Community Service Letter Requirements - 2014-2015 Overview

Grades 9-12

Goals of the Community Service Letter Program:

· Students will learn about themselves and their community through active service to others.

· Students will be able to apply their knowledge to help solve real community problems.

· Students will understand the Edina Public Schools’ Core Values.

· Students will learn problem-solving skills.

· Students will learn to evaluate their own work.

Student Requirements:

1. 120 Hours of Community Service

2. Two Recommendations

3. Digital Photo

4. Reflection Project Presentation Meeting

5. Chemical-Free

Dates and Deadlines:

By Friday, March 27, 2015 - Application to Letter in Community Service for 2014-15 School Year

●Application Form

●Log of Hours

●Two Recommendations (pre-written forms or letters)

●Digital Photo (of student doing service or representing the student’s service)

●Reflection Project Presentation Meeting Request

By Friday, May 1, 2015

●Reflection Project Presentation Meeting

Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Community Service Letter Recognition Program

Students and their families are invited to attend a recognition program for service letter recipients. The celebration will be held the morning of Thursday, May 28 at 7 a.m. at Edina High School.


Rachael Pream Grenier

Youth Development-Youth Service Manager

Office: Edina High School YSY Room #231


Edina Public Schools Mission and Core Values

The mission of the Edina Public Schools, working in partnership with the family and the community, is to educate all individuals to be responsible, lifelong learners who possess the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth, and ethical values necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, global society.

Core Values - Guiding Our Choices and Actions

We Care through our / Compassion in helping others with what they need as a part of who we are and
Appreciation of Diversity by understanding, respecting and embracing all people
We Share through our / Responsibility by being accountable for my work, interactions and relationships and
Commitment in keeping the promises we make to self and others
We Dare through our / Integrity by doing the right thing at the right time even when no one is watching and
Courage by meeting challenge in the midst of easier ways out and doubt


Community Service Letter Requirements - Requirement Information

Student Requirement #1: 120 Hours of Service

Students may use community service completed through school or students may arrange individual service opportunities with community agencies of their choice. Questions regarding whether or not something qualifies as service may be directed to Rachael Pream Grenier Also, see the FAQ page for more information.

Service hours must be submitted in a log formatto Rachael Pream Grenier by March 27, 2015, along with the completed application form.

Student Requirement #2: Recommendations

Students will submit two completed recommendations (pre-written formsor letters are acceptable) from agencies or individuals served that describe the volunteer work completed and the student’s attitude and competence. Recommendations are to be written by a non-relative who is familiar with the student’s service work.

Recommendations must be submitted to Rachael Pream Grenier by March 27, 2015, along with the completed application form.

Student Requirement #3: Digital Photo

Students will submit a photo of them doing service or a photo that represents their service experience (i.e. a picture of them in their hospital volunteer uniform in front of the hospital sign). The photo will be used in a slideshow at the recognition ceremony. Photos can be emailed to or attached to the application form, due by Friday, March 27, 2015.

Student Requirement #4: Reflection Project Presentation Meeting

Students will complete a reflection project to be presented at a meeting with Rachael Pream Grenier and/or other district employee(s). The reflection project is designed to use a higher level of thinking, combined with another interest of the student. The project is an opportunity for students to reflect on their service and share their service experience with others.

Project ideas:

●Create a work of art – a painting, a song, a sculpture, a film etc.

●Write a research paper focusing on an aspect of the service (i.e. someone from Project Earth wrote a paper on an environmental threat)

●Construct a collage/display board/scrapbook/PowerPoint including pictures,description of service experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc… poetry is welcome!

●Write and illustrate a children’s book

●Give a presentation on an issue your service addressed

●Develop a website

Time spent on the project is in addition to the 120 hours of community service.

Reflection Project Presentation Meetings must be requested by March 27, 2015, along with the completed application formand take place by May 1, 2015.

Student Requirement #5: Chemical-Free

Students will be chemical-free and verify that to be true on the application form due Friday, March 27, 2015.


Community Service Letter Requirements - FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Are service hours cumulative?

A. Service hours are cumulative from grades 9-12. Students can carry hours over to the next year if they

exceed 120 hours or if they do not complete 120 hours in a given year.

Q. Does service completed during the summer before 9th grade qualify?

A. YES! Students may begin counting their service hours after the last day of school as an 8th grader.

Q. Can I letter more than once?
A. YES! Students can earn up to four service letters, one each school year in grades 9-12. Only one service

letter is awarded per year. Students cannot receive a service letter for years passed.

Q. Does singing in the church choir qualify as service?

A. YES! In the past church choir has not qualified as community service for the service letter, but upon

consideration this has changed.

Q. Does being a teacher’s assistant qualify as service?

A. YES! In the past being a teacher’s assistant has not qualified as community service for the service letter,

but upon consideration this has changed. Students should only count time spent assisting the teacher.

Q. If I receive a stipend for my service, can I count the hours?

A. Students should not receive any money for service performed, even if it’s a small stipend. However,

students may opt to donate any money they receive to a cause of their choice so that their time qualifies

as service.

Q. How do I count my time for overnight experiences (i.e. camp counselor, mission trip, etc.)?

A. Students volunteering on a mission trip or camp should only count hours when they are engaged in

service. Sleeping hours do not count.

Q. Can I complete the service letter requirements anytime?

A. YES!, beginning in 9th grade a student can apply to letter at anytime during the course of the school year.

However, students must apply by the deadline if they wish to letter in a given year.

Q. If I’m a senior and I complete the service letter requirements in the fall, can I include my award on college


A. YES! As soon as seniors complete the requirements they may indicate they received a service letter award

on their applications and resumes. Awards won’t be distributed until the service letter ceremony in the

spring, however.

More questions? Please contact Rachael Pream Grenier or 952-848-314.


Community Service Letter Requirements - Application Form - Due by Friday, March 27, 2015

Please complete and return to Rachael Grenier in the YSY Room #231 at EHS or to the EHS Main Office.

Name: ______

Email: ______

ID#: ______

Service Letter Requirements:

●120 Hours of Community Service

●2 Recommendations

●Digital Photo of student doing service or representing the student’s service

●Reflection Project Presentation Meeting


Application Checklist:

Log of hours

⏭ Attached

⏭ Emailed to

⏭ Other: ______

Recommendation #1 from: ______

⏭ Attached

⏭ Emailed to

⏭ Other: ______

Recommendation #2 from: ______

⏭ Attached

⏭ Emailed to

⏭ Other: ______

Digital Photo

⏭ Attached

⏭ Emailed to

Reflection Project Presentation Meeting Request

Meetings can take place before/after school, during lunch, or during a class period if appropriate.

Select ALL times that work for you. Rachael will be in touch with you via email to schedule the meeting. Meetings last roughly 15 minutes. At the meeting students will share and talk about their reflection projects. Reflection project examples: PowerPoint, Prezi, display board, artwork, poetry, website, short film etc.

⏭ Before School

⏭ After School

⏭ 1st Lunch

⏭ 2nd Lunch

⏭ 3rd Lunch

⏭ Collaborative Wednesday

⏭ Other: ______


⏭ I am chemical-free

⏭ I have not received a chemical violation during the 2014-15 school year.


Community Service Letter Requirements - Recommendation Form - Due by Friday, March 27, 2015

To be completed by a non-relative who is familiar with student’s service work

Directions for person filling out form:

A student with whom you have worked is pursuing a letter in community service. In order to letter, students must obtain two recommendations from non-relatives who are familiar with the student’s service work.Please complete either this recommendation form or a letter of recommendation on behalf of the student as it relates to his/her community service work. Upon completion, please email, mail, or hand deliver recommendations to the student. If you would prefer the recommendation be private, please give to student in a sealed envelope.

Recommendations are due Friday, March 27, 2015.Questions may be directed to Rachael Pream Grenier at or 952-848-3124.


Student Name:

Recommender Name:


Contact information (email/phone):

Name of organization where service was completed:

Please describe service completed by the student:

Please describe student performance:

Do you recommend the student to receive a community service letter for his/her service work?

____ yes ____ no


Signature Date


Community Service Letter Requirements - Recommendation Form - Due by Friday, March 27, 2015

To be completed by a non-relative who is familiar with student’s service work

Directions for person filling out form:

A student with whom you have worked is pursuing a letter in community service. In order to letter, students must obtain two recommendations from non-relatives who are familiar with the student’s service work. Please complete either this recommendation form or a letter of recommendation on behalf of the student as it relates to his/her community service work.Upon completion, please email, mail, or hand deliver recommendations to the student. If you would prefer the recommendation be private, please give to student in a sealed envelope.

Recommendations are due Friday, March 27, 2015.Questions may be directed to Rachael Pream Grenier at or 952-848-3124.


Student Name:

Recommender Name:


Contact information (email/phone):

Name of organization where service was completed:

Please describe service completed by the student:

Please describe student performance:

Do you recommend the student to receive a community service letter for his/her service work?

____ yes ____ no


Signature Date


Community Service Letter Requirements - Log of Hours - Due by Friday, March 27, 2015

Students can complete the log below or submit their log. Logs must clearly list service experiences and supervisors.

Name: ______ID#: ______

Dates can be listed individually or lumped together for a total number of hours per service experience.

Date(s): Organization: Work Completed: # of Hours: Supervisor Name/Phone/Email:


Community Service Letter Requirements - Log of Hours Continued

Date(s): Organization: Work Completed: # of Hours: SupervisorName/Phone/Email: