West Kirk of Calder

Church of Scotland

Order of Service

12thFebruary 2017 9.45am West Calder

Baptisms of

Callen Andrew Christopher Mulholland

Isla Mary Hamilton

Christopher Andrew Hamilton

Steven Thomas Hamilton

Worship led by

Rev Dr Jonanda Groenewald


Maurice Drummond

West Kirk of Calder, Church of Scotland

Scottish Charities Number: SC004703 Congregational Number : 020161 Copyright Licence No. 218743

Gathering of God’s People

Time when we greet one another and prepare for worship.

Feel free to remain seated during worship if this is more comfortable for you.

Remain seated while the offerings are received.

Those who are able, please stand for the entry of the Bible.

Words of welcome and intimations.

Worshipping God Together

Call to worship

Minister: Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;

let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

All: Let us come before him with thanksgiving

and praise him with music and song.

CH4 Hymn189 Be still, for the presence of the Lord

Opening Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

We ask this in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray:


Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done;

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power, and the glory

for ever.


Children’s talk: Rev Dr Jonanda Groenewald

Baptisms of Callen Andrew Christopher Mulholland

Isla Mary Hamilton

Christopher Andrew Hamilton

Steven Thomas Hamilton

CH4 Hymn 796 The Lord bless you and keep you,

The Lord make his face to shine upon you

And be gracious unto you:

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you

And give you peace.

Vows of parents and adults

The congregation stand:

Vows of congregation & all answer: We do.


Handshakes, baptismal certificates and gift from Sunday Club

Baptismal Hymn: During which Callen will meet the congregation

CH4 Hymn 530 One more step along the world I go

Reflecting on God’s Word

Reading: Matthew, chapter 5, vv 21 - 26 (taken from The Message)

Reader: Jean Pringle

CH4 Hymn644 O Jesus, I have promised


Responding to God’s Word

Our offerings are given for the ministry and mission of the church, whilst the organist plays a hymn.

Prayers of dedication, thanksgiving and intercession: Jean Pringle

JP Hymn42 Father, I place into your hands


Sung Amen

Please remain standing as the Bible is removed


Child of blessing, child of promise,

God’s you are, from God you came;

Child of God, you bear God’s image,

Learn to listen for His call;

Grow to laugh and sing and worship,

Trust and love God all your days.


You are invited to stay for tea and coffee which are served in the hall


A very warm welcome to all visitors to our worship this morning.

If you are new to our congregation,

and would like to make contact or know more about us,

we would encourage you to complete the welcome card to be found in the pews

and hand it to either the minister or duty officers on your way out of church.

Dates for the diary

February 2017 is Stewardship month for our congregations

Monday 13th February Guild Quiz Night in West Kirk hall at 7.45pm

Saturday 18th February Scots Night at West Kirk hall at 7pm

Sunday 19th February Morning worship at West Kirk at 9.45am, conducted by

Rev Dr Jonanda Groenewald

Tuesday 21st February Minister’s Office Hours at Polbeth Harwood 10.30 – 12 noon

Thursday 23rd February Bible Blether at Polbeth Harwood at 8pm

Duty Team for Sunday 19th February

Door Duty Team: V Ferguson; B Henderson; A Farquhar

Car Run: George Stott

Reader & Prayers Stewart MacRae

Tea Rota: Olive Gibson & Alison Baxter

Creche: Lorna Graham

Flowers: given by Jimmy Rennie

arranged by Margaret Greenhorn

delivered by Morag Stott