Section A

Bell Prairie Elementary School Information/2017-2018

Principal’s Welcome Message…………………………………..A2

School Information……………………………………………...A3/4

Bell PrairieStaff…..……………………………………………. A5/7

Additional Bell Prairie Information

Expectations of Students……………………………………………………………………A8

Programs and Support Students..………………………..………..A8-A11


Bicycle Permission Letter……………………………………...... A17

Dear Families,

We are excited to share endless learning opportunities together this year! Bell Prairie Elementary School’s mission is to inspire collective responsibility for academic excellence through rigorous curriculum, caring relationships, service learning, and environmental stewardship for our diverse community of learners.

The relationship that we will share between home and school will be essential for students to make genuine connections and transfer learning in meaningful ways. There are many steps we can take to ensure a strong connection between home and school. The most important way is through daily communication with your child about school. Next, be sure to sign up and follow our Monday Mustang Minutes. This is a weekly email to help keep you up to date with the current happenings and important upcoming dates of our school. I also invite you to contact your child’s teacher, our school counselor, the office staff, or Principalswhen questions arise. Be a part of Bell Prairie! Join PTA; volunteer as a YouthFriend; join us for lunch; celebrate with us at our end of the year assembly; come to evening activities! We are also on Facebook and Twitter! Don't forget to search "Bell Prairie Elementary School" and like us for all the latest on what's happening at Bell Prairie!Tag us in photos using #prairiepride. Additionally, the PTA has a Facebook page called "Bell Prairie PTA" that will provide information for PTA related activities! There are many ways for you to help your child see how important school is, keep you connected and get involved!

This handbook has been prepared to provide you with general information about Bell Prairie and the North Kansas City Schools policies and procedures. Please read it carefully as the school year begins and keep it handy to use as a reference throughout the school year. Note that some information may change during the school year; always feel free to contact the office with any questions.

On behalf of the Bell Prairie Staff, we thank you for offering us the opportunity not only to teach your child but also to grow with your child. We eagerly anticipate the 2017-2018 school year!


Jessica Martin and Melissa Phillips

Main Number: (816) 321-5020

FAX: (8l6) 321-5021

Bell Prairie Web Site:

District Web Site:

Dr. Jessica Martin, Principal

Ms. Melissa Phillips, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Brenda McKenzie, Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Lisa Ours, Administraive Assistant

Mrs. Callie Shelton, Office Assistant

Lisa Fischer, Office Assistant



Library Media Center321-6402






Approximate Enrollment


School Hours

9:00 – students may enter for breakfast

9:10 – students may go to classrooms

9:15 – school day begins

4:10 – dismissal (3:35 Early dismissal on most Thursdays)

Bell Prairie Elementary School

Vision Statement

Building a lasting legacy for a better tomorrow.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire collective responsibility for academic excellence through rigorous curriculum, caring relationships, service learning, and environmental stewardship for our diverse community of learners.


Guide students to become caring and compassionate citizens through service learning opportunities and practicing environmental stewardship


Build strong relationships through trust, grace, communication and clear expectations


Demonstrates a boundless focus on learning to ensure student and staff achievement and academic excellence


Prepare all students for life in an ever-changing society


Intentionally collaborate and differentiate to advance the mission and vision of our school

Revised 2015

Bell Praire Staff 2017-2018
Bell Prairie Elementary Staff Roster and Contact Information
Last / First / Position / Room #
413- / Phone ext.
321 / Email address
Adamson / Stacy / Grade 4 / 88 / 6116 /
Anderson / Amber / Paraprofessional Pre-K / 20 / 6961 /
Arvidson / Hanna / SPED Para /
Baker / Kris / Grade 5 / 94 / 4084 /
Baker / Shelby / Paraprofessional / 75 /
Bent / Emily / Grade 1 / 35 / 4144 /
Barrows / Erica / Kindergarten / 22 / 4868 /
Bianco / Jennifer / Kindergarten / 23 / 4157 /
Brown / Patty / P.E./Health / 66 / 5615 /
Brimeyer / Scott / Custodian / 107 /
Bosky / Clarissa / Kindergarten Teacher / 24 / 4791 /
Buckley / Mary Jane / Grade 4 / 89 / 4265 /
Bunch / Tammy / Counselor / 52 / 4272 /
Cobb / Carol / Counselor / 52 / 4353 /
Cockle / Beth / Grade 3 / 76 / 4356 /
Cook / Maria / Grade 1 / 38 / 4373 /
Coy / Richard / P.E./Health / 66 / 4403 /
Debrick / Missy / Site Manager SACC / 99 / 6986 /
DeHaan / Jennifer / Grade 3 / 78 / 4460 /
Duffy / Julia / Paraprofessional ELL / PLT Rm / 6916 /
Faust / Jessica / Resource / 80 / 4573 /
Fischer / Lisa / Office Clerk / 58 / 4597 /
Forsen / Michelle / Paraprofessional / 73 / 6916 /
Frazee / Lauren / Grade 2 / 28 / 4350 /
Fullington-Egli / Chelsea / Grade 5 / 96 / 6035 /
Gilbert / Darcy / Reading Support / 31 / 4669 /
Goldenberg / Lina / School Psychologist / 50 / 6800 /
Gooch / Mallory / Grade 3 / 81 / 4687 /
Good / Andrea / Kindergarten / 26 / 4688 /
Haynes / Jasmine / Clerk I /
Heim / Pat / Cafeteria / 102 /
Higgins / Jessica / Counselor / 51 / 5588 /
Hill / Lori / Grade 2 / 34 / 4816 /
Honiotes / Jennifer / Grade 4 / 90 / 4843 /
Huynh / Hang / Grade 1 / 40 / 4870 /
Jenkins / Kathleen / Cafeteria / 102 /
Taylor / Tiffany / Clerk / 95 /
Keen / Denise / Custodian / 107 /
Kaighen / Michelle / Paraprofessional - Media / 65 / 6638 /
Kusek / Chelsey / Art Teacher / 56 / 5512 /
Kussman / Angela / Paraprofessional / 75 /
Lee Windsor / Angela / Music Teacher / 73/75 / 5538 /
Lesmeister / Simone / Teacher Clerk /
Loesch / Johnathan / Art Teacher / 59 / 5566
Martin / Jessica / Principal / 44 / 5634 /
Massey / Carie / SCRS / 52 / 5647 /
Mathews / Michael / Grade 5 / 91 / 5648 /
McKenzie / Brenda / Admin. Assist. / 43 / 5687/5020 /
Mendoza / Lori / Café Manager / 72 / 5024 /
Mickle / Shannon / Grade 3 / 79 / 5699 /
Miller / Emily / Intermediate Sped / 73 /
Mingee / Shanna / Grade 2 / 32 / 5747 /
Minor / Mike / Custodian / 107 /
Molina / Judy / Speech Pathologist / Staff Lib / 5760 /
Moore / Samantha / Grade 2 / 33 / 5669 /
Neth / Leslie / Art Teacher / 59 / 5806 /
Newman / Kathleen / Paraprofessional - Media / 65 / 6745 /
Nielsen / Anne / ELL Teacher / 25 / 5822 /
Nolan / Sidonia / Cafeteria / 102 /
Norman / Jenny / Speech Pathologist / 85 / 6901 /
Ours / Lisa / Administrative Assist. / 43 / 5701 /
Panimboza / Lyndsay / Nurse / 45 / 5023 /
Pattee / Becky / Vocal Music / 59 / 6995 /
Pauk / Patty / Resource / 87 / 5878 /
Phillips / Melissa / Asst. Principal / 46 / 5907 /
Platz / Lesley / Pre-K Teacher / 20 / 5914 /
Robertson / Kenneth / Custodian /
Powell / Connie / Facility Manager / 107 / 5931 /
Pyne / Amanda / Grade 1 / 42 / 5946 /
Rehan / Markelle / Grade 1 / 41 / 4698 /
Robertson / Kenneth / Custodian /
Ross / Christie / Grade 4 / 86 / 6039 /
Schell / Julie / Grade 4 / 84 / 6255 /
Shelton / Callie / Office Clerk / 43 / 6500 /
Simmons / Cheryl / Clerk / 39 /
Skinrood / Stacy / Grade 2 / 30 / 6148 /
Speer / Laura / Reading Support / 31 / 6181 /
Stephenson / Andrea / ELL Teacher / 29 / 6198 /
Tate / Heather / Teaching & Learning Coach / 92 / 6255 /
Thorne / Kerry / Grade 5 / 97 / 6284 /
Tuwei / Robyn / Strings Instructor / 98 / 6315 /
Van Engen / Connie / Music / 69 / 6328 /
Vaughan / David / Grade 3 / 77 / 6340 /
Vaughn / Shelley / Paraprofessional / 87 / 6856 /
Waters / Jessica / Interventionist/Reading Paraprofessional / Lib Office / 6740 /
Weber / Carrie / Paraprofessional - Sped / 73 / 6820 /
Wheeler / Courtney / Library Media Specialist / 65 / 6402 /
Williams / Deb / Kindergarten / 21 / 6433 /
Wood / Lindsay / Grade 5 / 98 / 4718 /
Young / Natalie / SPED K-2 / 75 / 6647 /


Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn

At Bell Prairie we believe that all children need both grace and accountability. What does this mean to us as a staff? It means that we accept and respect each child, and that we also help him/her to understand the need to be personally responsible for choices made throughout the school day. While leading children to become responsible for their actions may seem like a fairly lofty goal, we feel it is never too early to guide them toward this understanding. As a school community we will be proactive in our approach to leadchildren toward becoming responsible for their choices and behavior. See the parent brochure for more information.


Adventure Club – Before and After School Child Care

This is a district-sponsored program available in all elementary schools. Adventure Club is held on-site, in the cafeteria, for students enrolled at Bell Prairie. The structured program of activities is led by trained personnel and is available beginning at 6:45 a.m. until school begins and then resumes at the close of the school day until 6:00 p.m. There is a charge for this program and parents must go through the School Age Child Care office to enroll their children. For further information, please contact our site manager Missy Debrick at 816 321-6986.


School counseling lessons are presented to students on a biweekly basis. The counselor follows the curriculum designed by the district and state that encourages the development of life skills including lessons that teach character development, problem solving, social skills, and other similar topics. The counseling program also provides responsive servicesmeaning individual and small group support for children and parents who would like help with specific problems or situations. Individual planning is the third element of the model and at this level includes such things as working on special plans for children who need support in their classrooms. Finally, system support covers the time that the counselor spends coordinating Youth Friends, working on our service projects, helping teachers address specific issues that might keep a child from succeeding at school, or coordinating support with community agencies and resources. If you have questions about the counselor’s role at Bell Prairie, please feel free to get in touch!

E.L.L. (English Language Learners)

English language Learners is a program which teaches English to students coming from other countries with little or no knowledge of English. ELL students are placed in the general school program and receive support services from teachers specially trained to assist students, based on their level of English proficiency, as they transition to the English speaking environment of school. Bell Prairie serves as a site for ELL students from Nashua, and Northview.

Encore Classes

At Bell Prairie, all students will participate in a variety of classes outside the homeroom classroom. These will include art, music, physical education, health, library, and instrumental music (fifth grade only). All students will participate in all encore classes. Parents may request that their student be excused from physical education for a limited number of days. Doctor’s excuses will be required for students who need to be excused for more than three days. In addition, all students should either wear or bring gym shoes for class.

Homework Planners

Homework planners will be utilized for students in grades 2 through 5. These planners should serve as a means to help students organize and become responsible for their homework. Planners can also serve as a valuable communication link between the classroom and the home.

LEED Curriculum

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™is a rating system verifying that a building project is environmentally responsible and a healthy place to live and work. It is a nationally accepted, third-party certification program. Bell Prairie received recognition as a LEED Gold certified building in January 2010. We are very proud of the recognition this has given our school.

National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)

Bell Prairie has had a chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society since 2011. We are proud to be the only elementary school in the North Kansas City District that has a chapter of this very well-respected and historic organization. NEHS has 4 core values, scholarship, responsibility, leadership, and service.

Each year, a groupof 4th & 5th grade students are eligible for membership into NEHS based upon their academic grades and school attendance. To be eligible, students must have been a Bell Prairie student for the two quarters prior to eligibility, have earned A’s and no more than 2 B’s the two prior quarters to eligibility, and maintained a 95% or higher attendance. Once eligible, students will be asked to complete an application where they will have to list service in the community, have 3 teachers fill out leadership and responsibility ratings, and the students will write a short essay sharing how they show the 4 core values in their lives. The applications are then evaluated and given points based on a criteria rubric. Student that receive 90% or higher on the application points will be selected to join NEHS. Students must continue to uphold their good standing with NEHS with grade reports, mandatory meeting attendance, and school behavior. If students do not, they will be put on probation and not be allowed to attend meetings and activities for that quarter. The induction ceremony of new members will take place in the Fall.

Parent Teacher Association

The Bell Prairie PTA was officially formed on April 28, 2009 with over 50 charter members. The PTA is the umbrella organization that invites parents to find many ways to support and encourage programs and activities at school. The PTA is very active and has created a great repertoire of activities supported by their budget. Yearly “wish lists” have been utilized to purchase such items as a rock climbing wall, ipads for students, all school field day t-shirts, security cameras, and additional playground equipment.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We value the relationship between parents and the school. We want to do everything we can to work together with parents to help children be successful. Teachers will be happy to meet with parents during our scheduled conference days in the fall, or as necessary during the school year. We will also be happy to communicate by phone or email. We do ask that certain practices be followed so that information can be accurately shared. You may sign up for your conference with the following Sign Up Genius link:

  • School staff members are instructed that email is not confidential. We ask parents to share confidential information about students only when the staff can be certain that the information will remain confidential.
  • Teachers have many students and many parents with whom they want and need to communicate. Their first priority is to meet the instructional needs of their students. Therefore, conferences need to be scheduled when it is convenient for the teacher and does not interfere with instruction. Teachers will schedule conferences before/after school or on their planning time. We ask that parents provide as much flexibility as possible when making the conference appointment so that teachers can meet all of their responsibilities.
  • Conferences will be held when teachers can assure that student’s privacy rights will be respected. Please do not engage the teacher in a private conference when the teacher is supervising or instructing students.
  • Many children have multiple parents. In order to respect the time of all the parties, we ask that separated or divorced parents agree to a time that is suitable to the teacher’s schedule and to both parents’ schedules. We cannot conduct separate conferences for separated or divorced parents.

Reading Support

Support for students experiencing difficulty with skills associated with learning to read is provided by a reading support teacher. Classroom teacher recommendation in accordance with and in addition to state and district guidelines are used to determine students that could benefit from this additional program.

Report Cards

Report cards are distributed four times each year: October, January, March, and May. Report cards along with conferences, telephone calls, and letters are used to keep parents informed of their child’s progress. Parents are a valuable part of the educational team and are encouraged to contact teachers when there are questions or concerns regarding their child’s progress.

SAGE (Students in Academically Gifted Education)

The mission of the SAGE Program is to provide gifted students the opportunity to become independent learners and decision makers who recognize their potential and responsibilities in a changing global society. In the North Kansas City District, 3-5% of students are identified as being academically gifted. These students attend class one full day each week at the Northland Innovation Center.

Special Education

Programs within the special education area are designed to assist and support students that are experiencing skill deficits in learning, language, or speech. Students must qualify for these programs based on state and district guidelines. Parents are an integral part of the special education process from evaluation to placement as well as the development of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is updated annually, but may be modified more often as needed.


You may go online to deposit money into your student’s lunch account and to check their current balance. Go to click on WebStore, Browse: Meal Account Deposit/Check balance and follow the directions. You will need your student’s lunch number to access their account.


Volunteers can serve in many roles at Bell Prairie. Generally, the volunteers work under the general coordination of the PTA chairperson. Adults working directly with students will be asked to receive training and submit to the screening process of the Youth Friends program. We ask that volunteers leave all non- schoolaged children at home while you are volunteering at school.


YouthFriends connects students with caring adult volunteers to promote success, encourage healthy behaviors, and build stronger communities. YouthFriends volunteers are placed in all North Kansas City Schools after they are screened and trained. At Bell Prairie, YouthFriends serve as tutors, lunch buddies, and classroom readers, among other roles. Contact school counselor, Jessica Higginsto volunteer. Bell Prairie also has a link to the schools YouthFriends information on the school webpage under resources.


Absences and Tardiness

When your child is absent due to illness, appointments, or vacation, please let the office know by calling the attendance line by 9:30 a.m. 816-321-5022. If you have not notified us regarding your child’s absence, you will receive a phone call to check on their attendance. If your child is late for school, an adult must accompany them to the office, sign them in, and then the student will be admitted for the day. If your child was seen by a medical professional, please send the note from the doctor with your child upon returning to school.