Computer Assisted Legal Research (CALR) On The Internet

Quiz No. 1

True or False (5 points each) / ANSWER
1. / ASCII is an acronym for Automated Standard Code for Integrated Information.?
F.______/ FALSE (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
2. / Both computers in data communication (the host and the client) may send or receive data.?
F.______/ TRUE.
3. / Basic telecommunication hardware consists of a host computer, the host computer’s modem, a receiving modem, a receiving computer or client, and telephone lines.?
F.______/ TRUE.
4. / The Internet is a highly regulated organization of a relatively few very sophisticated computers.?
F.______/ FALSE (loosely organized; many, many computers).
5. / ARPANET was designed to enable computers operated by the military, defense contractors, and universities conducting defense related research to communicate with one another by redundant channels— -- even if some portions of the network were damaged in a war.?
F.______/ TRUE.
6. / Internet publishers never include government agencies, advocacy groups, and individuals.?
F.______/ FALSE (Aall of those are also web publishers.).
7. / TCP/IP made it possible for ARPANET, the ARPA packet radio network, and the packet satellite network to interoperate.?
F.______/ TRUE.
8. / Bits per second (bps) is a measurement of the speed that data travels through a modem.?
F.______/ TRUE.
9. / In 1995 the Federal Networking Council unanimously passed a resolution defining the term “Internet.”?
F.______/ TRUE.
10. / For data communication, both the host computer and the client computer must use the same communication protocol.?
F.______/ TRUE.
Multiple Choice (10 points. each)
11. / Which of the following sources provide access to the Internet?
A.Colleges and universities
B.Local libraries
C.Computer coffee shops
E.All of the above
F.None of the above / E.All of the above
12. / Which of the following is not a top-level dDomain designation?
C..web / C..web
13. / An Internet “cookie” is:?
A.An offer for free refreshments from a web grocery store.
B.An unwanted, unsolicited email message.
C.A message from a web server computer, sent to and stored on a local computer.
D.None of the above. / C.A message from a web server computer, sent to and stored on a local computer.
14. / The Internet is/does not:?
A.Logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol and its subsequent extensions/follow-ons.
B.Able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite and its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and other IP-compatible protocols.
C.Provide universal and equal access to justice.
D.Provide, use or make accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure.
E.None of the above. / C.Provide universal and equal access to justice.
15. / Which of the following is not one of the three top-level domain name registries?:
A.National Informatics Centre— -- Andhra Pradesh
D.RIPE Network Coordination Center One
E.All of the above / C.EuroNIC.