The Nervous System

Functions of the Nervous System

§  ______input—______information

§  To monitor ______occurring inside______and ______the body

§  Changes = ______

§  ______

§  To ______and ______sensory input and decide if ______is needed

§  ______output

§  A ______to integrated ______

§  The response ______muscles or ______

Structural Classification of the Nervous System

§  ______(CNS)

§  ______

§  ______cord

§  ______(PNS)

§  Nerves ______the brain and spinal cord

§  ______nerves
§  ______nerves

Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System

§  Sensory (______) division

§  Nerve ______that carry information to the ______nervous system

§  Motor (______) division

§  Nerve ______that ______impulses ______from the ______nervous system

§  Two subdivisions

§  ______nervous system = ______
§  ______nervous system = ______

Nervous Tissue: Support Cells

§  ______cells in the _____ are grouped together as “______”

§  Function: to ______, ______, and ______neurons

§  ______

§  Abundant, ______-shaped cells

§  ______neurons

§  Form ______between ______and ______

§  Control the ______environment of the ______

§  ______

§  Spiderlike ______

§  ______of ______

§  ______cells

§  ______cavities of the ______and ______cord

§  Circulate ______fluid

§  ______

§  ______around ______fibers in the ______nervous system

§  Produce ______sheaths

§  ______cells

§  ______neuron cell ______

§  ______cells

§  Form ______sheath in the ______nervous system

Nervous Tissue: Neurons

§  ______= nerve cells

§  Cells ______to transmit ______

§  Major ______of neurons

§  Cell ______—______and ______center of the cell
§  ______—______that ______from the cell ______

§  Cell ______

§  ______substance

§  Specialized ______reticulum

§  ______

§  Intermediate ______
§  Maintains cell ______

§  Cell body

§  ______

§  Large ______

§  Processes ______the cell body

§  ______—conduct ______the cell body

§  ______—conduct ______from the cell body

§  ______end in axonal ______

§  Axonal ______contain ______with ______

§  Axonal terminals are ______from the next ______by a ______

§  Synaptic ______—gap ______adjacent neurons

§  ______—junction ______nerves

§  Myelin ______—whitish, ______material ______axons

§  ______cells—______myelin ______in jelly roll–like fashion

§  ______of ______—______in myelin sheath ______the axon

Functional Classification of Neurons

§  ______(afferent) neurons

§  Carry ______from the sensory receptors to the ______

§  ______(efferent) neurons

§  Carry ______from the ______nervous system to ______, ______, or ______

§  ______(association neurons)

§  Found in ______pathways in the ______nervous system

§  Connect ______and ______neurons

Neuron Classification

Functional Properties of Neurons

§  ______

§  Ability to ______to stimuli

§  ______

§  Ability to ______an impulse

Nerve Impulses

§  ______neuron

§  The plasma membrane at ______is ______

§  ______positive ions are ______the cell than ______the cell

§  ______

§  A stimulus ______the neuron’s ______

§  A ______membrane allows ______(Na+) to flow ______the membrane

§  The ______of ions initiates an ______potential in the neuron

§  ______

§  If the action potential (nerve impulse) ______, it is propagated over the ______axon

§  ______travel ______when fibers have a ______

§  ______

§  ______ions ______out of the neuron after ______ions rush ____, which ______the membrane

§  The ______-______pump, using ______, restores the original configuration

Nerve Impulses

Transmission of a Signal at Synapses

§  ______are ______to cross the ______to another nerve

§  ______is released from a nerve’s ______

§  The ______of the next neuron has ______that are stimulated by the ______

§  An ______is started in the ______

The Reflex Arc

§  ______—______, predictable, and ______response to a ______

§  Occurs over pathways called ______arcs

§  Reflex arc—______route from a ______neuron, to an ______, to an ______

Simple Reflex Arc

Types of Reflexes and Regulation

§  ______reflexes

§  ______of ______muscles

§  Example: When you ______your ______away from a ______stove

Types of Reflexes and Regulation

§  ______reflexes

§  ______muscle ______

§  ______and ______pressure ______

§  Regulation of ______

§  ______system regulation

Types of Reflexes and Regulation

§  ______, or ______-jerk, reflex is an example of a ______-neuron reflex arc

Central Nervous System (CNS)

§  ______develops from the ______neural ______

§  The neural tube becomes the ______and ______cord

§  The ______of the neural tube becomes the ______

§  ______chambers within the brain
§  Filled with ______fluid

Regions of the Brain

§  ______hemispheres (cerebrum)

§  ______

§  ______stem

§  ______

Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum

§  Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum)

§  ______(left and right) ______parts of the brain

§  Includes more than ______of the brain ______

§  The surface is made of ______(gyri) and ______(sulci)

§  ______of the cerebrum

§  ______(deep grooves) divide the ______into ______

§  Surface lobes of the cerebrum

§  ______lobe
§  ______lobe
§  ______lobe
§  ______lobe

§  Specialized areas of the cerebrum

§  Primary ______sensory area

§  ______impulses from the body’s ______receptors

§  Located in ______lobe

§  Primary ______area

§  Sends ______to ______muscles

§  Located in ______lobe

§  ______’s area

§  Involved in our ability to ______

§  Cerebral areas involved in special senses

§  ______area (______)

§  ______area

§  ______area

§  ______area

§  ______areas of the cerebrum

§  ______/______region

§  Language ______region

§  General ______area

§  Layers of the cerebrum

§  ______matter—outer layer in the cerebral cortex composed mostly of neuron cell bodies

§  ______matter—fiber ______deep to the gray matter

§  ______hemispheres

§  ______nuclei—islands of ______matter buried within the ______matter

Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon

§  Sits on ______of the ______stem

§  ______by the cerebral hemispheres

§  Made of ______parts

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______the ______ventricle

§  The relay ______for sensory impulses

§  Transfers impulses to the correct part of the cortex for ______and ______

§  ______

§  ______the thalamus

§  Important ______nervous system center

§  Helps ______body temperature

§  Controls ______balance

§  Regulates ______

§  An important part of the ______system (______)

§  The ______gland is attached to the ______

§  ______

§  Forms the roof of the third ventricle

§  Houses the ______body (an ______gland)

§  Includes the ______plexus—forms ______fluid

Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem

§  Attaches to the ______cord

§  Parts of the brain stem

§  ______

§  ______