Procedural Requirements and Timeline

Applied Linguistics PhD Students

These procedural requirements apply to all PhD students in Applied Linguistics. This timeline is typical for someone who already has an MA degree in English and working as a Teaching or Research Assistant for the duration of the program. Others—for example, those who are not TAs—may proceed at a faster rate. You must get these items checked off and signed every year by the program director or co-director or your PhD committee chair.At the end of every academic year, students should fill out the appropriate page and obtain signature, keeping one copy for themselves and giving one copy to the graduate coordinator.


___ Attend departmental orientation meeting for all new graduate students.

____ Meet with director of your PhD program. Consult with the director about course of study and time to graduation. Complete and submit the Approval for Previous Graduate Credit Form.

____ Schedule a meeting with your advisor to discuss specific courses you should plan to take for the duration of your program, selected around your specific research interests.


____ Take APL 601, LIN 510 and APL 594 in fall; take LIN 511, LIN 514, and APL 594 in the spring. (If you have approval to waive these courses due to prior coursework, select other courses in consultation with your advisor.)

____ Teaching and Research Assistants should take no more than 8 hours of coursework in the fall and 8 hours in the spring. Other students should take 11 hours of coursework in the fall and spring (counting 2 credits of APL 594).

____ Teaching Assistants may be required to take a TA seminar course in addition to other coursework; consult with your faculty course supervisor or lead TA for advice.

Graduate Education requires students to file their Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) before they have completed 50% of their program. Failure to do so may result in a hold on registration. Students unsure of their dissertation chair or topic at this point can still file an iPOS using the name of the program director or co-director. Changes to the committee can be made at a later date. After consulting with the program director, program co-director, or chair of your supervisory committee, file an Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS). IPOS filing instructions can be found at

The student has met the requirements for the first year.


Program Director Signature date Student Signature

Print Student Name ______ID______


____ Begin the year by meeting with your academic advisor. Consult that person about course of study and time to graduation.

____ Take LIN 610 (Advanced Phonology) and LIN 614 (Advanced Syntax) (or alternative course numbers provided by the program director) in fall; take other 600- or 700-level courses in consultation with your advisor.

____ Complete foreign language requirement.

____ Choose a chair of your PhD supervisory committee based on that professor’s expertise relevant to the anticipated direction of the dissertation. Your committee chair will usually be your academic advisor. If you are considering a change, please consult with the program director. Establish a timeline for completion of your degree with your chair, considering your mutual availability. Select two additional committee members in consultation with your chair, and ask them if they will serve in this capacity.

_____ Submit your Interactive Plan of Study through MY ASU. IPOS filing instructions can be found at When your iPOS is approved, select the two other members for your PhD committee. To complete committee membership, submit a Committee Appointment/Change Request through MY ASU

The student has met the requirements for the second year and is progressing satisfactorily toward a degree.


Committee Chair signature date


Student signature date

Print Student Name ______ID______

Director/Chair please provide comments: (if student is deviating from these goals, please provide reasons.


____ Begin the year by meeting with the chair of your PhD supervisory committee. Consult with the chair about your course of study and timeline to graduation.

____ Complete Portfolio.

____ Study for and complete Oral or Written Exam. For information on exam process:

____ Finish coursework. Students may enroll in APL 792 for 3 credits while preparing for the exam.

____ Work closely with chair of PhD supervisory committee to plan your dissertation.

_____ Defend dissertation prospectus and advance to candidacy.

Note: The PhD requires a total of 84 hours of coursework, including credit for prior graduate work completed (typically 54 hours after the master’s degree). The 84 hours must include 12 hours of APL 799 Dissertation. APL 792 Research may be applied towards the 54 hours in consultation with the chair of your PhD supervisory committee.

The student has met the requirements for the third year and is progressing satisfactorily toward a degree.


Committee Chair signature date


Student signature date

Print Student Name ______ID______

Director/Chair please provide comments: (if student is deviating from these goals, please provide reasons.


____ Show each of your dissertation chapters to the chair of your PhD supervisory committee and ask for suggestions for revisions. Make the revisions. PhD committee members will also want to suggest revisions and have input and do not want simply to “rubber stamp” their approval to a dissertation. Make those revisions, checking often with the director. Many chairs prefer to have the student complete the dissertation to their satisfaction before sending it to committee members. Some chairs (and some committee members) prefer that committee members see it one chapter at a time.

____ Finish dissertation, to the satisfaction of the chair and the committee.

_____ Agree with chair of PhD supervisory committee and with committee members on time to hold the defense.

____ Schedule oral defense with Graduate Education and submit document for format approval at least 10 working days before the defense. Check Graduate Education deadlines

The student has met the requirements for the fourth year and is progressing satisfactorily toward a degree.


Committee Chair signature date


Student signature date

Anticipate date of defense: ______

Print Student Name ______ID______

Director/Chair please provide comments: (if student is deviating from these goals, please provide reasons.

Part II of the PhD Progress Report and Timeline

Publications and Presentations

All students must complete this section annually and submit with the progress report.

Did you present at local, national, or international academic conferences in 2013/14 or 2014/15? Yes No

If yes, please list the paper title, name of conference, date, and location.

Did you publish in the years 2013/14 or 2014/15? Yes No

If yes, please list the citation. This information will be used for reports as well as posted on our student publication webpage.

Print Student Name ______ID______