May 25, 2016 BDAY


Today’sLunch: Taco salad, salsa & sour cream, giant goldfish graham; freshly baked pizza, made to order sub sandwiches, veggiesand fastfood choice.

Breakfast:WG cinnamon muffin squares;asst. cereal, fruit & juice & milk


Anime club is on Thursday this week.

All library books are due this Thursday.

What time is it?It's CREATIVE CONCERT time; the annual choir event that everyone looks forward to. All choirs and featured solo acts will be performing a variety of styles of music. The choir's have been working on choreography for medleys of Michael Jackson and The Lion King. You will be hearing songs from Pitch Perfect and Disney. All seniors will be honored as well as some trophies awarded. There is a suggested donation at the door of $5.00 per family, $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for students. Thursday May 26th at 6:30.

Join the Lake City High School Swim Team! We welcome current LCHS students in any grade. There is a parent & swimmer meeting 7:00 p.m. at Lake City High School on Wednesday, June 1 in the Library. At the meeting, we will

 Review upcoming dates, team expectations and fees.

 Place swimsuit special orders.

 Explain volunteer opportunities.

 Conduct a Q and A with LCHS Coach Bob.

We hope to see you there!

Come see the final Improv showthis Fridayat7 pmin the auditorium--featuring the talents of our graduating seniors and members of the Improv team. The tickets are $4 at the door and $3 with a Lake City ASB. Doors open at6:30.

Jamba Juice will be here everyThursday during all lunches! Come support Business Professionals of America! "

Do you want a cookie? How about a brownie? Perhaps a cupcake? Then come on down to the GSA bake sale during lunch today! We have something for everyone!

Juniors! It is time to purchase your Senior Parking spot! Senior Parking Spots are only $25! Sign up for parking at lunch. See Mrs. Jewell if you have questions.

Juniors! Make sure to order your senior sweatshirts now! The class and girl sweatshirts are only $25 each! Order forms are in the front office. You can order your sweatshirts during lunches or from Mrs. Pomerantz in room A8.

Teacher Duty Schedule

5/16/16 1010/19/2015 10/12/15 / May 16th -20th / WEEK 32
Upstairs / N/A
Commons / Mantz
Commons / Fulp / Bell
Bus / Holmes / Maurer
Gym / Troxel
Admin / Clifford


5/25/16 / 7:00A-8:00A / Booster Meeting / Conference
2:30P-3:30P / PBIS Team Meeting / Conference
2:30P-4:30P / Boys Basketball / Gym
2:40P-3:30P / Homework Help / Library
2:40P-3:15P / Hope Club / Library
2:45P-4:15P / After School Weights / Weight Room
3:00P-6:30P / Public Library / Library
4:30P-6:00P / Girls Basketball / Gym
5:30P-9:00P / Senior Project / LCHS
6:00P-7:30P / Boys Frosh Basketball / Gym
6:30P-7:30P / Girls Cheerleading uniform fitting / Girls Locker Room
7:00P-9:00P / Girls Basketball Open Gym / Gym
5/26/16 / 2:30P-3:30P / Art Club / Art 2
2:30P-4:30P / Anime Club / A8
2:40P-3:30P / Homework Help / Library
2:45P-4:15P / After School Weights / Weight Room
3:00P-6:30P / Public Library / Library
4:00P-6:30P / Wrestling / Wrestling Room
4:30P-6:00P / Girls Basketball / Gym
6:30P-7:30P / NI Officials Meeting / DECA
6:30P-9:30P / Creative Choir Concert / Auditorium
7:00P-9:00P / Volleyball Open Gym / Gym
12:00A / Outdoor Studies bus returns / Parking Lot
Friday / NO SCHOOL
5/27/16 / 5:00P-9:00P / Improv Performance / Auditorium
5/29/16 / 5:30P-8:30P / CYT Strike Party / Commons
7:00P-9:00P / Girls Basketball Open Gym / Gym
Monday / Memorial Day – No School
5/30/16 / 3:00P-6:30P / Football Camp / LCHS
7:00P-9:00P / Volleyball Open Gym / Gym
5/31/16 / 2:30P-3:30P / MVT Meeting / Commons
2:30P-4:30P / Boys Basketball / Gym
2:45P-4:15P / After School Weights / Weight Room
3:00P-6:30P / Football Camp / LCHS
3:00P-6:30P / Public Library / Library
4:00P-6:30P / Wrestling / Wrestling Room
5:00P-7:00P / Girls Basketball Open Gym / Gym
5:30P-7:00P / Cheer Practice / Commons
6:00P / Year End Baseball Awards / CDA Resort
6:00P-9:00P / Drama Awards / Auditorium
7:00P-8:30P / Boys Frosh Basketball / Gym