Bayley Lane, Coventry, CV1 5RN

T: 024 76 833328 F: 024 76 833329 E:

Wedding Booking Form

Contact details
Name: / Organisation: (if applicable)
Post code: / Telephone: Work/home
Email: / Please specify preferred contact method
Event details
Type of event: (eg. wedding ceremony, full wedding) / Wedding title: (please give both names)
Date of event: / Day:
Start time am/pm / Finish time am/pm
Approximate number of guests: / Day:
I would like to book the following room(s):
/ Other details:
Music and entertainment
Is music to be performed? Yes / No
If Yes, please provide details (eg. CD, disco, live) *
Other forms of entertainment? Yes / No
If Yes, please provide details
Catering and refreshments
Is catering required? Yes / No
(not applicable to room only events) / Are bar facilities required? Yes / No
(fee applies for room only events)

We (please print names) …………………….…….…….…… ………………………………………

would like to book St. Mary's Guildhall for the above event. We confirm that we have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of hire, and agree to be bound by them. We understand that the booking will not be confirmed until receipt of this form and deposit payment.

Signed / Date
Signed / Date

*Please note that, for public protection, all discos, live music performers and audio visual display suppliers must observe our guidelines for sound and lighting systems (please provide artist/supplier contact details, when known, for these to be provided)

Data Protection Act 1998. The details you provide on this form will be used only in connection with its purpose, and will be shared with other agencies only where appropriate for delivering the service. We may use your data for statistical purposes

How did you first find out about St. Mary's Guildhall?
Guildhall website (from internet search) / Recommended by friend/relative/colleague
Guildhall website (link from another website) / Magazine, leaflet or brochure ……………………...
Previous guest or customer / Other (please specify) ………………………………..

Thank you for choosing St. Mary's Guildhall for your event