2017 On Purpose Planning Tool:

Work on as a leadership team in the fall of 2016

(Finalize byDecember 15, 2016; send to Supt. prior to Dec 31, 2016)

Check conference:___ AL – GA___ Gulf Coast ___South Atlantic

Church: ______Date: ______

Pastor: ______Participating Delegate(s): ______

Other Participating Leaders: ______


STEP 1: STATISTICAL REVIEW of Last Year and This Year (Hard Data)

  1. Congregational Statistics
/ 2015: January - December / 2016: January –to date
Average Weekly Worship Attendance:
Total Number of Conversions during year:
# Youth, # Adult
Total Number of Baptisms during year:
# Youth, # Adult
Total Tithes & Offerings during year:
Total SERCM (Fair Share) Giving during year
Total funding to local ministries outside the church.
Total FM Missions Giving during year
Total Other Missions Giving during year
  1. 2016 YEAR IN REVIEW (Heart Data)
  1. What progress / victories / accomplishments has your congregation experiencedthis year?

2.What challenges or disappointments have you faced as a congregation this year?

3.How do you feel about the statistical & heart data above as you review last year and this year? What concerns, if any, do you have?

STEP 2: REFLECT upon your Purpose or Mission

A.As FMs, our collective purpose is to LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE, MAKE DISCIPLES

Under that broad mission, what is your congregation’s unique purpose for existing?

B.Are there a few (1-3) things that need to change or start happening in your church in 2017(an attitude, action, partnership?)What are some initialsteps that need to be taken in order for desired changeto become a reality?List your thoughts below:

Changes / New Ministries: / Initial Action Steps:


A.NEW LAY LEADERSHIP: What are 3 – 4 ways that the church can identify & train more leaders?





B.EXISTING LAY LEADERSHIP:What are 2 areas that your leadership team or BOA needs to grow in, be further trained in, or have new learning experiences in, during 2017?



C.PASTORAL LEADERSHIP: What is one area that you would like to see your pastor(s) grow stronger in this coming year? How might you assist the pastor in making this become a reality?

YourOn Purpose Planning Tool resultsshould impact your proposed 2017 budget, calendar & ministry teams.

Share resultsat a Society Mtg in December or early January when your church budget, program dates & key leaders are approved.

Pastors email or send the 2017 On Purpose Planning Tool to the Conference MEG

c/o Supt Riley, prior to Dec 31, 2016: or 2465 Torrens Dr. Lakeland 33805