Division of Finance and Business Operations /
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
5700 Cass Avenue, suite 4200
Detroit, Michigan 48202
(313) 577-3734
FAX (313) 577-3747

May 20, 2016

Dear Vendors:

Wayne State University invites you to participate in the Request for Proposal process, for the Design-Build Services for the Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display, for the Wayne State University Athletics Department.

Bidding documents may be obtained by vendors from the University Purchasing Web Site at http://www.forms.procurement.wayne.edu/Adv_bid/Adv_bid.html beginning May 20, 2016. When visiting the Web Site, click on the "Service" link in green.

If you are interested in participating in this process, it is essential that you or a representative of your company fill out and FAX the registration/intent form. To participate, it is MANDATORY that you and/or responsible representatives of your organization attend our pre-bid conference (Tour/Q & A Session) to be held:

June 06, 2016, 2:30 pm

Wayne State University

Academic / Administrative Building

5700 Cass Avenue

4th Floor Conference Room 4002

Detroit, MI 48202

** Vendors who would like to call into the meeting complete via Conference Call must complete the Registration Form enclosed with the RFP.

The balance of the Calendar of Events is as follows:

Release of the RFP / May 20, 2016
Pre- Registration / June 03, 2016
Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference / June 06, 2016, 2:30 pm
Deadline for Questions / June 17, 2016, 12:00 noon
Delivery of Proposals (Two Copies) / June 28, 2016, 2:00 pm

For your convenience a map of the University and appropriate parking lots can be downloaded and printed from: http://campusmap.wayne.edu/. Guest parking in any of the University student and guest lots is $7.00. A detailed list of Cash & Coin operated lots can be viewed at http://procurement.wayne.edu/cash_and_credit_card_lots.php. Cash lots dispense change in quarters. Due to time constraints, Vendors are encouraged to avoid parking at meters on the street. Please confirm your participation and/or attendance at the pre-bid conference by faxing the attached Registration/Intent form to the attention of Ms. Pat Wegner (313) 577-3747 no later than 12:00 noon on June 03, 2016. Remember, you MUST attend the pre-bid conference in order to be qualified to respond to the bid.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this invitation, please contact me at (313) 577-3720. Thank you for your interest in doing business with Wayne State University.


Valerie Kreher, Senior Buyer

Cc: Robert Fournier

Kenneth Doherty, Assistant Vice President



RFP Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display

Please use this form to indicate your intent to submit a proposal for the services listed. Please type or print the information requested below, then fax to Wayne State University, attention Ms. Pat Wegner at (313) 577-3747 by June 03, 2016 at 12:00 p. m. (noon).

Vendor Name:

Contact Person:

Telephone: ( )


YES______I will be attending the Mandatory meeting for the RFP Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display on June 06, 2016.

Location: Wayne State University,

Academic / Administrative Building, 4th Floor Conference Room 4002,

Detroit MI 48202

Time: 2:30 pm

YES______I would like to participate in the pre-bid meeting via Conference Call, reference log-in conference number: 641-715-3580 (access code 763 996) on June 06, 2016, at 2:30 pm (EST) hp 468070

NO______I will not participate in the Request for Proposal and will not be

submitting a response.

I understand that this will not affect our status as a potential supplier to Wayne State University.

Thank you for interest shown in working with Wayne State University.

Valerie Kreher

Senior Buyer

Division of Finance and Business Operations

Request for Proposal and Specifications for

Design-Build Services for the

Wayne State University

Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form
by any means without the written permission of

Wayne State University

Wayne State University

Procurement & Strategic Sourcing

May 20, 2016

/ 6

Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display

Pre- Proposal Meeting


June 06, 2016 at 2:30 pm

1.  Welcome to Wayne State University
Sign in Sheets (Purchasing)
2.  Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display Overview
3.  Project Description
4.  RFP Details
·  Level of effort
·  Contract
·  Fee Proposal Forms
5.  Reiteration of Instructions
6.  Q/A
All future questions to be directed to Purchasing by noon on June 17, 2016. / Valerie Kreher
Robert Fournier
Robert Fournier
Valerie Kreher
Valerie Kreher
Robert Fournier/ Valerie Kreher
to: Valerie Kreher, copy to Kenneth Doherty,
/ 8

Table of Contents

Section Pages

I.  Instructions to Design-Build Contractor 2

II.  Project Scope 3

III.  Project Budget 3

IV.  Project Schedule 3-4

V.  Proposal Requirements 5-8

VI.  Design-Build Contractor Selection and Evaluation Criteria 8

VII.  Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule 8-10

VIII. Schedules to be Submitted with Vendor Proposal 10

Schedule A: Proposal Certification, Non-Collusion Affidavit, Vendor Acknowledgement

Schedule B: Insurance Requirements

Schedule C: Fee Proposal Form for Design Build Professional

Schedule D: Summary Questions

IX.  Appendices:

Appendix 1, WSU Campus Map / Available Parking

Appendix 2, Prebid Registration Form

I.  Instructions to Design-Build Contractor:

Wayne State University invites firms to submit proposals to provide complete Design-Build services for the construction of the Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) defines the requirements and expectations for the design-build services, and provides information to define the project, the expected contract environment, and guidelines for preparation of proposal for the University’s use in selecting a firm for the project. Enclosed in this fax is the Registration, which is the confirmation of your intent to participate. This form MUST be faxed to (313) 577-3747 Attn: Ms. Pat Wegner, WSU Purchasing Department by June 03, 2016 by 4:30 pm.

Proposals are due before 2:00 p.m., local time, on June 28, 2016. Proposals received after this time will be rejected. Two (2) copies of the proposal are to be submitted in a sealed envelope or box at the University’s Purchasing Department.

In addition, an electronic version is required, which should be submitted to our secure mailbox at and be sure your subject line reads “(company name) RFP Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display Response”. The electronic submission should be limited to no more than one of each of the following file types: 1 Word Document and/or 1 Excel Workbook, with a total file size less than 20 megabytes. If your submission was sent correctly, you will receive an auto-reply message acknowledging receipt of your Proposal. If you do not receive an auto-reply message, check the address you used and resubmit your Proposal. However, in the event a discrepancy exists between the electronic submission and the original copy of the Vendor’s Response Proposal, the original copy will prevail.

Proposals shall be addressed to:

Wayne State University

Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display

Valerie Kreher, Senior Buyer

Academic/Administration Building

Wayne State University (Purchasing Department)

5700 Cass Avenue, 4th Floor - Suite 4200

Detroit, Michigan 48202

And: E-mail a copy to

Subject line: “(company name) RFP Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display Response”.

All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal and these two projects shall be made in writing and submitted by e-mail to Valerie Kreher at and copied to Kenneth Doherty at , per the project schedule. Inquires directed to other University personnel may result in disqualification.

II.  Project Scope:

Harwell Project/Overview. The Ernie and Lula Harwell stadium project is a recognition to the late Tiger broadcaster and his wife and their many contributions to the City, region and State. In a career that spanned fifty-five (55) years in the major leagues as a broadcaster, his impact was known nationally including the acknowledgment that at his retirement in 2002 he had announced more games than anyone in MLB history. The stadium is a lasting tribute to that legacy and their marriage of 62 years and the good works associated with the couple. Located on the Wayne State University athletic campus, the facility will be the home of the school’s baseball program and countless youth leagues, state playoff games and high school contests throughout the year. The site was also home to the MLB corporate initiative when the all-star game was played in Detroit in 2005.

The stadium will be an exact replica of the famed Ebbets Field that once stood in Brooklyn as the home of the Dodgers. In addition to the stadium, there are many other references to the history of baseball already associated with the facility – the outfield matches exactly the famed Fenway Park in Boston including a replica “green monster” (37.5 feet high and 287 feet long) with the same indentations of the Boston landmark and the former Tiger auxiliary scoreboard from the old Tiger Stadium is at the base of the Fenway park wall (and is operable). The latter has been featured on numerous broadcasts (MLB television, local radio and television and print media).

Outreach. It is expected that the final stadium enclosure will be a destination for fans of Mr. Harwell and baseball enthusiasts. The interior will display many historical artifacts including a Michigan Wall of Memories that will display numerous letters of tribute written upon the passing of Mr. Harwell. These hand-written letters are not only a testament to the Harwell’s, but also tell a story of the City and State from the perspective of those who made Tiger baseball a part of their family. The main foyer wall is the centerpiece of the interior as you arrive inside the two story high main entrance.

Considerations for Inside the Building

·  The Michigan Wall of Recognition will be a wide video display panel (17 feet wide) which would continually rotate the various letters and tributes given to Ernie’s Foundation upon his death. Over 10,000 letters were received and some of those will be re-configured so that they can be read (and paused) as they move through a kaleidoscope of photos

·  Great calls in baseball will allow visitors to utilize an interactive display and hear various baseball calls of great plays (e.g. shot heard around the world, Kirk Gibson’s world series homerun)

·  We will have plaques from the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame of Branch Rickey who signed the first African American baseball player to play in the major leagues -- Jackie Robinson, Since the stadium itself is a replica of Ebbets Field, this would be consistent with incorporating that theme. A tribute/recognition would be appropriate to Brooklyn, Jackie Robinson and that historic advent.

·  A recognition of great past ballparks which would have a video display

·  A microphone (large) so that kids could replicate what it is like to be an announcer of major league baseball. An interactive display.

·  A holograph of Ernie’s farewell speech at Comerica Park

·  Tiger association – we have turnstiles, old lockers and other memorabilia from Tiger stadium to be included

·  Standalone displays would replicate the “look” of the exterior of Ebbets Field

·  Wall graphic of Ernie’ “turtle tribute” read at each Tiger home opener.

Outcomes. Under the control and management of the University, the facility will welcome visitors for decades. The University will provide maintenance and upkeep to insure the pristine look and public appearance/use of the building. Its unique setting and architectural distinction will be a source of pride for the University and a public attraction for countless groups and individuals who visit the athletic campus, not only for athletic events (football and basketball in particular), but countless civic events and activities.

III Project Budget:

The project budget including all permits, fees, design costs, and trade work has not been finalized, but may be in the range of $80,000 to $120,000. Note:

- All services required to complete this project shall be included within the cost structure associated with the response to this RFP.

III.  Project Schedule:

It is the University’s intent to complete the design and construction of the Ernie Harwell Inside Wall Display in accordance with the following schedules:

RFP Schedule:

Release of the RFP / May 20, 2016
Registration / June 03, 2016 by 5:00 p.m. Fax Registration Form to: 313- 577-3747
Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting / June 06, 2016 at 2:30 pm at the Academic / Administrative Building, 4th Floor Conference Room 4002, located at Academic / Administrative Building
Final day / Deadline for Questions / June 17, 2016 by 12:00 p.m. to: Valerie Kreher,
Copy to Kenneth Doherty,
Delivery of Proposals
(6 Copies) / June 28, 2016 by 12:00 noon in the Purchasing Dept., Academic/Administration Bldg., 5700 Cass Avenue,
4th Floor – Suite 4200, Detroit, MI 48202
Conduct and Complete Project Deliverables / As Stated in Final Contract

* The University reserves the right to adjust this date at its own discretion.

Project Schedule:

Design Development Completion / TBD
Construction Beginning (no later than) / August, 2016
Final Completion / October 02, 2016

Any revisions to the proposed schedule must be submitted along with the response to this RFP.

The University intends to award the project by July 24, 2016. The project is to be substantially complete by October 02, 2016.

No work shall commence until the contract is fully executed.

IV.  Proposal Requirements:

All firms responding to this RFP must submit complete responses to the information requested in this section and clearly note any exceptions to any information contained in the RFP and contract documents. Proposals are limited to 25 pages, one sided, in length, and not less than eleven (11) point font. (This is inclusive of all required documents and schedules. Tab sheets and the cover pages do not count in the overall document count.) Proposals will be evaluated based upon the selection criteria presented in section 7. Proposals should present information in a clear and concise manner, following the format indicated below:

A.  Executive Summary:

Provide a one page narrative describing your understanding of the project, and what unique qualities differentiate your team from others responding to this Request for Proposal. Briefly describe your team’s qualifications, experience and ability to successfully manage this project. List team members by firm name and define their roles for this project. Describe in summary fashion the experience your team has working together, identifying similar projects and contractual relationships between the parties.