EDUGATES International School

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“EDUGATES ...doorway to knowledge and life ...opening the gates of wisdom.”

Middle School and High School

License No. 229/S Authorized Curriculum: American Accredited BY: AdvancED

Dear Student, Grade Level: 9

Please be informed that you are required to study the materials below for the

Mid Term 2 Materials. The dismissal time during the examinationvvvvvvvvvv

Thank you.

Subject / Unit/ Chapter/Lesson/Page No.
Literature / 1.  Unit 4 Part 1 –Elements of Poetry P. 552-553- 564. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.P.568-569.
2.  Unit 4 Part 2 –We never know how high we are P. 659, The Road Not Taken. P.661. Macavity The Mystery Cat. T.S.Eliot. P.662, 663
3.  Exploring Drama p.704,705- Romeo and Juliet P.728. Act I P.730-754,Act II P.756-780
+Skills development Workbook related pages
Grammar / 1.  Chapter 22 Effective Sentences P.492-517
2.  Chapter 23 Verb Usage P.526-543
3.  Chapter24Pronoun Usage P. 552-563
+Related Workbook Pages
Writing / Chapter 7: Persuasion
Chapter 8 :Persuasion Advertisement
Chapter 9 :Exposition Comparison and Contrast Essay
Math / CH 1 (1,2,3,4,7,8)
CH 2 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Arabic / الوحدة الرابعة كاملة
Islamic / الحديث : الوحدة ( 1-2-3)
التوحيد :الوحدة (1-2)
الفقه: الوحدة (1-2الى ص 230)
French / Vocabulaire
page 20,page 21,page 22 et page 23
Exercice 4 page 17
Exercice 2 page 8
Computer - Basic
Saudi Social / 1.  سكان المملكة
2.  توزيع السكان
3.  النفط– الغاو والثورة
4.  الصناعه والتجارة والسياحة
World Geography / Chapter 15 Central Europe –
1-  Sec. 1 Germany pp.327 – 330
2-  Sec. 3 Poland and Baltics pp.338-340
Chapter 19-The Persian Gulf and interior-
3-  Natural Environment / Sec. 1 P: 433-339
4-  Sec. 2 History and Culture P: 437- 440
World History
Biology / Chapter 11: Introduction to genes
11.1The work of GregorMenderl P.308
11.2 Applying Mendel's Principles P.313
11.3 Other patterns of inheritance P.319
11.4 Meiosis P.323
Chapter review P.332
Chapter 12 :DNA
12.1 identifying the substance of genes. P.338
12.2 The structure of DNA P.344
Workbook chapter 11
from P.175
Workbook chapter12
12.1 P.180
12.2 P.184
Chemistry / Chapter 4:Atomic structure
L1:defining the atom P.102
L2:structure of the nuclear atom P.105
L3:distinguishing among atoms P.112
Chapter 5:Electrons in atoms
L1:revising the atomic model P.128
Work book p.45-62
Computer Electives / Session 4 : The Strange Planet
Session 5 : Assignment 18 : Create Scene 8 – Dance Party
Assignment 19 : Create Scene 8 – More Dancing

Mrs. DalaalGalant


Girls Section

Head of Department: 4 – 12

Mrs. DalaalGalant / 2016 - 2017

H.O.D: 4-12 Girls SectionPage 3