Minutes of Shevington Parish Council Meeting

Held Thursday 23 October 2008

7.30pm Shevington Library

Present: Councillor J. Maloney (Chair), Councillors V. Maloney, Bostock, Ball, Whiteley, Crosby, King, Miles, Clerk (Pilkington) and 4 members of the public.

241  Apologies for Absence

Cllr Miles

These apologies were accepted.

242  Declaration of Interest

Cllrs J. Maloney, V. Maloney and Ball (Shevington Recreation Ground Trustees) and Mr G. Dickinson (Shevington Recreation Ground Gardener) w.r.t Item No.256.

Cllr King w.r.t. Item No.425 – Borough in Bloom (involvement with ‘Britain in Bloom’), Item No.425 – Mini-Roundabout at Junction of Old Lane with Shevington Lane (Planning Consultant), Item No.250 – Appley Bridge Station Issues (Appley Bridge Station Adopter), Item No.258 (Planning Consultant).

243  Co-option of a Councillor

Nomination received: Barry King

It was resolved:

‘That Barry King be co-opted as a Parish Councillor (representing the North Ward) to serve for the remainder of the term to May 2011.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

244  Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Councillor

Mr King signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and read the statement from the Declaration to Members. The Clerk signed as witness to the Declaration.

Standing Orders were suspended.

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

245  Matters Introduced by Members of the Public

Pit Tubs

A member of the public enquired about the work currently in progress on the land adjacent to Richardson’s Chemists’s shop and was informed that because there had been some uncertainty with regard to the identity of the owner of the land originally designated as the site for the pit tubs, they will now be positioned on the land mentioned above.

Borough in Bloom

A member of the public had spent a very enjoyable morning at the recent Borough in Bloom exhibition at Haigh Hall and asked why Shevington had not benefited from the initiative in the way that other areas in Wigan had. A councillor responded that Wigan Council is responsible for the project and local businesses provide sponsorship. The District Councillors receive information about it. Parish Councils can fit into the lower divisions of Britain in Bloom. The possibility of being included in future years, particularly with regard to the introduction of planters on railings, will be investigated. The Clerk will write to WLCT.

Mini-Roundabout at the Junction of Old Lane with Shevington Lane

A member of the public highlighted the problems associated with the mini-roundabout and drivers’ lack of knowledge of traffic protocols in such situations. The Clerk will write to the Traffic Manager at Environmental Services to ask whether traffic lights set well back could be considered as a substitute for the mini-roundabout.

Notice of Council Meeting

A member of the public asked whether a notice advertising the September Council meeting had been displayed on the notice board outside the library. The Clerk replied in the affirmative.

246  District Councillors Reports

No reports were presented.

247  Village Issues

Pot Hole

Mr Dickinson reported that a pot hole had recently appeared on the approach road to Shevington from Standish Lower Ground. The Clerk will report this to the appropriate department at Wigan Council.

Drugs in Memorial Park

Mr Dickinson had recently found evidence in Memorial Park of drug abuse. Should he find such evidence again, he will report it to the Clerk immediately and the appropriate authorities at Wigan will be contacted.

Shevington Bowling Green

The Bowling Green is now closed until the beginning of the new season.

Standing Orders were reinstated.

248  Minutes of the Last Meeting (25 September 2008)

The previously circulated Minutes were considered.

It was resolved:

‘That the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 25 September 2008 be approved as a true and correct record’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

249  Chairman’s Report

Raised Bed Allotments

The Chair had recently attended a meeting with Dr Kate Fallon, the Clinical Director of the Community Health Trust, and had raised the possibility of the Trust funding the refurbishment of the Council’s allotments. Salford Health Trust currently operates such a policy. Dr Fallon had been very interested, particularly in view of the fact that gardening is an activity that acts as an aid to health.

Old School House

John Dean from Business Support services had written to the Chair to ask what the Council’s intentions were with regard to the Old School House. The cost of renovation had been estimated at £350,000 - £500,000, with the cost of purchasing the building at £80,000. Only the stone part of the building is up for sale. This is listed. The brick part will be demolished. The Chair will write back and ask Wigan Council to give Shevington Council until the end of the current financial year to make a decision. A working party comprising Cllrs King, Whiteley, Ball and the Chair is to be formed. Cllr Whiteley will contact a professional bid writer who has been recommended to her.

250  Reports from Councillors

Remembrance Sunday

Cllr Ball had arranged the tannoy system.

Safety Issues

Video footage from the Co-op had been viewed by the Police. It could not be used, but was very interesting. A number of shops had been broken into during the past week. Loose change had been taken. The drugs in the village could be connected. The community needed to be warned to take care.

Appley Bridge Station Issues

Cllr King had been in contact with Steve Magner of the PTE with regard to the footpath from Mill Lane to the Station. The Clerk will write to the Chief executive of Northern Rail. A contact of greater seniority than members of Customer Services is needed for Network Rail.

Member’s Interests

Cllr King reported on the organisations of which he is an active member.

251  Reports from Representatives

Shevington & District Community Association

A meeting was scheduled for this coming Tuesday. Arrangements for Lancashire Day celebrations on 27 November had been finalised. John Whiteley is producing a programme of events.

Shevington Youth Club

Cllr Whiteley reported that, because there had been so much interest in the Tall Ships Adventure, another £2,000 in funding may be needed. The young people are flown out to the Canary Islands from Liverpool and then have a gruelling time on board the ships. They undergo training within this country before they go.

Shevington Recreation Ground Trustees

The Trustees had applied for a grant from the Council for help with the maintenance of the Recreation Ground. The application is scheduled to be considered later during tonight’s meeting.

Standards Committee

Cllr Crosby reported that the number of complaints from the general public had reduced.

Township Forum

The Township has a new manager: Elaine Wystwnoha.

Cllr Crosby left the meeting at 8:45 pm.

252  Allotment Rules

The recommendations made by the Policy Committee were further discussed.

It was resolved:

‘That the recommended amendments to the allotment rules be accepted and that allotment holders be asked to sign a tenancy agreement annually when forwarding their rent. The Clerk will be responsible for administering the process.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

The Chair thanked the members of Shevington Garden Club Committee for their contributions to the process. They are to be advised of the new procedure.

253  Dog Fouling Campaign

The Clerk had liaised with Nick Burdekin, Environmental Services Education Officer, and circulated draft copies of a leaflet that is scheduled to be distributed in approximately a month’s time by the ‘Wigan Reporter’ throughout all areas of the Parish, except Shevington Moor, where there are no issues of note. Leaflets, free bags and scoops will also be available from the Library. Shevington Post Office and some local shops. The clerk will be sent posters to display on the Council’s notice boards. An education campaign in al local schools is also planned.

The Chair will liaise with the Editor of ‘Borough Life’ with a view to the involvement of the publication in extending the campaign to the whole of the Wigan area.

254  Best- Kept Shop Front Award

Copies of the previously circulated letter to be sent to shops were circulated and the Policy Committee’s recommendations were discussed.

It was resolved:

‘That the covering letter will be distributed to local shop-keepers by the end of October, entries are to be returned to the Clerk by 6 November, judging by a local celebrity will take place in December and that the winner will receive an inscribed plaque ( to be displayed for a year) and will be invited to nominate a charity, which will be the beneficiary of £100 from the Parish Council (s.137 of the 1972 Local Government Act).’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

255  Clerk’s Report

Remembrance Sunday

All arrangements are in place, although the presence of the Police has yet to be confirmed. The Clerk had collected two wreaths last Saturday. One is to be laid at the memorial by the Chairman. The other will be laid by a group of Councillors and Alderman O’Neill at the Miners’ Memorial in St. Anne’s churchyard in a private ceremony.

Casual Vacancy

The Clerk had written to Democratic Services to inform them of Cllr Sudworth’s resignation and the resulting casual vacancy in the West Ward.

Traffic Issues in Shevington

The Clerk had received a report from Kevin Hargreaves, Traffic Group Manager with Wigan Council, with regard to actions that he had suggested or inititated following his meeting with the Parish Council on 4 September.

·  Blocked gullies at Junction of Inward Drive with Highfield Avenue

These have been cleared and are working properly.

·  Parking Problems in the Centre of Shevington

The Area Engineer has been asked to investigate the cost of extending the lay-by towards Highfield Avenue. Visits by Traffic Wardens have already been increased.

·  Co-operative Delivery Vehicles Parking on Footway and Causing Obstruction

The Area Engineer is to write to the Co-operative advising them of illegal actions by delivery vehicles: a copy of the letter will be sent to Greater Manchester Police.

·  Parking on Grass Verges

The Area Engineer has been asked to investigate this, but it is unlikely that any action will be taken, as it is a borough-wide problem.

·  Resurfacing of Inward Drive

All the roads in Wigan have undergone conditions surveys. The results are currently being analysed for priority in the 2009/10 works programme. Inward Drive will be included in this assessment.

·  Congestion in Miles Lane at School Start/ Finish Times

This is a borough-wide problem. Mr Hargreaves will write to the Headteacher, asking for her support. He will suggest that the school consider developing and deploying a Travel Plan and encouraging parents to walk their children to school whenever possible. Traffic Warden patrols could be increased.

·  Road safety Issues Outside Shevington High School

The Road Safety team are to investigate the possibility of a School Crossing Patrol being sited outside the school in Shevington Lane. The school will be asked to instruct its pupils in how to cross busy main roads safely and without creating hazards for unsuspecting motorists.

Meeting with Chief Executive

The Clerk had written to the Chief Executive and had asked her if an appointment could be arranged for a meeting with the Council and is awaiting a reply.

Footpath from Vause’s Farm to Crooke

Some time ago Mr Dickinson had reported that this footpath needed cutting back. The clerk had recently been informed that at present the Wigan Council department responsible had spent its budget for the year and will have to bid for more money. If it does receive additional funding, the footpath will be included in its programme. A councillor reported that the footpath in question had been cut back in late August.

Drains Outside Shevington ‘Balti House’

The blockage in this part of Shevington had been reported.

Legal & Property Services

The Clerk had written to Kevin Lawson, the Deputy Director, to enquire about the availability of land for allotments and also about the possibility of designating the centre of Shevington an alcohol-free zone. She is awaiting a reply.


Viridor had informed the Clerk that their charges were increased by 3% on 1 October.

256  Financial Aid Applications

·  Recreation Ground Trustees

(Cllrs J. Maloney, V. Maloney, Ball, Mr G. Dickinson withdrew from the meeting.)

Cllr Whiteley took the Chair.

The recommendations of the Policy Committee were considered.

It was resolved:

‘That the Parish Council will, under s.19 of the 1979 Local Government Act, award a grant of £3,000 to Shevington Recreation Ground Trustees to assist with the funding of the maintenance of the Ground.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

(Cllrs J. Maloney, V. Maloney, Ball, Mr G. Dickinson rejoined the meeting.)

·  Duke of Edinburgh Award Winners’ Prizes

The Policy Committee had considered awarding prizes to the Youth Club’s Duke of Edinburgh Award winners.

It was resolved:

‘That the Policy Committee’s recommendation that each of the five Youth Club members who have recently been recipients of the Duke of Edinburgh Award should be awarded a WH Smith’s Gift Card to the value of £20 should be accepted (s.137 of the 1972 Local Government Act).’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

·  St. Anne’s Churchyard

It was resolved:

‘That the Policy Committee’s recommendation that a donation of £600 be made to St. Anne’s PCC as a contribution to the upkeep of the churchyard be accepted (s.216 (6) of the 9172 Local Government Act).’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

·  Royal British Legion

The size of the donation was considered.

It was resolved:

‘That the Parish Council will make a donation of £130 to the Royal British Legion (s.137 of the 9172 Local Government Act).’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

·  Standish Church Lads and Church Girls Brigades

The size of the donation was discussed.

It was resolved:

‘That the Parish Council will make a donation of £60 to the Standish Church Lads and Church Girls Brigades (s.137 of the 9172 Local Government Act).’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

257  Accounts

a)  Fidelity Guarantee

The Policy Committee had reviewed the level of Fidelity Guarantee and had recommended that it be increased from £80,000 to £125,000.