
Transportation Strategy Board

November 13, 2006

LegislativeOfficeBuilding, Room 2B

Hartford, CT

8 a.m.-11 a.m.

Members present: Chairman Kevin J. Kelleher, Jeffery Klaus, Sean Moore, Karen Burnaska, John Filchak, Joseph Maco and Commissioner Abromaitis.

Members Absent: Commissioner Carpenter(represented by Deputy Commissioner Boice), Under Secretary Philip Smith,Stephen Cassano, George Giguere, Deputy Commissioner Amey Marrella (represented by Betsy Wingfield and Lt. David Aflalo (represented by Sgt. Frank Sawicki).

  1. Call to Order

Chairman Kelleher called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

  1. Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Kelleher provided an overview of the agenda. Chairman Kelleher’s comments included a review of the upcoming schedule for Board meetings. The Chairman also noted that as the Board moves towards the finalization of its revised strategy, discussions on issues will be topics at future Board meetings, of which Board members will be advised in advance in order to prepare.

  1. Approval of Minutes-October 3, 2006

Mr. Moore made a motion (2nd: Klaus) to accept the minutes from the last Board meeting. Voice vote—motion passed.

  1. DOT Presentation: Journey to Work

Paul Buckley, ConnDOT, provided an update of traffic and travel trends within the State. The presentation included a review of forecasts of congestion and traffic patterns in 2030, as well as an overview of rail, bus, population density and employment trends. Mr. Buckley noted that forecasts were based in the statewide travel demand model, which includes those projects in the Department’s work program.

Following the presentation, members discussed the forecasts’ lack of representation of numerous transportation initiatives, the capacity of roadways in southwest and southeast Connecticut, efforts to elevate truck traffic (movement of goods) and activities in Northeastern Connecticut.

  1. Issue Briefing

Bob Hammersley provided an issue briefing on the State’s Bus Transit system. The presentation focused on an overview of providers and their services, operating and capital costs, fare box recovery ratios, and bus rapid transit. Mr. Hammersley also reviewed the recommendations from the Board’s public hearings, TIAs, transit panel as well as the priorities presented to the Board by the Department of Transportation.

Board members discussed fare box recovery issues, transit capital budget and environmental standards of the transit fleet.

  1. Review and Discussion of Prior TSB Recommendations

Chairman Kelleher asked this agenda item be tabled until the next Board meeting due to a staff illness—no objections. Chairman Kelleher reviewed the process to develop recommendations for the Board’s 2006 revision. Members were advised to be prepared to discuss recommendations related to aviation, rail, maritime and bus transit at the November 30, 2006 meeting.

  1. Guiding Principles

Chairman Kelleher reviewed the most recent draft of the Board’s Guiding Principles. Members were advised to be prepared to act on these at the November 30, 2006 meeting.

  1. TIA and Public Comment

Judy Gott offered comments on the effectiveness of the State’s transit model, the state subsidy to Tweed-NewHavenAirport, fare box ratio comparison and the need to have a maritime policy which allows any port to compete for feeder barge funding.

Marty Toyen provided input on the Board’s maritime policy.

  1. Adjournment

Mr. Filchak made a motion (2nd: Moore) to adjourn at 9:36 a.m. Voice vote—motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin J. Kelleher
