Title I SAC Meeting Notes

October 10, 2016 @ 2:25PM

  1. Welcome- Mrs. Hendrickx-Schwartzberg began the meeting at 2:25pm.
  2. Approval of 9/21/16 Minutes–Accepted by Mrs. Hartman and seconded by Mr. Apodaca.
  3. Principal’s Report- Ms. Gittelman reported on Hurricane Matthew, FTE Week, Enrollment is at 557, Class Size and budget. She also welcomed Mrs. Thomas, teacher and Mrs. Claribel Hernandez, para, to the team. iReady reading and math is an excellent tool for parents to use at home. SMART Bond updates for PPE were shared. We will be getting technology upgrades this year. She shared upcoming October and early November events and invited members to the next SPIZ zone meeting at Seminole MS on October 19, 2016 @ 9:00am
  4. Intern Principal’s Report- Ms. Gittelman shared on behalf of Dr. Osgood. Teachers and staff will be participating in Active Killer training on the October 28, 2016 Planning Day. Plantation PD and BSO facilitate the training.
  5. Student Body President Report- Luke Sczesny shared Peace Week activities from September and upcoming Just Say No events in October, as well as, other fall activities and fundraisers.
  6. SIP Committee Reports:

ELA-reviewed the student success plan, making any changes, and adding new curriculum, review writing plan, as needed. Discussed Literacy parent training.

Science- reviewed how science is being implemented into the classrooms in centers and infused throughout other subjects.

Math- reviewed the student success plan, technology resources, and Math Daily 3.

  1. SAC Composition Vote- Vote occurred to include at least 51% or more community participation within our school demographics.
  2. Accreditation Update- at this time, all proper documentation has been uploaded and approved by BCPS. The team will be visiting Broward County schools the end of October. A final report will be shared with the District on their findings.
  3. Title I Report-Mr. Apodacashared local drives for families in need. He also spoke about migrant families and how support is provided to them. District Title I parent training on 10/20/16 at 7:00pm. There is also an outreach program for homeless within the county. See him for more details.
  4. SAF Report-Mrs. Mulligan reported about the purpose of Accreditation. The county is also asking for feedback on upcoming school issues. Oct. 20th is the next SAF meeting at Ft. Lauderdale HS. Many parents in the District feel it is difficult to understand the meeting if English is not their first language. Other options are being investigated to accommodate those parents.
  5. Comments/Questions/Concerns-Title I question about free and reduced students- can they receive free food at home? JCC shared that they can bring items to school for families in need at PPE.
  6. Closing-Mrs. Hendrickx-Schwartzberg adjourned the meeting at 3:03pm