Name ______Hour ______Date ______
Assessment / Test Ticket for Ancient Egypt / Africa
Parts / Objectives / Test 1 / Test 2(You arrange the date – test ticket needs to be done one day prior to taking test) / Work completed (needs to be shown) / New Assignment (needs to be shown/corrected) / Ok’d by Ms. Holliday and ready to take test #2
Part 1 / E.8.3:Describe the ways cultures may influence people / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Note cards of 2 gods, and the gods graphic organizer / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 2 / Vocabulary / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Note cards of the three vocabulary words / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 3 / B.8.7:Identify Significant People of history / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Two note cards for a pharaoh. Completed graphic organizer. / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 4 / B.8.9: Technological advances in society and their effects / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Study cards for these objectives (mummification/ pyramids /accomplishments). Graphic organizer for the mummification process. / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 5 / A.8.7:Movement of people / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Note cards created on the Bantu and one more African civilization; Ch.11 / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 6 / D.8.4: Mental Mapping / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / About the Nile assignment. Study cards on the Nile River / See directions on the back of this chart
Part 7 / A.8.8:People’s interactions / A B C- D-
NY / A B C- D-
NY / Study cards and class notes on the Slave Triangle / See directions on the back of this chart
Please have your parent(s) sign on this line showing they are aware of how you did on your assessment:
Part 1:
Choose 3 Egyptian gods/goddesses. Make three columns. Label (with words) each column as: 1. Famous God (or Goddess) 2. What He (or She) Looks Like and 3. Why He (or She) Is Famous. Complete the three columns. In column #1 and #3, draw pictures that represent your words. Show these columns to someone who passed this objective, and have him/her sign here that he/she feels you now understand who these gods/goddesses were. ______
Part 2:
Write the vocabulary words and definitions 5 times. Those words are: circa, apartheid, and polytheistic. Write each word with a different marker matching that same color to the definition. Using your study cards, study these words with someone who passed this objective, and have her/him sign here that she/he feels you now understand these words: ______
Part 3:
Choose 2 Egyptian pharaohs. Make two columns. Label (with words) each column as: 1. Famous Pharaoh and 2. Why He or She Was Famous. Complete the columns with the two pharaohs you have chosen. Now draw pictures in each column that represent your words. Show these columns to someone who passed this objective, and have him/her sign here that he/she feels you now understand who these pharaohs are: ______
Part 4:
1. Make two index cards with colorful words “Ancient Egyptian Accomplishments” on one side. On the other side of each card, draw a colorful accomplishment and label it (with words). 2. On a piece of paper, draw a pyramid. Inside the pyramid, draw a pharaoh – inside, under the pharaoh, state why pyramids were built. Color the outside of the pyramid with the correct color-then write why the pyramid is the color you chose. 3. Draw 6 steps of the mummification process-make the pictures colorful. 4. Draw a colorful picture representing why people, during ancient Egyptian time, were mummified-be specific. Show your work to someone who passed this objective, and have her/him initialhere that she/he feels you now understand this objective: ______
Part 5:
Draw a mental map of Africa. Shade in the Sahara Desert. Draw green lines showing the migration of the Bantu (see your textbook). Draw two pictures of what ideas the Bantu spread during their migration. Draw pictures of what made the Bantu powerful. On the other side of the paper, make two columns. Choose two African civilizations. Label each of your columns with the name of a different civilization (not the Bantu or Egyptians). Label and draw two colorful things about the civilization that made them powerful enough to be discussed in your textbook. Label your pictures. Now write the name of those civilizations 5 times. Show your work to someone who passed this objective, and have him/her sign here that he/she feels you now understand this objective: ______
Part 6:
Make a colorful drawing of the Nile River (be sure to draw its convoluted shape). Color the river blue. Draw in the Mediterranean Sea; color it a darker blue. Color the delta green. Using red arrows, show the direction the Nile River flows. Show your work to someone who passed this objective, and have her/him or sign here that she/he feels you now understand this objective: ______
Part 7:
Recreate your notes from the Slave Triangle. Write every different piece of information in a different color. Draw a mental map of the USA, and write the words Civil Right Movement/Martin Luther King, Jr, 10 times within the map. Draw a mental map of Africa and highlight South Africa. Write the words apartheid and Nelson Mandela 10 times within the map. Show your work to someone who passed this objective, and have her/him or sign here that she/he feels you now understand this objective: ______