The Great tragedy of Lot’s wife
We have entered 2007 by both the creation calendar of the ancient Scriptures-- which dates from the Hebrew month of Tishre, day 1, at the festival of Yom Teruah, the blowing of Trumpets--and the Roman Gregorian calendar of Pope Gregory, which begins on January 1st. On March 19th, we enter into 2007 by the calendar that the Elohim (God) of Israel began, to establish His festival year and outline for us His plan for our salvation (Exodus 12:2).
The world’s voices are telling us that this is going to be a very hard year, filled with potential wars and worldwide trouble in general. Truthfully, many prophetic fulfillments of Scripture regarding our day and time are compounding. The plans of the world’s elite and powerful leaders, who follow the plans of their god Lucifer, for a world ruled by Lucifer, are compounding. The earth is purposely being set up for destruction by these powerful people, and with it the destruction of approximately six billion people. The Word says over and over that if Messiah does not intervene, “no flesh will be saved”.
Yet, the Father, whose mighty set-apart Name is Yahuweh, also has His plans.
In Psalm 2, we see that He sits in the heavens and laughs as He sees mankind running around trying to rebuild Nimrod’s tower and control the world. He laughs because He knows that the time frame He is giving them for rebuilding Nimrod’s dream will end in the return of His Messiah to His Set-Apart Mountain of Zion (pronounced: zee-own). There will be a world ruler in the final analysis—the Messiah of Israel, “Lion of the tribe of Judah”.
What we intend to do to prepare and position ourselves for the days ahead, which the Scriptures say is the worst time in human history, we must do quickly. I put it this way: Get where you’re going, because the world is going to be a great prison camp before long, and only a few will able to change locations once the rulers of a one world government slam the doors on earth’s citizens. Who will be able to go anywhere with military check points at all major crossroads, without the mark of identification with the world ruler? – Only a small remnant who know their Elohim and will “do exploits”. Man has become so dependent on man that when man fails, where will people go for help? – Only a small remnant
Psalm 33:18-19: “Behold the eye of Yahuweh is on those fearing Him, on those waiting for His kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive during scarcity of food”.
Get to where you’re going and wait for His instructions. Position yourself for moving quickly now. When Father says: “GO”, you must not wait for Pharaoh’s horses to breathe down your neck. Exodus 14 will be repeated on a worldwide scope. There will be a very small remnant of survivors when the fleeing actually begins, out of all nations. Compassion, mercy and love will be lost amongst the
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terror and panic. Even now “the love of many has grown cold”. (Matthew 24:12) A “lawless” spirit has gone out into all the earth—a spirit that rejects Yahuweh and His good Torah (teachings, instructions, right-rulings, statues and judgments of the Kingdom of Heaven, given to man for man’s happiness, peace and stability), relegating it to “law of the Jews” that is non-applicable in today’s “grace” society of “lawlessness”. It is the law of Yahuweh—the law by which He runs His own Kingdom. It is the law that Messiah will enforce with a rod of iron in His Kingdom on earth. It is the law by which His faithful servants will also rule, along side of Messiah. (Revelation 2:26-27) It is the balanced lifestyle that takes burdens from life on earth (I John 5:2-3). It is the eternal, forever, everlasting law of heaven that Lucifer, his agents and his followers hate with all their being—and want to destroy off of this planet. It is best to submit to the covenant of the Father with His people.
When we receive Messiah’s death and resurrection, by faith, for our salvation, we use expressions like “born again” and “saved”. But born into what? We are translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light.
Colossians 1:12-13: “…giving thanks to the Father who has made us fit to share in the inheritance of the set-apart ones in light, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…”
We are born into Yahuweh’s Kingdom, and become citizens of that Kingdom (Philippians 3:20-21) by receiving a blood covenant. We are born into a covenant-relationship just as Abel and Abraham had with Yahuweh. We are born into the family of Jacob—whose name was changed to Israel--and into covenant with the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are not gentiles (“gentiles”—foreigners, aliens, strangers, heathen, barbarians, pagans). We are in the tree of Israel if we are in Messiah. (Ephesians 2:8-19; Romans 11)
Therefore, through that covenant, we are responsible to be good citizens of our Father’s Kingdom, which is soon to come to earth. Messiah started nothing new—He simply renewed the covenant and expanded it—so that we have more of a chance to know Him, more of a chance to guard His Torah with joy, more of a chance to obey and be rewarded. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
My friends: Those waiting until the last minute to obey the warnings of the Scriptures for these last days may be like the people who thought about getting into the ark six days before the flood began--Genesis 7:4-16--Too late! Noah warned and warned and warned for 120 years, but no one listened. At least in our day a few will listen…a very few.
Those of you who are listening, get toughened up as a “good soldier of Messiah Yahushua” (whose Name means: I am salvation), “endure hardness”, and get yourself ready for anything at any time. (II Timothy2:1-4) In the meantime, be busy in His agenda for these last days.
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It is best to choose to walk the hard road. For only then can you be mentally ready to live in the days ahead.
It is time to stop being apathetic, lazy, self-centered and ambitious--seeking to live some “good life” that has been undermined so badly it is about to fall. We must look outward--to the plans of the Father. He is returning the whole house of Jacob—all the tribes to His land. He is working to set-part a remnant that He can count on and trust in the final days. He wants a people who not only trust Him for everything but a people that He can trust also.
Get yourself in the mindset of Luke 14:25-33…willing to forsake all to follow the Lamb. Otherwise, you’ll fall into the category of Lot’s wife—who wasn’t a bad woman, just a woman who waited too long to move forward.
The message to Baruk is the message to us. He had been with Jeremiah for forty years—suffering greatly along with the Prophet. Now, it was over—he was free to go—the captivity of Judah had begun, and Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon had given him his freedom.
In Jeremiah 45:4-5 we read the Word through Jeremiah to Baruk: “Say to him, `Thus said Yahuweh, See, what I have built I am breaking down, and what I have planted I am plucking up--that is the entire land. And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them, for look, I am bringing evil on all flesh’ declares Yahuweh, `But I shall give you your life to you as a prize in all places wherever you go’”. He is soon to bring “evil on all flesh”, as Messiah returns with the wrath of the Father (Revelation 11:15-19; Isaiah 63:1-6, etcetera).
In one of my dreams from the Father, I saw a train station. There was a man trying desperately to reach the train before it left the platform. He was bent over, carrying two very heavy suitcases. He tried to walk as fast as possible, but the suitcases slowed him down, and he missed the train. This is exactly what will happen to most of the good believers. Loose yourself from all that would slow you down in the final sprint of this race of life.
Hebrews 12:1-2: “We too, then, having such a great cloud of witnesses all around us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us, looking unto Yahushua, the Author and Finisher of our faith…”
This is a year of final positioning for most of His servants. He’s been using many of us for years to do His will. But, now it is the time to go into most Set-Apart Place with Him, and find out where He wants us finally positioned to dig deep into the rock for the days ahead (Luke 6:46-49) so that the storm won’t destroy us. We need to get where we’re going and dig deep into the Rock.
Father has His plans locked in, and His agenda ends with His wrath against all those lawless against His Torah. I John 3:4: “Sin is the transgression of theTorah”. Jerome, translator of the Latin Vulgate, was a Gnostic as well as a Roman Catholic. He substituted a Latin word for “Torah”, which translates into
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English as “Law”. This substitution has been used to teach people that there was the “Law of Moses”, “Law of the Jews”, that is obsolete for the Church. Thus we have totally been deceived. Lucifer works through the Greco/Roman mentality—then and now—to subtly twist truth about Yahuweh and His Torah. If you would substitute the word “Torah” (Torah) for the word “law”, it will change your whole understanding of Scripture. The Greek word for Torah is “nomos”—it means “to teach, to graze sheep”, just as Torah means teaching. So many Scriptures give promises to those who “fear Him” and those who “guard His covenant to do it”—an example is Psalm 103.
Our loving and kind Father warns His people to get out of the path of His wrath, and separate themselves from the world system that He will destroy. He warns us to be set-apart unto Him—in covenant relationship with Him, obedient, humble, yielded, honoring His Name, and fearing Him.
Also, 6,823 times in the Word, the word “Lord” is used—the work of the Greeks, accepted by the Hellenized Jews. It should almost across board be translated as Yahuweh—the Name of the Father. Lucifer, Satan in disguise as the angel of light—the “illumined one”—hates the Father’s name. If you use the Father’s name in Zechariah 3:2—you can see why Satan hates it.
The great sign of our identification with His covenant is the guarding of His Shabbat—the eternal sign—from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. How eternal is forever?—Isaiah 66:22-23. One day I started at 9:00AM to look up all the Scriptures on Shabbat. I finished at midnight. It was the Roman emperor Constantine who demanded that the day of worship be changed from Shabbat to Sun-day—the day of the worship of “the lord” (Baal) the sun god, whom he worshipped under the title “Sol Invictus”—while all the while being the Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pontiff) of his Roman Catholic Church. He commanded that all worship on that day or die. In the hundreds of years of the Roman Inquisition, the Roman Catholic priests and their allies watched for people who did not work or spend money on Saturday. These they hauled before courts to try them as heretics. They tortured them to make them covert to Roman Catholicism, and if they didn’t they killed them in the most hideous ways. This Inquisition is still being conducted by the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church in South and Central America, Mexico, parts of Africa and South Asia.
Identification with Yahuweh, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will cost us our lives in the days ahead.
“You will be hated by all men for My Name’s sake” (Matthew 10:22). What Name did He go by—the Hebrew name connected to His Father (Yahushua—I AM Salvation), or the Greek name associated with Zeus—Iesous (E-zeus)? There will be an anti-messiah on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, ruling the world who will say: “worship me or die”. He will deceive the world’s people. His false prophet will deceive by doing signs and wonders. Messiah said that “even the elect” might be deceived by these demonstrations of “wonders”.
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The Greeks and Romans have made most believers lawless (Torah-less), by using the same type of deception Lucifer used on Eve and Adam—the same line: You don’t have to obey Yahuweh. The joy of being in right-standing with the Father is so great I can’t describe it in words…but the peace in overwhelming.
There are many Scriptures about fearing Him. The lukewarm interpretation of a Greek-Roman church has made that almost something to be ignored.
According to the language in which the many admonitions to fear Him were written (Hebrew), “fear” means dread, terror, exceeding fear, trembling fear, to be terrified. He is a consuming fire, not a soft, cushy teddy bear.
Didn’t Messiah warn us: “And do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell”. (Matthew 10:28)
All of the descriptions of Messiah’s return, with the wrath of Yahuweh, show us that He is going to separate those who are in law-abiding covenant with Elohim, from those who are “lawless”. (Matthew 7:21-23 and Matthew 13 for examples)
The foolish virgins are still asleep. (Matthew 25:1-11) Preparation in physical ways is important. But, preparation of your relationship with the Father and Messiah is of utmost importance. If you have no intimate knowing of Him, how can you know His directives when it is critical to hear from Him? If you do not know His nature—how He thinks, how He does things--how will you be able to discern the real from deception when it is critical to be right?
Knowing His nature is paramount to understanding how He works, how He thinks, and how He acts. The enemy is subtle. Deception is very close to truth. To know the difference, you must know His Word as taught by Him—not by some human who may not know Him either. Look at the characteristics of those who knew Him in the Bible—those who interacted with the Father. Our salvation is not a free ride. He judges us on our works. (I Corinthians 3:10-15; Revelation 22:12, Matthew 16:27) “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling”—Philippians 2:12-13.
He will also judge us by “every idle word” that we speak. It is time to guard our
words so that we speak the “words of Elohim”—Elohim-approved conversation-- and not waste time in useless chitter chatter, foolish jesting, gossip or slander, or loose-lipped nonsense that is so common among the world’s people. Shallow conversation that does not edify the hearers can lead to gossip and slander, which is sin. Proverbs 10:19: “When words are many, transgression is not absent, but he who restrains his lips is wise”.
In the persecuted assemblies of believers in China, for example, their life is on the line daily for their faith in Messiah. When they meet in secret places to hear the Word, to sing and to pray together and fellowship, they tell us that they have no time to ask about things of this earth. They are in constant danger of being killed, so when they get together they only want to talk about HIM.
Excerpts from I Peter 4:7-11: “But the end of all has drawn near.
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therefore be sober-minded, and be attentive in prayers. And above all have fervent love for one another, because love covers a great number of sins. If anyone speaks, let it be as the words of Elohim. If anyone serves, let it be as with the strength which Elohim provides…”
His reward is according to our works. If faith does not produce obedience to His will, then it is worthless, useless and dead (James 2:14-26). He clearly states that “works” means to obey His commandments and guard His set-apart Torah as good citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, of which we are citizens.
This year, His people must let go of all of the man-made religious system, which teaches a gospel foreign to the Elohim of the Scriptures, and get alone daily with the Father’s Spirit (the Ruach Yahuweh), and let the Teacher teach. He alone is called the “Spirit of Truth”. Unless He puts His OK on teaching it is false, deceptive and useless. He must be the only Teacher we go by for the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. Truthful teaching must be teaching which
agrees with the whole Word of Elohim in context—otherwise it is just a manipulation of Scripture to fit the opinion of some man.
Everyone seems to have an opinion now, and wants to express it publicly. But, no opinion is of any worth other than Yahuweh’s opinion. Therefore, reading opinions or listening to them on T.V. or in the church pulpit is a waste of time.