Role Model students have been added to most Pre-K Special Education (SPED) classrooms for the following reasons:

o  Increase inclusion of children with disabilities as required by the Office of Exceptional Student Education & Student Support and the State Performance Plan Indicator 6;

o  Required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); and

o  Individual Educational Plan states that Pre-K students with disabilities will be educated with non-disabled peers.

Benefits for Role Model Students:

o  More positive/accepting attitudes about people with disabilities;

o  More social skills;

o  Equal, if not greater, developmental progress;

o  Less disruptive/inappropriate classroom behavior;

o  Viewed as more socially skillful by teachers and parents; and

o  Role Model program is free for participants.

Requirements for Role Model Students:

o  Full-day Inclusion classrooms (10 ESE/10 Role Models) – A minimum of 4 Role Model students must be VPK eligible (4 years of age on or before September 1, 2016). The remaining Role Models must be at least 3 years of age on or before September 1, 2016. All Role Models must be selected through a screening process conducted by the Pre-K SPED classroom teacher.

o  Full-day Reverse Mainstream classrooms can have no more than 4 Role Models who are either 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2016. VPK certificates are not to be collected for any Role Model student enrolled in Reverse Mainstream Classrooms.

o  Half-day classrooms - may select 2 Role Models per session who are either 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2016. VPK certificates are not to be collected for any Role Model student enrolled in half-day classrooms.

o  Role Model students must have good language skills (in child’s home language) and good social skills. They also must be toilet trained, independent in self-help skills, and capable of initiating play and conversation with other children. In addition, they must be able to follow the classroom routine with minimal prompting. Potential Role Model students spend one day or one am/pm session in the classroom to be screened by the Pre-K SPED classroom teacher. The observation form must be used by the Pre-K SPED teacher and signed by the parent during the screening to determine if the student may be a good Role Model (Attachment 2).

o  Parents of Role Model students are responsible for providing their child’s lunch (may apply for free/reduced meals), transportation to and from school, and before and after school care costs.

o  Role Model students must be children who have never been in or referred to special education.

The Pre-K SPED website ( Teacher Handbook Appendix C-5 Role Model Packet has the following:

o  Sample flyers to advertise Role Model openings (English, Spanish and Creole) (Attachment 1) (Appendix C-6).

o  Sample letter from the principal identifying the Role Model student (Attachment 3).

o  Sample letter to parents once screening is complete (English, Spanish and Creole) stating that child has been selected on a temporary basis or has not been selected (Attachments 4 & 5). Parents of Role Model students should be instructed not to purchase school uniforms while placement is temporary (i.e., 2 weeks).

o  Assessment Consent Form for Pre-K Role Model Students (English, Spanish, Creole) signed by parents before classroom screenings or assessments (Appendix C-7).

Registration of Role Model students requires the following:

o  Same paperwork for any child registering in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (i.e., Birth Certificate, Immunization, Free/Reduced meals etc.).

o  Attachment 3 from Appendix C-5 of the Pre-K SPED Teacher Handbook must be placed in the Role Model student’s cumulative folder and a copy sent to the District Pre-K SPED Office (mail code: 9614).

o  Appropriate Pre-K program code and course code number input into computer at registration:

·  “A” for VPK eligible students in Inclusion classrooms only (4 years of age on or before September 1, 2016);

·  “Z” for non-VPK eligible students in Full-day Inclusion, Full-day Reverse Mainstream, and Half-day programs.

o  In a Full-day Inclusion Classroom, only VPK eligible Role Model students must provide a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) at registration. The certificate number must be entered into ISIS on PF20 Miscellaneous screen.

Dismissal of Role Model Students


o  Lack of attendance and tardiness; and

o  Lack of appropriate skills (i.e., not toilet trained, behavior, poor speech or language).


o  Meeting to address concerns must be held with the parent, teacher, and school administrator with reasonable timelines for remediation (i.e., 2 weeks)

o  If not remediated, the parent is notified of student withdrawal as a Role Model student.

o  Options in the community are discussed with the parent.



Role Model School Sites 2016-2017

Revised 03-08-16

Full-Day Inclusion Role Model Sites (10 ESE / 10 Role Models)

*Air Base K-8 Center / *Kendale Elementary
Angelou, Maya Elementary / Lake Stevens Elementary
*Auburndale Elementary / Ludlam Elementary
Bent Tree Elementary / *Miami Heights Elementary
Biscayne Gardens Elementary / Miami Springs Elementary
Blue Lakes Elementary / Norland Elementary
Boone, Virginia A./Highland Oaks Elementary / North Glade Elementary
*Chapman, W.A. Elementary / North Twin Lakes Elementary
*Citrus Grove Elementary / Palm Springs No. Elementary
Coconut Grove Elementary / Palmetto Elementary
*Coral Park Elementary / Porter, Gilbert Elementary
Edelman, Gertrude/Sabal Palm Elementary / *Roberts, Jane K-8 Center
Everglades K-8 Center / Royal Palm Elementary
*Fascell, Dante Elementary / Scott Lake Elementary
*Fienberg/Fisher Elementary / Springview Elementary
Flagami Elementary / Stirrup Elementary
Flagler, Henry Elementary / Sunset Park Elementary
*Gratigny Elementary / Sylvania Heights Elementary
Greynolds Park Elementary / *Treasure Island Elementary
*Gulfstream Elementary / *Tropical Elementary
Hadley, Charles R. Elementary / Tucker, Frances Elementary
Hibiscus Elementary / *Village Green Elementary
*Hoover, Oliver Elementary / West Hialeah Gardens Elementary
*Hurston, Zora Neale Elementary / *Whigham, Dr. E. L. Elementary
Ives, Madie Elementary / Whispering Pines Elementary
Johnson, J. W. Elementary

(*) The schools noted above with an asterisk will have both an Inclusion class(es) and a full-day Reverse Mainstream class(es). All other schools will have an Inclusion class(es) only.

Full-Day Reverse Mainstream Role Model Sites (10 ESE / 4 Role Models)

*Air Base K-8 Center / *Hurston, Zora Neale Elementary
Arcola Lake Elementary / * Kendale Elementary
Ashe, Bowman F./Doolin K-8 Center / Kendale Lakes Elementary
*Auburndale Elementary / Kenwood K-8 Center
Banyan Elementary / Lakeview Elementary
Bryan, W.J. Elementary / Lehman, William Elementary
Campbell Drive K-8 Center / Miami Gardens Elementary
*Chapman, W.A. Elementary / *Miami Heights Elementary
*Citrus Grove Elementary / Morningside Elementary
Comstock Elementary / Natural Bridge Elementary
*Coral Park Elementary / Orchard Villa Elementary
Coral Way K-8 Center / Palm Lakes Elementary
Crowder, Thena Ed. Ctr. / Pharr, Kelsey L. Elementary
DuPuis, John Elementary / Pine Villa Elementary
Earhart, Amelia Elementary / Poinciana Park Elementary
*Fascell, Dante Elementary / *Roberts, Jane K-8 Center
*Fienberg/Fisher Elementary / Sheppard, Ben Elementary
Floyd, Gloria Elementary / Silver Bluff Elementary
Gateway Environmental K-8 Center / *Treasure Island Elementary
Goulds Elementary / *Tropical Elementary
*Gratigny Elementary / *Village Green Elementary
*Gulfstream Elementary / Walters, Mae M. Elementary
*Hoover, Oliver Elementary / *Whigham, Dr. E. L. Elementary

(*) The schools noted above with an asterisk will have both a full-day Reverse Mainstream class(es) and an Inclusion class(es). All other schools will have a full-day Reverse Mainstream class(es) only.

Half-Day Role Model Sites [10 ESE (A.M. & P.M.) / 2 Role Models (A.M. & P.M.)]

Angelou, Maya Elementary / Hurston, Zora Neale Elementary
Arcola Elementary / J.W. Johnson Elementary
Auburndale Elementary / Kensington Park Elementary
Banyan Elementary / Leisure City K-8
Blue Lakes Elementary / Miami Heights Elementary
Boone, VA/Highland Oaks Elementary / Morningside K-8 Academy
Campbell Dr. K-8 Ctr. / Natural Bridge Elementary
Caribbean Elementary / Norland Elementary
Carol City Elementary / Palm Lakes Elementary
Coral Park Elementary / Palmetto Elementary
Crowder, Thena E. Ctr. / Pepper, Claude Elementary
Eve, Christina Elementary / Peskoe, Irving & Beatrice Elementary
Everglades K-8 Center / PR.I.D.E.
Fairchild, David Elementary / Redondo Elementary
Florida City Elementary / Roberts, Jane K-8 Ctr.
Floyd, Gloria Elementary / Silver Bluff Elementary
Gratigny Elementary / South Miami K-8 Ctr.
Gulfstream Elementary / Spanish Lake Elementary
Hadley, Charles Elementary / Thomas, Eugenia B. K-8 Center
Hialeah Elementary / Tropical Elementary
Hialeah Gardens Elementary / Whigham Dr. E. El. – PLC
Hibiscus Elementary




Available for Non-Disabled 3 & 4 year old children to attend either a Full-Day (8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) or a Half-Day (8:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. or 11:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) Prekindergarten Classroom for Children with Disabilities.

We are looking for children who will be role models for good behavior, language, and social skills for prekindergarten children with disabilities.

For more information, call ______.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities



Cupos Disponibles en Prekindergarten

Hay cupos disponibles para niños sin discapacidades de 3 y 4 años para un programa de tiempo completo (8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) o un programa de medio día (8:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. o 11:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) para niños con discapacidades.

Buscamos alumnos que puedan ser modelos ejemplares para el resto del estudiantado. Deben tener buen comportamiento, lenguaje y buenas habilidades sociales.

Para más información llame a ______.

Escuelas Públicas del Condado Miami-Dade

Programa Prekindergarten

Para Niños con Discapacidades




Disponib pou timoun 3 & 4 an ki Pa Gen Andikap ale nan Jounen Aplentan (8:20 dimaten – 1:50 nan aprèmidi) oubyen ale Demi Jounen (8:20 dimaten – 10:50 dimaten oubyen 11:20 dimaten – 1:50 nan aprèmidi) nan yon Salklas Matènèl pou timoun ki gen Andikap.

N ap chèche timoun ki pral fè modèl pou ladrès bon konpòtman, lang, ak sosyal pou timoun klas matènèl ki gen andikap.

Pou plis enfòmasyon, rele ______.

Pwogram Klas Matènèl pou Timoun ki Gen Andikap

Lekòl Leta Miami-Dade County




Available for Non-Disabled 3 & 4 year old children to attend a Full-Day (8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) Prekindergarten Classroom for Children with Disabilities.

We are looking for children who will be role models for good behavior, language, and social skills for prekindergarten children with disabilities.

For more information, call ______.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities



Cupos Disponibles en Prekindergarten

Hay cupos disponibles para niños de 3 & 4 años sin discapacidades para un programa de tiempo completo (8:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) en el Programa de Prekindergarten Para Niños con Discapacidades.

Buscamos alumnos que puedan ser modelos ejemplares para el resto del estudiantado. Deben tener buen comportamiento, lenguaje y buenas habilidades sociales.

Para más información llame a ______.

Escuelas Públicas del Condado Miami-Dade

Programa Prekindergarten

Para Niños con Discapacidades




Disponib pou timoun 3 & 4 an ki Pa Gen Andikap ale nan Jounen Aplentan (8:20 dimaten – 1:50 nan aprèmidi) nan yon Salklas Matènèl pou timoun ki gen Andikap.

N ap chèche timoun ki pral fè modèl pou ladrès bon konpòtman, lang, ak sosyal pou timoun klas matènèl ki gen andikap.

Pou plis enfòmasyon, rele ______.

Pwogram Klas Matènèl pou Timoun ki Gen Andikap

Lekòl Leta Miami-Dade County




Available for Non-Disabled 3 & 4-year-old children to attend a Half-Day (8:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. or 11:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) Prekindergarten Classroom for Children with Disabilities.

We are looking for children who will be role models for good behavior, language, and social skills for prekindergarten children with disabilities.

For more information, call ______.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities



Cupos Disponibles en Prekindergarten

Hay cupos disponibles para niños de 3 & 4 años sin discapacidades para un programa de medio día de (8:20 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.) o (11:20 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.) en el Programa de Prekindergarten Para Niños con Discapacidades.

Buscamos alumnos que puedan ser modelos ejemplares para el resto del estudiantado. Deben tener buen comportamiento, lenguaje y buenas habilidades sociales.

Para más información llame a ______.

Escuelas Públicas del Condado Miami-Dade

Programa Prekindergarten

Para Niños con Discapacidades




Disponib pou timoun 3 & 4 an ki Pa Gen Andikap ale nan Demi Jounen (8:20 dimaten – 10:50 dimaten) oubyen (11:20 dimaten – 1:50 nan aprèmidi) nan yon Salklas Matènèl pou timoun ki gen Andikap.

N ap chèche timoun ki pral fè modèl pou ladrès bon konpòtman, lang, ak sosyal pou timoun klas matènèl ki gen andikap.

Pou plis enfòmasyon, rele ______.

Pwogram Klas Matènèl pou Timoun ki Gen Andikap

Lekòl Leta Miami-Dade County


Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities

Observation for Pre-K Role Model Students

Child’s Name: / ______/ D.O.B: / ______/ Date: / ______
Teacher’s Name: / ______/ School: / ______

Has your child ever been referred / evaluated by Early Steps or Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System-South (FDLRS-S)? _____Yes _____No