Position Description: Development Assistant

Mission – To improve the future of Arkansas children and families by advancing literacy education through community engagement and tutoring so that all children can read proficiently.

Vision – Every child in Arkansas will read proficiently by the end of third grade.


  • Encourage the central Arkansas community to financially support AR Kids Read’s programs.
  • Inform community residents about the need to improve the reading skills of at-risk elementary age children to help improve the futures of both families and the community as a whole.
  • Increase public awareness and appreciation among the general public and targeted constituencies for the need for grade level reading proficiency by communicating relevant information and raising the profile of AR Kids Read as an advocate for childhood reading proficiency.


Reporting to the Executive Director and Community Relations staff, the Development Assistant will build capacity by working to increase funding and sustainability of AKR’s programs through fundraising, resource development, community outreach, collaboration and networking.

  • Develop and Maintain a fundraising plan
  • Raise funds through grant writing and direct appeals for donations
  • Oversee fundraising campaigns
  • Work with the Board of Directors, Executive Director and Operations manager to diversify and expand AKR’s sources of funding
  • Maintain a database of tutors and donors in order to create an efficient tracking system for grants and donations
  • Collaborate and network with other agencies, organizations or individuals whenever possible to further AKR’s mission, visibility, and sustainability.
  • Work with AKR staff to increase public awareness of AKR through newsletters, website, and social media platforms.
  • Represent AKR at community activities.
  • Expand/strengthen partnerships/networks by working with the 70+ collaborative organizations to coordinate efforts between AR Kids Read and those partners. Will also assist in expanding the network of organizations as well as facilitate joint funding, staff training, and sharing of resources where possible.
  • Attend weekly meetings in order to identify development and fundraising needs.

This is a full-time national service position that provides a living allowance of $973 per month. In addition, there is an end of service award – a choice between an Education Award of $5730 or a stipend of $1500 (both are taxable). (Child care assistance and health care coverage may be available, are not guaranteed and have other qualifying requirements.)


The Regional Coordinator will be thoroughly committed to AR Kids Read’s mission and to national service. All candidates should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • At least 18 years of age.
  • A US Citizen, National or Permanent Resident.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher (preferred but not required).
  • Job posting closes October 1, 2016.

To Apply

Please send a resume and cover letter to . Include the words “Development Assistant VISTA” in the email subject line.