Reconcile TPD Weeks – Head Teachers

This function will be introduced in Semester 2 2015. Head Teachers will be required to confirm that all timetables, variations and relevant information for their section has entered and approved for each TPDweek.

How do I reconcile my sections hours in TPD each week

  1. Login to the TAFE Teacher Program (TPD Home) via the DEC Portal.
  1. On the menu locate the To Do link and click on it. This takes you to the Timetable To Do list.
  1. Look for any timetables that are pending approval. Click on view to open and review timetable information. Approve or Reject if adjustments are required.
  1. Next locate the Weekly Summaryoption in the menu and click on it. Select the Year, Semester, Week and Section that you wish to view.

Review the list displayed

  • Have all your Teachers submitted timetables?
  • Have all the absences and additional duties been entered?
  • Are there any pending timetables (these show in red)?
  • Check the total number of hours for your section – does it reflect the number of hours worked in your section for that week?

  1. If all timetables and variations have been entered and approved locate the My Sectionsoption in the menu and click on it. Go to the SectionWeekHrs tab. Locate the week you wish to reconcile and click on the Change button within the ‘Reconciled’ column. You will receive a pop up message “Change this Section Week reconciled”. If you have reviewed all of your timetables and they are correct click on Yes. The system will update the Reconciled flag to “true” and note the date that week was reconciled.

For any week that has been processed for payment and not reconciled the system will generate an email notification to the Head Teacher showing the sections and weeks outstanding. This will be sent on the Wednesday of pay week. Another check will be done the following Wednesday (off pay week) – if a week is still not marked as reconciled an email will be escalated to the Delegate and Head Teacher listing all the sections to be reconciled.

An unreconciled section does not prevent the payment of an approved timetable however may highlight that hours could still be outstanding on some timetables.

TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute
Created: 9/07/2015
Version: 2.0 / Reconcile TPD Weeks.docx
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