Shaping the Heart of Stroud
StroudTown Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan
Minutes of the Steering Group (SG) meeting held on 3 September 2014
Present: Leonora Rozee (LR), Tom Rosser-Smith (TRS), Hugh Barton (HB), Chris Brain (CB), Simon Arundel (SA), Fiona Mills Carlyon (FMC), Steve Hurrell (SH), Camilla Hale (CH)
In Attendance: John Bloxsom (JB), Project Administrator
Apologies: Claire Mahdiyone (CM) Kevin Cranston (KC), Malcolm King (MK), Simon Pickering (SP)
- Welcome and introductions
LR welcomed those attending and explained that the NDP's distinctive feature will be that it will be a statutory plan that sits alongside the district's Local Plan. All those present introduced themselves.
- Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
It was agreed that the independent Chair of the Steering Group would be Leonora Rozee and the Vice Chair Steve Hurrell.
- Terms of Reference
Draft terms of reference, as previously circulated, were discussed. With the insertion of meetings being held on the first Wednesday in the month these were approved. They provide that the SG will have the power to:
a) Develop a timetable and strategy for undertaking the NDP
b) Make recommendations regarding use of the NDP budget, for approval at full town council meetings
c) Co-ordinate community consultation activities
d) Gather additional evidence about the geographical area covered by the NDP and evidence to test proposed solutions and policies, setting up thematic groups as necessary and appropriate to support this process
e) Use evidence collected, including that from consultations, to prioritise and develop a plan
f) Oversee the drafting and finalising the NDP
It was noted the quorum is five, including one Town Council representative.
The final approved Terms of Reference are attached
It was noted that plan would come into effect if more than 50% of those voting in a referendum say yes. The independent examiner will be asked to recommend that the referendum area be the residents of the whole of StroudTown.
The chair drew attention to the Nolan principles on standards in public life contained within the terms of reference and that meetings are open to the public, save for confidential business.
- Declarations of interest
It was agreed that all members of the Steering Group will complete and return declaration of interests (Action: All)which will be held by the Project Administrator and made available for public inspection (Action: JB)
- Project Plan
A Project Plan had previously been circulated. An amended version was tabled. It was noted that the plan has been developed from templates supplied by GRCC and Locality with Stages 1 & 2 completed with the formation of the group and the designation of the neighbourhood area by SDC.
The plan includes:
- September 2014 - major community engagement on issues
- November 2014 - Sub Room event to validate themes and issues
- February/March 2015 - validating the strategy
- April/May - testing the plan
- September 2015 - approval through a referendum
It was pointed out that after submission of the plan it was the responsibility of SDC to undertake statutory consultation, arrange an independent examination and conduct a referendum. It will bear the cost of those steps.
A question was asked as to whether or not the date for submission of the plan was a hard deadline? It was explained that it was not set by SDC but the timetable could provide the opportunity for there to be concurrent local referenda across a number of parishes and towns. If, however, additional time is required we can seek an extension before submission of the plan to SDC.
The plan as amended was agreed. This will be reviewed at each meeting (Action: LR/JB)
- Thematic Groups
A diagram showingseven thematic groups had been previously circulated.An amended version was tabled together with a briefing note for thematic groups. These groups were agreed subject to the replacement in the Social Group of "residential provision" with "housing". This would look at broader issues concerning the need for and types of housing whereas the Sites Group would look at specific locations.
A list of suggested issues that each group might want to consider was tabled. HB will act as an advisor (Action: HB)
LR will write to interested people, give the name of the link person and ask them to get in touch (Action: LR)
There is a grid prepared by HB, which used responses from volunteers, to help identify thematic group members. Information and documents (including relevant Local Plan policies and NPPF paragraphs – see below) will be supplied to each thematic group for them to consider. It was noted that more people can get involved in these groups through the next stage of engagement. There is scope for smaller sub groups to look at particular themes with reports back to the relevant thematic group. It was noted that it was critical that an evidence base is built through the process with evidence being recorded.
It was agreed that a training session be agreed for the Steering Group as a whole to meet and learn from consultants from GRCC (Action: LR/JB)
The following people agreed to take responsibility to act as the link person between Thematic Groups and the Steering Group:
Aesthetic - Tom Rosser-Smith
Sites - Chris Brain
Public Engagement - Camilla Hale
Environment - Claire Mahdiyone
Economic - Fiona Mills Carolyn
Movement - to be agreed. HB will seek a volunteer.
Social - Malcolm King was proposed (to be confirmed)
It was noted that there could be some fluidity in thematic group membership but that there would need to be sufficient continuity.
LR has asked SDC to supply relevant national and local plan policies and she will prepare a briefing on these (Action: LR)
7.Communications Plan and Community Engagement Strategy
This document is being drafted by JB with a communications team. An immediate focus is a shop or stall at Merrywalks Shopping Centre 15 - 23 September. The following actions were agreed:
- volunteers to staff the shop/stall
- information and maps to be prepared
- feedback to be captured on what you like, what you don't like and what three things would you change
- posters and signage to direct people to the shop/stall
- print postcards with 'three wishes for Stroud'
- a letter to go out to schools to see if they want to be actively engaged
A draft communication engagement plan will be circulated to SG members in order to capture as many relevant groups and networks as possible (Action: JB). Copies will need to be kept as evidence of approaches made.
The communications plan would be need to incorporate use of the local press, Facebook and Twitter. Development of a regular newspaper columns was suggested (Action SH to explore)
A banner for the bridge across Merrywalks was suggested, continuing a strap line and an end panel that could be changed for particular events (Action: JB to explore with STC).
8. Risk
The NDP risk plan prepared for Stroud Town Council had previously been circulated. An amended version of the risks relevant to the Steering Group was tabled. SA explained that this identifies risks that could derail the project, their probability and impact. It was agreed that SG members would come back with thoughts on the risk plan and that SA would co-ordinate the risk plan (Action: JB/SA).
9. Any Other Business
a)noted that there is a £37k budget, of which £30k is from STC resources. There is a £7k Locality grant to be spent by 31/12/14
b) a special newsletter is needed in October to be delivered through the town
c) the GRCC run training session for Steering Group members needs to be arranged
d) actions which result in financial commitments need to co-ordinate through the Project Administrator
e) need to engage with existing groups, such as Stroud Against Supermarkets, with the relevant thematic groups.
f) the 'Getting Involved' sheet from the launch event should continue to be used
g) maps supplied by HB should be circulated to SG members
h) list of local organisations identified to be sent to CH.
10. Next meeting: 1st October at 7.30pm
Future meetings: 22ndOctober; 5thNovember; 3rd December; 7thJanuary; 4thFebruary; 4thMarch; 1stApril; 13thMay
Terms of Reference: Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
Purpose of the Steering Group: To oversee and co-ordinate the production of a sound Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Stroud Town Centre in Stroud District, as identified in the designated neighbourhood area, working with members of the community and Stroud Town Council to achieve this aim.
The NDP will define the spatial planning policy priorities identified by the community taking into account all representations made during the plan-making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence. The Plan will include or be supported by appropriate evidence and, where relevant, a delivery plan setting out the means by which the policy priorities may be implemented.
The Steering Group will have a minimum membership of NINE: including TWO Stroud Town Councillors; a District Councillor and representatives from groups in the community, local residents and businesses.The quorum will be set at FIVE including at least one Town Council representative.
The NDP Steering Group will elect a chair whose role will be to oversee and chair meetings defining agenda and ensuring actions are followed up as necessary. The chair will also ensure that members’ potential conflicts of interest are recognised and measures taken to address them, especially during meetings.
The steering group will review its membership from time to time and those wishing to cease their membership of the steering group will notify the chair in writing.
The functions of the Steering Group will be administered by the Project Administrator working under the authority of the Chair.
In order to carry out its purpose the Steering Group will have the power to:
a)Develop a timetable and strategy for undertaking the NDP
b)Make recommendations regarding use of the NDP budget, for approval at full town council meetings.
c)Co-ordinate community consultation activities.
d)Gather additional evidence about the geographical area covered by the NDP and evidence to test proposed solutions and policies, setting up thematic groups as necessary and appropriate to support this process.
e)Use evidence collected, including that from consultations, to prioritise and develop a plan.
f)Oversee the drafting and finalising of the NDP.
Stroud Town Council will approve reports at each step of the process. The council will also approve the Submission Draft of the NDP prior to publication for consultation and submission to the local authority for independent examination.
Governing principles
All members of the Steering Group recognise that, while they may represent a particular group in the community, their role is to move forward the NDP in a way that benefits the whole community. Members of the group will recognise and declare any potential conflicts of interest.
The group accepts the following principles:
a)A steering group which is open and transparent
b)An inclusive consultation and plan making process
c)Active participation by members
d)Robust evidence gathering
e)Actions based on evidence of consultation
f)That the NDP must have regard to the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Policy Guidance and the strategic policies of the adopted and emerging Stroud District Local Plans
Group members also accept the following principles in conducting their role (known as the Nolan Principles as recommended by the Committee of Standards in Public Life 1995)
Selflessness: Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Integrity: Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
Objectivity: In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Openness: Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Honesty: Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Leadership: Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Role sharing: Steering Group membership may be shared between two people. Both of those sharing the role must complete a declaration of interests form and accept the responsibility for keeping each other informed to ensure consistency and continuity.
Openness: Steering Group meetings will be open to public observation subject to the right of the Chair to determine that a matter must be discussed in camera for reasons of commercial confidentiality.
Communication: A communications plan will detail the means of involving and communicating with residents and other stakeholders.
Conduct of meetings
a)Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday in the month and at key stages during the process of undertaking the NDP, as defined in the timetable.
b)Adequate notice of meetings will be provided and agenda and associated papers will normally be despatched by email within 7 clear days of the meeting
c)Notes will be kept of meetings and made available to steering group members within 3 days of the meeting, then made available to the parish/town council and other interested parties
d)Meeting dates and times will be published in advance, including on the website and hard copies of documentation made available in the council offices/ library
e)An ongoing audit trail of consultation and other evidence gathering work will be kept.
f)If members of the steering group have a conflict of interest they will declare it by completion of a declaration form plus during meetings, as relevant. (Declarations are available to the public on request.)
g)The steering group may form sub groups or theme groups to undertake specific tasks, made up of interested residents and representatives of local organisations. Each theme group should include a member of the steering group. Terms of reference will be drawn up for the theme groups and membership will be open. There must be effective communications flow between sub groups/theme groups and the steering group.
h)Members will aim to make steering group decisions by consensus. However should a vote be required each member will have one vote and a simple majority will be required to support any motion. The Chair (or in their absence, Acting Chair) will have one casting vote. Show of hands will suffice for voting but names can be recorded if required by any steering group member present. In the case of role share, one vote will apply for the role.
i)Members will abide by common rules of discussions protocol including orderly, chair managed discussions and a culture of mutual respect.
j)Members may make additional rules to help run the steering group
k)Where there is no specific provision in these terms of reference the law and custom of Stroud Town Councilwill apply.
Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group:
Member declaration of interests
Name ……………………………………………………………………………………….....
Telephone ..………………………………………………………………………………………...
Email ……………………………………………………………………………………….....
Address …………………………………………………………………………………………..
I am a member of the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group in my capacity as (please tick all that apply)
A resident
A representative of the following group (please state) ……………………………………………......
Other (please state) ………………………………………………………………………......
All Members of the Steering Group must declare any personal interest that may be perceived as being relevant to any decisions or recommendations made by the group. This may include membership of an organisation, ownership of interest in land (directly or indirectly) or a business or indeed any other matter likely to be relevant to the work undertaken by the Steering Group. These declarations will be made publicly available.
List of personal interests
I understand and accept the Terms of Reference for the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
Signature ……………………………………….. Date ………………………....