World History- Unit 1 Study Guide

5 Features of a Civilization from notes

  1. What are the 5 features of a civilization?

City States in Mesopotamia-pg. 28-34

  1. What is a dynasty?
  2. WHAT is cultural diffusion and WHY is it important?
  3. Describe the social structure of the Sumerian city-states.
  4. WHO was Hammurabi, WHAT empire was he associated with?
  5. Hammurabi is famous for what accomplishment?
  6. Why was the development of a written code of laws important to a society?
  7. Where is Mesopotamia located?
  8. What forms of writing did the Mesopotamians use?
  9. What are ziggurats and what were they used for?
  10. What is the great legacy of the Phoenician people?

Hinduism/Buddhism- Pg. 66-71

  1. Where did the India River Valley begin?
  2. Hinduism-What is reincarnation?
  3. What is the Caste System and how did it impact India?
  4. What happened during India’s Golden age?
  5. Buddhism developed out of the same period or religious questioning that helped to shape Hinduism.
  6. What made Buddhism attractive to certain individuals in society?
  7. Who is Asoka? How did he impact Buddhism?
  8. Who is the founder of Buddhism and what was he called?
  9. What one thing helped Buddhism to spread?
  10. What is the main goal of Buddhism?

The Origins of Judaism- pg. 77-80

  1. What made the Hebrew religion different from other religions of the time?
  2. Who is the father of Judaism?
  3. What is Zoroastrianism and where is it worshiped?
  4. Where did Zoroastrianism begin?

First Age of Empires- Ch. 4

The Egyptian What were the Egyptian Kings called?

  1. Describe the Government of Egypt.
  2. What form of writing did the Egyptians use?

The Unification of China- pg. 54-55 and 104-109

  1. Where did the Chinese River Valley civilization begin?
  2. What impact did Confucianism have on Chinese culture?
  3. What was the examination system and what impact did it have on Chinese culture?
  4. Describe what helps to unify China under the Qin Dynasty.
  5. What was the Mandate of Heaven?
  6. In Chinese society, where did peasants rank? Where did merchants rank?
  7. What is filial piety?
  8. What is meant by a patriarchal family?
  9. What did Daoism urge in Society?
  10. What is the Silk Road
  11. Who is the first Chinese Emperor?