny Rosenberg

Elections Officer: Terry Roberts (re-elected)

Members at Large: Dennis Hemphill & Mike McNamee

Honors, Awards & Future Sites: Jim Parry & Bob Simon

13.Officer Reports

The following presented reports at the meeting:

a)President: Jan Boxill

b)Secretary-Treasurer: Heather Sheridan

c)JPS Editor: Nick Dixon

d)Conference Chair: Heather Reid

e)Newsletter Editor: Sharon Stoll

The following did not attend but sent a report prior to the meeting:

f)Elections Chair: Terry Roberts

g)Website: Andy Miah

14.Committee Reports

The following presented a report at the meeting.

a)Honors, Awards & Future Sites: Cesar Torres

15.ICSSPE Report

Heather Sheridan (IAPS Representative) presented a report at the meeting.

Mike McNamee has been elected Associations Board Chair. As Chair he simultaneously becomes the Speaker of the Associations Board on the President’s Committee. Heather Sheridan has been elected to the Executive Committee.

16.Business on Notice

(i)Voting required on

a) on-line system of paying subs

b) future sites committee to be allowed to negotiate future annual conference sites at any time throughout the year.

17.Any Other Business
