Vacation Bible School 2014

July 7th-11th 2-5pm

What you need:

□ Registration and Health Form (attached)

□ Payment: $35 per child or $50 per family

□ Medication Form if necessary (upon request)

□ Mark your calendars for July 7th-11th

We would love to have your help! If you have any available time during the week of VBS to help out, let us know!

Bring all forms and payment to church office as soon as possible

to ensure your spot J

Questions: Contact Caitlyn Brennan

Vacation Bible School Registration and Health Form

To be completed by parent or guardian if youth is under 18 years old.

Please type or print clearly.

Youth’s Name: ______

Grade in September:______Age:_____ Birth date:______

School attending:______T-Shirt Size: ______



Parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s): ______


Home phone: ______Work phone: ______

Cell phone: ______

Please provide names of persons to contact if parent(s) or guardian(s) cannot be reached.

Name: ______

Phone: ______

Name: ______

Phone: ______

Any reason youth should not participate fully in activities?


Will the youth bring any medicine to the activity? If so, please fill out medication form.

If necessary may the youth receive over the counter pain relief during the activity?

No___ Yes___ Parent signature ______

Is the youth allergic to any medicines? If so, please list: ______


Other allergies (food, plant, animal, etc.):______


Date of youth’s last tetanus shot (Must be within 10 years): __/__/__

Name, address, and telephone number of youth’s doctor:



Name and account number of medical insurance coverage:


Other information we should know: ______


I, the undersigned parent or guardian of (please print name of youth) ______, do hereby authorize bona fide officials of the activity, as agents for the undersigned, consent to x-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable and is to be rendered under the provision of the Medical Practice Act by the medical staff or a licensed hospital, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at said hospital. This authorization shall be in effect for the school year ______to ______, unless revoked by me at an earlier date. A photocopy of this authorization shall be considered as an original (California Civil Service 25.8).

Parent’s Signature______Date: __/__/__

Medication Form (Prescription Medicine Only)

Prescribing Physician:______

Drug: Name______Date filled______


Dosage______Expiration Date______

Prescription #______#of Refills______

Time to be Administered:______

Special Instructions: ______



Prescribing Physician:______

Drug: Name______Date filled______


Dosage______Expiration Date______

Prescription #______#of Refills______

Time to be Administered:______

Special Instructions: ______



Prescribing Physician:______

Drug: Name______Date filled______


Dosage______Expiration Date______

Prescription #______#of Refills______

Time to be Administered:______

Special Instructions: ______

