Here are some useful websites for sustainable agriculture, food security, and conservation. Some provide free magazines/newsletters/resources by mail or online. Check them out!


subsistence farmers/ agro-forestry

Centre for International Forestry Research – Academic articles and resources

Trees for Life

watch a video on establishing a food forest

watch a video on farmer managed natural regeneration

Trees for Food Security: new project launch in Ethiopia & Rwanda, Uganda & Burundi in the future

Appropriate Technology

From the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Mark Hare Note the metal silo at the 3:05 mark!

o follow track on monthly production of digesters of the different African countries including TZ and various useful documents specifically on Solid State Digesters for rural arid areas were water is an issue.

the official website of the TDBP dom. Biogas programme

the official; website for SNV with links to biogas related articles

the official website for the African Biogas Partnership Programme with links to other sites and articles. Li hand seeder

Appropriate CA machinery in Bangladesh:"Save More, Grow More, Earn More"

fertilizer being processed through a homemade pelletizer, Cambodia

Water and Soil Issues

Training handbook: Safe use of wastewater in urban and peri-urban horticulture. Ghana and sub-Saharan African context.


the International Rural Poultry Network newsletter

the International Goat Network website & newsletter

information about fighting poverty using bees

Natural Medicine and Nutrition

Nutrition gardening: Training courses are run at thedemonstration farm and kitchen at in Thika, about 50km from Nairobi. We are building a network of over 40 Nutrition Gardens in schools, hospitals, women's groups, youth groups, self-help groups, orphanages and prisons in the Thika region.

Natural medicine courses

Natural resource Management and Policy Issues

information on food sovereignty and land reform issues

Organizational Management and Tools, Social change

managing electronic info, strategies & policies

the ePhilanthropy website with news about donors

resources on developing local advisory and governing boards

provides translation services for text and entire websites

Guide to Evaluating Rural Extension

position paper "Building Knowledge Systems in Agriculture" accompanied by a factsheet about extension services and a selection of case studies.

farm radio international

Pest & Disease Management:

led by CABI, is a global alliance to provide information on plant health, pests and diseases

Clinics established in TZ, together with theMinistry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC). Since June 2012 plant clinics are now fully operational. 12 locations listed here:

DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda also have clinics.

Plant science, production

tropical forages fact sheets on 185 species

OR Plant Resources of Tropical Africa database: Plant info sheets

watch for care of flowering mango

watch how to grow fig trees

a short video on banana growing

Watch a 4 part series on how to grow bananas & background on importance

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

FAO online Crop Calendar that advises which crops to plant when, according to the type of agricultural zone, in 43 major African countries. A quick reference tool in selecting crop varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns accelerated by climate change. Based on inputs from member countries.

A collaborative effort between Bioversity International, CIAT, and Cirad information on the edible fruits and nuts of the Americas. Listing 1256 species.

Four major categories of 'wild-food' plants can be distinguished: (1) typical 'famine-food' plants, (2) 'wild-food' plants with 'famine-food' components, (3) 'wild-food' plants attracting additional consumer categories during food shortage periods, and (4) on-farm food crops with 'famine-food' components. Each category and some typical representative examples of 'wild-food' plants are described below. (Ethiopia focus)

The flowering plants and ferns of Zimbabwe. 3,001 species with images, 2,877 native or naturalised species. Mark Hyde

Royal Kew Botanic Gardens, London UK. plant name database, seed information

Propagation Techniques:

watch W.Africans grafting - turn down sound and English subtitles makes it ideal for showing & speaking in Kiswahili

watch more complete explanation about

watch how to do bud grafting of citrus

watch how to graft mangoes

watch how to care for fruit seedling after grafting

How to graft tomato, eggplant, and cucurbits

Urban Agriculture

Food, Agriculture and Cities

First status report on urban and peri-urban horticulture in Africa

YouTube video of Uganda children preparing a sack garden New Book: African indigenous vegetables in urban agriculture


excellent Footsteps newsletter with development resources

resources on low external input agriculture

free books from Tropical Centre for Agriculture & Rural Cooperation &

excellent SPORE magazine

website for World Neighbors, practical how-to-do-it newsletter & booklets

websites for the Echo Development Notes

the Arid Lands Information Network website, and BAOBAB magazine

african journal of food ag nutrition and devel

Metafro Infosys is a catalogue of data sets and data sources related to Central Africa (including Angola, Burundi and Rwanda). Medicinal plants, History, Archaeology, Ethnosociology, Linguistics, Entomology. Belgian Development Cooperation.

watch the 1stin a 6-part series on permaculture design

database of ongoing horticultural projects in TZ, also available for other places

Slow internet connection?

There are a fewdifferent add-ons for browsers thatmake it easytodownload youtubevideos and watch them later, rather than streaming and withstanding all that buffering time. One is Flash video downloader ( This particular one has add-ons fora few different browsers. A quick search from your browserin add-ons or extensionsfor "youtube downloader" or "flash video downloader" gets you a variety of options. This one just puts a "download" button right below the youtube video and if you click and select the file type it brings up a save file menuand then savesit to your computer.