Riga, Latvia
PAGEAgenda / 3
Summary / 4
Annex 1 - List of participants 2009 / 8
Annex 2 - Photo of the delegates 2009 / 10
Presentations from the member states (PPs)
Denmark, the Secretariat & Denmark BPAC 2009
Estonia, Pilotage in Estonia
Finland, BPAC 2009, EMSA, EU-strategy, Transport Adm. Reform
Germany, See-Hafenlotsungen 08 & The Kiel Canal
Latvia, Free Port of Riga & BPAC 2009 (doc)
Norway, BPAC 209
Poland, BPAC 2009
WG Revision of BPAC Rules II / Separately
Country Questionnaires
Estonia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden
Day 14.06. / 1 / Opening of the conference / Latvia (host) &
Markku Mylly/ President BPAC
2 / Information / Report from the Secretariat / The Secretariat
3 / Information / Mutual information:
plans and development within the
pilotage authorities in the member states
since the last conference
(Approx. 10-15 minutes per member state) / The delegates
4 / Presentation / Status new BPAC-homepage / The Working Group
The delegates
5 / Discussion/
Decision / Revision of BPAC rules
- IMO approach
- Home of Departure Rule, removal
- Separating the Baltic Sea into areas incl.
requirements for sailing frequency and
education / The Delegates
6 / Information
Decision / Status BPAC Agreement for deep-sea pilotage in the Baltic Sea area/IMO approval / Sweden/Finland
7 / Discussion
Decision / BPAC education for deep-sea pilots / Sweden
8 / Information/
Discussion / Traffic development scenarios in the Baltic Sea area.
On national level / The Delegates
9 / Summary of the first day activities
Host welcomes to a journey on the Daugava - the river that runs trough Riga by river boat “Liepāja”, including dinner
Day 2
5.06. / 10 / Information
Discussion / North Sea Pilots Association (NSPA) / Duncan Glass
The delegates
11 / Information / A short statement from representatives from:
- PAF/Pilotage Authorities Forum (Norway)
12 / Information / A short statement from representatives from:
- JPUG/Joint Pilotage User Group (Denmark)
- EMSA – reporting of activities (Markku Mylly)
- EU Maritime Transport Strategy 2009 - 2018
- EU Baltic Sea Strategy
- Baltic sea Action Plan (HELCOM)
- Baltic Sea Maritime Safety Task Force (Fi)
- Swedish EU Presidency - Baltic Sea is one
priority / JPUG representative
EMSA representative
Markku Mylly
13 / Decision / Date and place for the next meeting / The delegates
14 / Information / Any other business / The delegates
15 / Closing of the conference / Host – Latvia
BPAC president
- Opening of the conference
Director of Maritime Department of the Ministry of Transport of Latvia Mr Aigars Krastiņš welcomed the delegates to Riga. BPAC President and Chairman of the meeting Mr Markku Mylly opened the meeting on June 4. The meeting took place at the premises of Riga Freeport Authority.
No changes to the agenda were made.
Mr Mylly informed that he and the Secretariat had approached the Russian Ministry and Russian Pilot organizations inviting them to again join the BPAC conferences, but regrettably without result.
Prior to the official opening of the conference, the representatives from the BPAC authorities held a pre-meeting to discuss the future of BPAC and a future form of the yearly conference. The need for a separation of the conference in a part for authorities only and a part for both authorities and representatives from pilot organizations will be decided before future conferences.
All participants made a short presentation of themselves. A list of the participants is attached.
- Report from the Secretariat
Mr Frank Adler Gottlieb, Denmark, gave the Secretariat’s report. He informed about the process of development of the homepage. The delegates discussed the charges for each state to maintain the homepage. Frank Gottlieb informed about the access for each state and possibilities to make changes in contact information.
- Mutual information
- plans and development within the pilotage authorities in the member states since the last conference
All participants from the member states gave a report on their national situation.
Daniela Nissen gave apresentation on the Kiel channel (see PP presentation)
Haldor Saether
Pernilla Bergstedt informed that besides the information provided through the questionnaire Sweden had only one major change since last year:
From 1 January 2009, the former SMSI has been separated from the SMA and now belongsto a new authority, The Swedish Transport Agency.The purpose of this new authority is to gather rules and regulations concerning railway, aviation, roads and shipping in one authority.The SMA is now the authority for infrastructure issues and is the provider of pilotage, VTS and Aids to Navigation.In other words: STA = the Competent Pilotage Authority and SMA = Pilotage Service Provider.
Valtteri Laine gave a presentation
Markku Mylly gave a presentation of the reorganization of the Finnish Maritime Administration, Transport.
Mr Jaanus Matso gave a presentation on the situation with pilots in Estonia and said that no changes have been made since last year. He regretted that no Estonian pilot could be present.
Mr Kazimierz Goworowski gave a presentation (See PP presentation)
He expressed his disapproval of an incident with Danish pilots in the port of Gdansk. Stig Thomsen will forward a report to Mr Goworowski for him to present to Polish immigration.
Mr Valdis Dreimanis briefly explained the situation in Latvia regarding pilots. Mr Edgars Sūna gave a presentation on Riga Freeport Authority (See PP presentation)
Frank Gottlieb informed about Danish pilot fees, AIS surveillance, and updating of the DPA homepage including admission for pilots and pilotage service providers to insert data regarding pilotage.
Asked by the Polish representative about the cooperation between the state pilots and the private pilots, Frank Gottlieb said that it could improve. Stig Thomsen added that there is a mutual understanding between the two.
- Status new BPAC-homepage
A working group was formed according to a decision at last year’s conference. Status so far is a draft layout, a sitemap and distribution of tasks. Frank Gottlieb presented the draft layout of the updated homepage.The development of the homepage will continue and member states/WG members should deliver data according to the sitemap. There were no comments on the presented layout. Hopefully the homepage will be fully implemented this year and then the member states will be able to update their own data.
A question from the delegates arose on how the costs will be divided? Frank Gottlieb informed that the total costs are estimated to be about 2000 EUR total. At the moment Denmark is hosting the homepage incl. costs.
- Revision of BPAC rules
-IMO approach
- Home of Departure Rule, removal
- Separating the Baltic Sea into areas incl. requirements for sailing frequency and
Concerning the IMO-approach, the process should be evaluated, as should thestatus of BPAC and theBPAC rules have to be revised; it should be reflected in the structure. Markku Mylly suggested evaluating it together;there should be a more harmonized approach.
It was decided that Monica Sundklev will separate the contents of the agreement into two parts for working groups - one for the competent pilotage authorities/DPA and one for pilotage service providers/PSP.-to revise
On the basis of that the CPA working group – chaired by Frank Gottlieb - will make their revision. Deadline is 1 November 2009.
Thereafter the PSP working group – chaired by Kazimierz Goworowski - will make their revision.
Frank Gottlieb accepted to be responsible for coordinating the process.
Deadline for presenting the final result is March 2010.
All aspects mentioned in the subheading of this item and item 6 and 7 should be considered/included in the revision.
- Status BPAC Agreement for deep-sea pilotage in the Baltic Sea area/IMO approval
See Item 5.
- BPAC education for deep-sea pilots
See Item 5.
- Traffic development scenarios in the Baltic Sea area.
On national level
Finland: harmonize traffic near Aland
Latvia: new chart for passing Irbe Strait
- Summary of the first day activities
Markku Mylly summarized what had been discussed so far.
- North Sea Pilots Association (NSPA)
A meeting was held in London5-6 November 2008 proposed by British authorities. A new forum is proposed, where cooperation between BPAC and NSPA regarding harmonization of standards and sharing of information between organizations can take place, e.g. a new commission oflicensing authorities. A questionnaire has been distributed to authorities. One of the main issues is to get rid of the 5-day rule.
A second meeting should take place within a year from the first meeting to discuss further action.
- A short statement from representatives from
Stig Thomsen made a presentation and asked the participants who are joining the next NAV-meeting to support the Pilot Ladder Paper.
PAF/Pilotage Authorities Forum (Norway)
Haldor Saether informed.
The next meeting will be held in Copenhagen in September 2009
JPUG/Joint Pilotage User Group (Denmark)
Frank Gottlieb
Markku Mylly reporting of activities
EU Maritime Transport Stratigy 2009 – 2018 (Finland)
EU Baltic Sea Strategy (Finland)
Baltic sea Action Plan (HELCOM)
Baltic Sea Maritime Safety Task Force (Finland)
Swedish EU Presidency - Baltic Sea is one priority
13.Date and place for the next meeting
Norway will host the conference in 2010. Preliminary place and date is Geiranger1-3 June.
14.Any other business
There was nothing to this item.
15.Closing of the conference
President Markku Mylly summarized the meeting and thanked the host and staff for a well-planned and –conducted conference.
He then closed the conference and the host wished everybody a safe journey home.
Annex 1
/ Address / Email Telephone (work, mobile, fax) / Name and titleSecretariat Denmark / Danish Pilotage Authority / Kastellet 1
DK - 2100 København Ø /
+45 7240 5480
+457240 5481 (direct dial)
+45 3347 9599 (Fax) / Inger Andersen
Senior Assistant
Denmark / Danish Pilotage Authority / Kastellet 1
DK - 2100 København Ø /
+45 7240 5480
+45 4129 1770 (direct dial)
+45 33479599 (Fax) / Frank Adler Gottlieb
Pilotage Superintendent
Denmark / Danish Maritime Pilots’ Association/Chairman International matters / Danske Lodser
c/o Dana, Havnegade 55
DK - 1052 Copenhagen / Stig@
+45 4082 2679 / Stig D. Thomsen
Estonia / Estonian Maritime Administration / Lume 9, Tallinn
10416 Estonia /
+372 510 8016
+372620 5706 / Jaanus Matso
Deputy Head of Maritime Safety Division
Estonian Pilot / Sadama tee 9
Viimisi, Estonia /
+372605 3800
+372504 1287
+372605 3810 / Aivo Pitk
Acting Member of the Board
Finland / Finnish Maritime Administration / Porkkalankatu 5
00180 Helsinki, Finland /
+358 204484201
+358 400568792
+358204484600 / Markku Mylly
Director General
Finnish Maritime Administration / Porkkalankatu 5
00180 Helsinki, Finland /
+358 40064 4198 / Valtteri Laine
Traffic Manager
Finnpilot /
+358 40074 4125 / Kai Wikberg
Germany / Waterways and Shipping Directorate North / Hindenburgufer 247
24106 Kiel, Germany /
+ 494313394 8200 or -0
+ 491724359467
+ 4943133946399 / Daniela Nissen
Baltic pilots Kiel
NOK II/Kiel/
Lübeck/Flensburg / Schleusseninsel 6
D-24159 Kiel /
+ 49 431381212
+ 491739019320
+ 49431396206 / Burkhard Preugschat
Lotsenbrüderschaft Weimar/Rostock/Stralsund / Hohe Düne
An der See 14, 18119 Rostock, Germany /
+493812060301 / Christian Subklew
Senior Pilot
Latvia / Maritime Department of Latvia /
+371 6702 8280
+371 2925 7676 / Aigars Krastins
Maritime Department of Latvia /
+371 6702 8016 / Madars Dilbergs
Senior Officer
National Pilots’ Association of Latvia /
+371 2926 2891
+371 2939 1622 / Kristaps Zidens
Norway / Norwegian Coastal Administration / Servicebox 2
NO-6025 Ålesund, Norway /
+47 7023 1051
+47 9092 7319
+47 7023 1008 / Haldor Saether
Pilotage Inspector
Norwegian Coastal Administration / Sellevoll
N - 5911 Alversund, Norway /
+47 95 190560 / Jan Magne Fosse
Poland / Ministry of Infrastructure
Shipping Safety Dept. /
+48 22630 1808
Fax +48 33630 1497 / Krzystof Kuropieska
Captain, Senior Expert
Marbalco Shipping Co.Ltd / Ul.3 Maja 21/2 str.
81-747 Sopot, Poland /
+48 58551 7037
+48 60228 1932
+48 58551 6838 / Capt. Kazimierz Goworowski
Managing director
Sweden / Swedish Maritime Administration / Östra Promenaden 7
SE-60178 Norrköping, Sweden /
+46 1119 1217
+46 70865 9102 / Lennart Forsström
Pilot Operations Manager
Lotsförbundet / / Per Lagerström
President Svenska Lotsförbundet
Swedish Transport Agency / / Monica Sundklev
Senior Administrative Officer
Swedish Transport Agency / / Pernilla Bergtstedt
Head of Ship Operation Unit
Annex 2
Photo of the delegates 2008
Report on the Conference of the Baltic Pilotage Authorities Commission (BPAC)
Riga3 June – 5 June 20091
Report on the Conference of the Baltic Pilotage Authorities Commission (BPAC)
Naantali, Finland 8-10 June 2005-1-