Type the Title Here

John Doe,* Jane Doe,*,** and John Doe, Jr.***
(This style is author)

Enter department information. (This style is named Department.)


Article history: (This style is Article Info subhead)

Received Day Month Year (This style is Article History and Keywords)

Accepted Day Month Year

Available Day Month Year

Keywords:(This style is Article Info subhead)

A. Keyword(This style is Article History and Keywords)

A. Keyword

B. Keyword

*Place the contact information here. The format should be: Affiliation, Mailing Address, City, State Zip.

**The style is named contact.

***Corresponding author: telephone no; fax no.
Email: (e-mail: ).


Type the abstract here. The style is named abstract. Type the abstract here. The style is named abstract. Type the abstract here. The style is named abstract. Type the abstract here. The style is named abstract.


Type the introduction text here. The style is named paragraph no indentfor the firstparagraph in the introduction.The paragraphs following this one have an indent. H2O. 3+

Second Level Heading

Type the text here. The style is named paragraphfor regular paragraphs. Type the text here. The style is named paragraph for regular paragraphs. Type the text here. The style is named paragraph for regular paragraphs.

You can use italic within a paragraph by applying the Italic character style. This will ensure the formatting remains intact.The same thing applies to the Bold style as well.

Equation – The style is named equation(1)

where … The style is named paragraph after eq no indent when you want a non-indented paragraph after an equation.

Equation – The style is named equation(2)

The style is named paragraph when you want an indented paragraph after an equation.


Insert footnotes using the Insert Footnote menu item in Word 2003 or the References Insert Footnote ribbon item in Word 2007.[1] The footnote number in the text is formatted automatically. An area for the text for the footnote appears at the bottom of the page and is formatted automatically.

List Styles

See below for list samples.

  • This is a bulleted list. Only one level is generally used.
  • The style is named List Bullet.
  • This is a bulleted list.
  1. This is a numbered list. Only one level is generally used.
  2. The style is named List Number.
  3. This is a numbered list.


The conclusions may have an opening paragraph. The conclusions may have an opening paragraph. If so, it is a paragraph.

They should start with a bullet. This is namedconclusions.They should start with a bullet. They should start with a bullet.

They should start with a bullet. They should start with a bullet.

They should start with a bullet.


1. First (use initials) Last Name, A.A. Last Name, “Article Title,” in Publication Name, ed. First Last (City, State: Publisher,Year), p. 300-315. (This style is named references.)


Please submit a list of the figure captions at the end of the document.

FIGURE 1. This is the figure caption. The style name is caption.

FIGURE 2. This is a figure caption.

FIGURE 3. This is a figure caption.


Please do not make your tables wider than 7 inches, which is the live area size of the journal. Place the tables at the end of the document.


Also, please have a copy of the caption with the actual figure. Submit the figures at a high resolution for publication(300 dpi for grayscale or color and 600 dpi for line art.) You may include color figures. The color will be free forthe online version andwill be changed to grayscale for print unless the author pays to print in color.

Place the figures after the tables or at the end of the document if there are no tables. If you have original tif files or other original files, please feel free to send them in separate files. @@@@@@@@

[1] Type the footnote here. It is automatically formatted to thecorrect style.