/ Rushbury C.E. Primary School
Rushbury, Church Stretton, Shropshire, SY6 7EBHeadteacher: Mrs Diane Pye
Telephone and Fax: (01694) 771233

24 April 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to a new term.

Our theme is Snailbeach and Mining.

On Wednesday 26 April, the children will visit Snailbeach lead mining area, once renowned as the ‘richest per acre of ground in Europe.’ They will tour the old buildings and find out about their history. They will have the opportunity to go part way down ‘Perkins Level’ mine (see the Snailbeach website).

Please see attached curriculum web for detailed curriculum information.

P.E. will continue as normal. Swimming will start on Tuesday 25 April but will not be every week. Please refer to swimming letter and diary dates below.



The children have been asked to keep a record of books read and dates in their link book. It is important that they read at home every day and can discuss favourite books by author or genre. Please do not hesitate to come into school if you want to discuss the books your child is reading; we are always happy to help.

Comprehension activities and reading different texts form an integral part of many lessons. All of this is monitored carefully by teachers and support staff. In addition, there is a quiet reading time every day.

Each Monday the children will be given spellings from the National Curriculum to learn. The children will have a spelling test on a Monday.

Friday mornings will include multiplication tests,arithmetic,mental maths, and homework followup. Key Stage 2 will continue to be split into three groups.

Education City Homeworkhas been a great success with children consolidating class learning at home.

Each week the children will be set English, mathematics and science homework on Education City. At the end of term there will be a prize for all children who complete all their homework. The homework requires access to a computer. If this is a problem, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Nessychildren will continue to have access to this spelling programme. Once again there will be a prize for the child in each class who learns the most spellings.

Homework project: Children in Key Stage 2 will continue to lead an assembly on Thursday afternoons.

The theme is Magical Musical Instruments. Children have been asked to research facts about one musical instrument, talk about the instrument, find a piece of music in which the instrument has a significant part, name the composer of the music and play all or part of the music as part of the assembly. The assembly does not need to be lengthy. Children need to think about their audience and make sure they have rehearsed what they want to say.

It is very important that your child knows when their slot is and is adequately prepared. If your child needs any support, resources, equipment to make something with or wants to print out something at school, please let us know. We have some resources in school. Children have use of the hall computer and projector. Some children prepare work at home and then copy their work onto powerpoint at school. In the past, children have included short videos, models, drama, costumes and artefacts. The rota is below. A similar list will be on the wall in class so that the children can write in the name of their artist once they have decided. This will avoid repetition.

Thursday Assembly rota:

4 May / George
11 May / Jack
18 May / Sophie
25May / Josie
22 June / Emily
29 June / Ryleigh-Mae
6 July / Evie

Wider Opportunities

This term, Class 2 and 3 will be split up into four mixed-age groups. Approximately every four weeks, each group will move to a different activity.

Activity 1


Leader: Miss Dugdale and Mrs Momcilovic

Children will learn basic methods and seasonal cookery. In addition, children will experiment with ingredients and create their own recipes.

Activity 2


Leader: Miss Carter

Please bring in warm clothes and wellington/ outdoor boots.

The school will provide gardening gloves.

Work will cover RHS levels, the Shrewsbury Flower show, sustainability issues, Eco work and the setting up of a school vegetable stall.

Activity 3

Art Design and Church Links

Leader: Mrs Child

Children will research an artist. Their art work will be inspired by this artist. We will be focusing on landscape art.

Activity 4

Information Technology

Leader: Mrs Gravestock

Children will create a powerpoint about children at work in Victorian times. They will choose one job such as working in the mines. They will use the information in theirpowerpoint to create a simple and informative animation.

Activity 5

Design Technology – woodwork

Leader: Miss Trifonovich

Children will draw scale plans and make models of Snailbeach buildings and structures. All KS 2 children will be making models. The Friday groups will focus on making their models and making the rest of the scenery.

Please let us know if you are interested in helping with any of these activities.

Diary Dates From Summer 2017

We will inform you of any changes, but please keep up to date on the school website

Monday 24 April:Children return to school (summer term)

Tuesday 25 April:Swimming

KS 2 visit to Wenlock Edge to look at rock formation

Wednesday 26 April: KS 2 visit to Snailbeach lead mines and village

Monday 1 May:Bank Holiday

Tuesday 2 May:Swimming

Wednesday 3 May: ECO committee

Monday 8 May:SATS Week. All Year 6 children must be in school

Monday – Reading

Tuesday – Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Wednesday – maths papers 1 and 2

Thursday – maths paper 3

Tuesday 9 May:No swimming

Tuesday 16 May:Swimming

Pentecost experience – Year 5 and 6, Ludlow

Thursday 18 May:Y5&6 orienteering, Cardingmill Valley

Tuesday 23 May:Swimming

Monday 29 May:Half term starts

Monday 5 June:Children return to school. Residential visit Cleobury Outdoor Centre

Tuesday 6 June: Residential visit Cleobury Outdoor Centre

Wednesday 7 JuneResidential visit Cleobury Outdoor Centre

Monday 12 June:Year 1 phponics screening checks all week (includes Y2 retests)

Y5&6 rounders, Church Stretton

Tuesday 13 June:Swimming

Wednesday 14 June:Regional rounders finals, Ludlow Town FC

Thursday 15 June:Concord College Choir competition

Friday 16 June:KS 2 visit to Millichope Estate

Monday 19 June:Year 6 Crucial Crew this week

Tuesday 20 June:No swimming

Thursday 22 June:KS2 athletics, Church Stretton

Tuesday 27 June:Swimming

Thursday 29 June:Loudmouth Theatre Production (Year 6 to Longnor school am)

Tuesday 4 July:No swimming

Road Safety workshops – visitor in school

Tuesday 11 July:Last swimming session

Wednesday 12 July:School end of term concert (2.00pm, St Peter’s Church)

Tuesday 18 July:Year 6 visit to The Houses of Parliament

Thursday 20 July:regional athletics finals, Ludlow school

Friday 21 July:9.30 am Year 6 Leavers’ Service, St Peter’s Church

Last day of term

Class 3 Timetable Summer 2017

Mrs Collins

Class 3 / 8.50 / 9.25 – 10.30 / 10.45 – 12.00 / 1.0– 3.15
PM: Support groups with Mrs Child
( Miss Carter – Thursday)
Monday / Morning work
Mental Maths
Spelling Scheme / Assembly / B / L / 1.00-1.30
Mrs Wilson
grammar / 1.30 – 2.00
Miss Carter
Spelling Test and reading / 2 – 3.15 pm
Mr. Wellings
Activsports club
Tuesday / Morning work
Mental maths
Spelling Scheme / Violin lessons / R / SWIMMING / U / 1.00 – 2.00 pm Forest School
Using and Applying Maths and Science
Mrs Wilson and Mrs Collins
Wednesday / Morning work
Spelling Scheme / E / N / 1.00 – 1.20 Open The Book Assembly / 1.25 – 2.05
Music Lesson
Mr Bennett / 2.05 – 2.40 / 1.45 – 3.15
Whole School singing
Thursday / Morning work
Spelling Scheme / A / C / Assembly
Class 2&3lead / Reading &
Mrs Child & Miss Carter / Morning work
Mathematics / Celebration
Assembly / MULTIPLICATION arithmetic
MATHS HOMEWORK / K / 10.45 – 12.00
PE / H / 5 Activities
Gardening and sustainability –Miss Carter
Cookery, food safety, DT-Ms Dugdale
Church Links/Art and Design-Mrs Child
Computer Programming –Mrs Gravestock & Mrs Momcilovic
Woodwork – Miss Trifonovic
Cross Country Club

As always, we will keep you informed through the weekly newsletter.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Diane Pye Mrs Kate Collins