June 12, 2012 Special Council Meeting
City of Oronoco
Special City Council Meeting Agenda
June 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.
Members Present: Mayor Kevin McDermott, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein, Councilor Nathan Hartung, and Clerk Sandy Jessen. Absent: Councilor Scott Keigley and Councilor Doug Gillard.
Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to approve the agenda, Councilor Nathan Hartung second;all in favor, motion carried.
- Oronoco Park; contract: Discussion:thecontract looks good. What would make it uninhabitable? Fire, a tree falling, or other acts of God.Cain Dolan; The question of overtime and compensation why is there additional language?Councilor Skyler Breitenstein; It covers the differentiation of the two positions. The compensation and the months covered. Is it for each year? For this year and may extend it, this is kind of a trial contract and will revisit it next fall to see if there are any changes needed. We would try and do what you want, if you want to stay that is something we would look at. Theinitialcontract is agreeing on the pay. Two positions, what about the benefits? If the normal reimbursement won’t cover the cell phone bill, bring it to council and it would be revisited. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve the current contract put before us by Attorney Fred Suhler, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.All calls are coming to city hall at this time and messages are being forwarded to Cain. Requesting the e-mail back for Oronoco Park or go to g-mail for park communications. Cain will review the contract and let council know on Friday.
- Expanded camping for DOGR: Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to expand camping for gold rush Mayor Kevin McDermott second; all in favor, motion carried.
- County Road 12; truck lane
MNDOT would like the truck lane removed will remove or leave 650 feet there is a portion that will not be rehabbed. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to leave 650 feet of the truck lane, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second.Discussion: 950 feet is current, Council would like to keep as much as possible to ease the traffic burden. If it will be a city road believe it should be left completely. If it’s an option would leave it all. Mayor Kevin McDermott made a friendly amendment to leave as much truck lane as possible, no less than 650. All in favor, motion carried.
- City Shop
Councilor Nathan Hartung has had calls about the Stolp shop and whether the city will proceed. Wherea new building would be put; the old spot isn’t a possibility. The codes have changed and the Stolp building now doesn’t meet code. New codes would have to apply to anything the city buys. It should be here at city hall there have been trees planted at Memorial field, there aren’t any other options. Councilor Nathan Hartung has done research on anything else available and there isn’t anything. So we don’t have any other option the old location would not be cost effective. And it isn’t ideal because of the slope. Any feasibility to retro fit? Could get a bid but it would delay the process. What if the cities bought and then build at that location? It is taxed at 90,000. There were a few people that didn’t like the location. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to inquire to Mr.Stolp to get a bid to retro fit the building up to code so the city could move forward on a bid. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second. Discussion; if the response is negative then staff could start the process for a building bidding process. When its bid the specs will be broken down for each area and what material can be used. It should be a hybrid with a steel skeleton and some stick framing and the bid packets will include all the specs. Once it is initiated. We will move forward after we hear from LarryStolp. $15,000 is a lot for engineering for the bidding process other estimates should be gotten. It is important to compare apples to apples but that seems expensive. Get bids for getting the bids. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned should Larry not be able to bid the structure that we will get bids on the engineer to get bids for creation of the spec book and bidding and of the constructed building, Councilor Nathan Hartung second. Discussion: it needs to be specked out right, if the contractor is in charge of the building they should oversee it. Have the engineer oversee the project to create the spec and the spec book. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned should Stolp not answer in the affirmative to get bids to upgrade the structure that the city would solicit abid for the design and specs for the new city building, Mayor Kevin McDermott second; all in favor, motion carried. Would assume there would be no cost to Larry.
- Appointment of Planning & Zoning Alternate: Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve Mayor Kevin McDermott as an alternate for planning and zoning, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes: it has been asked in the past for minutes to be taken with four public hearings it is being requested again. Other option would be to go back to review the tape. It is a big meeting Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to leave as is, if assistance is needed from tapes staff can assist, Councilor Nathan Hartung second; All in favor, motion carried.
Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to adjourn 7:25, Councilor Nathan Hartung second; all in favor, motion carried.
City Clerk Mayor