California Commissioning Collaborative

Meeting Minutes

September 30, 2003

San Francisco, CA

9:30 pm – 4:30 pm




Advisory Board


Other Attendees

Arun Jhaveri

/ Mary Ann Piette / Phil Welker
Grant Duhon / Randall Higa / Amanda Potter
Jim Parks / Don Frey / Bruce Ceniceros
Martha Brooke / Evan Mills
Don Little / Peter Keithly
Treasa Sweek / Cal Broomhead
Ken Gillespie
Tav Commins
Richard Conrad
Tony Pierce


Grant Duhon, CCC Board Chair, welcomed everyone.

Strategic Plan Discussion

Phil Welker presented the draft Strategic Plan, which is attached.

Arun proposed adding a Vision statement and replacing the four-part Mission statement with a shorter version. PECI agreed to forward Arun’s proposed Mission and Vision statements to Stakeholders and Advisory Board Members, who were asked to consider Arun’s proposed language and provide comments on 1) adding his Vision statement to the current Mission, Purpose, Business and Values statements and 2) replacing the existing four-part mission statement with his shortened Mission statement.

The five strategic goals were then presented with the strategies and performance indicators that relate to each goal. Comments were provided on the goals, strategies and performance indicators. PECI is revising the strategic plan based on these comments and will have a final version by the next meeting.

The strategic goals are shown below:

·  Consumers will recognize and effectively act on the value of commissioning

·  Business models, information and tools that demonstrate the economic justification for commissioning will be widely adopted.

·  Appropriate commissioning processes and providers will be identified and employed for specific market segments.

·  Education, training, tools and standards will be available to commissioning service providers and design, construction, operation and maintenance professionals, enabling them to make commissioning common practice in California.

·  Information on financial decision-making, market information needs, barriers, best opportunities for commissioning projects will be available to the marketplace.

501-(C) 3 Update

Amanda Potter provided a quick update on the status of turning the CCC into a 501(C)-3.

Mark Alcorn, a lawyer in Sacramento was hired to draft the required documents. All documents should be submitted to the appropriate federal and state agencies by the end of the year.

CHPS Cx Charette

Charles Eley discussed the upcoming CHPS charettes. CHPS is putting on three technology charettes. The intent of the charettes is not a technical training but to bring market players to discuss important issues. The morning of the charette is typically dedicated to technical presentations by industry experts. In the afternoon, case study projects are presented and the experts provide their input.

One of the charettes will be dedicated to commissioning since many school districts don’t understand the scope and costs of commissioning. Charles Eley asked if 1) the CCC is interested in co-sponsoring this event and 2) how the CCC and CHPS could work together.

CCC member unanimously agreed that they would like to co-sponsor the event. CHPS does not need additional funding but would like a core group of people to provide input into the process through 4 or 5 conference calls. Input will be needed to develop the agenda for the charette, identify handouts, review documents that will go in CHPS quarterly newsletter, etc. Also needed are presenters for the morning and afternoon sessions.

The charette will most likely happen at the Gas Resource Center. Fifty key people will be invited to attend, including 8-10 school facility staff. The charette will provide a means for uncovering important commissioning issues so that better Cx trainings can be developed. The following people volunteered to be part of this effort: Grant Duhon, Don Frey, Phil Welker, Ken Gillespie, Don Little and Pete Keithly.

BPS Update

Phil Welker gave an update of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance’s Building Performance Initiative. The long term goal of NEEA’s Building Performance Initiative is to develop a market structure that successfully promotes and supports better operating performance. The initial key activities include infrastructure development, a building performance services test and larger-scale pilot activities. All activities are being conducted in partnership with utilities and service providers. The test will take place from September 2003 through June 2004. It will involve testing the service offerings – enhanced O&M practices, energy tune-ups and commissioning – in 10-15 buildings. The BPS presentation is attached.

Cx Database Update

Ken Gillespie and Amanda Potter presented the Cx database, which is now complete and can be found at The database will soon be accessible from the EDR website. CCC members agreed this is an important first effort addressing the difficult question of how to track and estimate commissioning costs and benefits. Several concerns were raised. The time needed to input data was discussed as well as the question on whether utility rebates are needed to fund data entry. In addition, some commissioning providers expressed concern about making their cost information public. Finally, how to analyze the data remains an issue that needs to be resolved.

Cx On-Line Library and Newsbriefs Update

Amanda Potter gave an overview of the PIER Cx Outreach project. The two goals of the PIER Cx Outreach project are to increase awareness about the benefits of commissioning and to facilitate transfer of commissioning-related research. The project includes three tasks: an on-line library of commissioning-related products, quarterly news briefs on commissioning products and research, and information exchange between CCC and PIER. The presentation is attached.

EDR Cx+ Website

Ken Gillespie and Treasa Sweek presented the Cx+ Tool that can now be accessed through the EDR website.

LBNL/Peralta College/Laney College Focus Group Results

Evan Mills presented some of the highlights from the LBNL/Peralta College/Laney College focus group. Forty-one participants attended the focus group. Participants included energy management, facility operations, education, and utility/government professionals. During the meeting, input was solicited on industry needs, opportunities and required skills, curriculum analysis and development and learning methods. An overview of the results was presented. The presentation is attached.

CEC AB 549 Report

The California Energy Commission has started a two-year project to examine options for reducing energy and peak electricity consumption in existing buildings. In response to Assembly Bill AB 549 (Statutes of 2001, Chapter 905, Longville), the Energy Commission will provide policy recommendations to the California legislature for new programs and regulations that go beyond current efforts targeting energy use in existing buildings. One issue being examined is how to most effectively improve the performance of building systems using approaches such as retro-commissioning.

Bruce Ceniceros, the AB 549 Project Manager for the CEC, presented the project and lead a discussion with CCC participants to answer the following questions:

1. What are the logical triggers (e.g. building sale, equipment replacement) for commissioning in existing buildings?

CCC members suggested the following triggers for requiring retro-commissioning: refinancing, change in energy provider, health complaint, new control system, major equipment replacement, building sale, and change in use.

2. What systems have the greatest need for commissioning in existing buildings?

CCC members suggested DDC systems, windows, and building envelope but thought that the system with the greatest need for retrocommissioning depends on building type.

3. Are there specific building types, vintages or other circumstances for which mandatory retro-commissioning may make sense?

CCC members felt that the best candidates for retro-commissioning are newer buildings greater than 100,000 square feet and that building owners should consider retro-commissioning every five years.

4. General Comments

CCC members thought this process will be difficult because there is no standard retro-commissioning process and that the CEC should consider a phased approach, tax incentives instead of mandatory requirements, and perhaps mandatory screening of all buildings to identify the best candidates. At least one CCC member thought that schools would make good candidates.

A working group was formed to assist the CEC in this effort. The working group consists of: Ken Gillespie, Phil Welker, Don Little, Mary Ann Piette, and Jim Flannery.

CCC participants were invited to attend the next AB 549 workshop on October 16 in Sacramento on possible mandatory mechanisms for improving efficiency in existing buildings. Details on the AB 549 Project and workshops can be found on the AB 549 web site at

CPUC Proceedings

Grant Duhon asked members if the CCC was interested in responding to the California Public Utility Commission’s (CPUC) report California’s Secret Energy Surplus, written by Xenergy. Members agreed that the CCC should comment on whether there are additional measures that should be added to this list of potential electricity opportunities. PECI agreed to draft a CCC statement that will be signed by CCC stakeholders.

Ashrae G0P and G1R Status

Don Little gave the update on the Ashrae Guidelines. Guideline 0 is complete and will be available for purchase in six months.

2004 Projects

The following projects will begin in 2004:

·  PG&E will release a new EDR RfP

·  PG&E will release an RfP to develop systems manuals for 15 sites.

·  LBNL is working on a commissioning cost benefit project for the Department of Energy.

·  The PIER program submitted a proposal to NASIO to move the Functional Test Guide into the market through further development, trainings, and pilot programs.


·  The BCA certification program is complete. Information on the program is posted on the BCA website. Input is encouraged.

·  A 5-day Commissioning Training sponsored by the BCA will take place in February in Irwindale, California.

·  A SW BCA chapter is starting soon in San Diego.

·  GSA will start commissioning all new State buildings in-house.

Action Items

1. PECI will provide comments on the CPUC report California’s Secret Energy Surplus and submit the draft to Don Frey and Grant Duhon for comment.

2. PECI will forward Arun’s comments on the strategic plan to all CCC stakeholders and advisory board members.

3. PECI will revise the draft strategic plan and forward it to all CCC stakeholders and advisory board members.