More Info
Day 1 in San Francisco:
This year we will be leaving on Sunday July 16th. We will all attend the 9am Sunday morning service at Foursquare, be prayed over as a group, eat a pizza lunch (provided) in the youth house, and then head out to San Francisco. We will eat dinner on the way and spend the night at a Foursquare church in the Bay Area. We will wake up on Monday morning, have breakfast at the church (provided), and head down to Fisherman’s Wharf for a few hours. Then we’ll head up to camp to get registered and settled in before dinner (provided by the camp).
Lower Camp Fee / Road Trip Meals:
The camp registration cost includes the total camp fees, transportation to and from camp, and a pizza lunch before we leave on Sunday, and breakfast in the bay area Monday morning. For all other meals down and back from camp, we like to give parents more control over their kid’s spending. Rather than us handing out a sum of money to each kid at each stop, parents can send their kid with as much money as they feel that they will need.
(Note to Parents: If you’re concernedthat your kid will lose their moneyor spend it all on a giant teddy bear at the first gas station on the way, you can give us your kid’s spending money in clearly labeled envelopes for the meals below and we can distribute it to him / her at the proper times.)
There will be 4 meals that students will need to buy on their own:
- Dinner on the way there (fast food)
- Lunch in San Francisco (Fisherman’s Wharf)
- Lunch on the way home (fast food)
- Dinner on the way home (fast food)
Additional Spending Money:
Students may also want some spending money for:
- Road trip snacks (drinks, candy, etc)
- The snack bar at camp (standard concession prices)
- Camp t-shirt ($15) / sweatshirt ($25)
- Paintball ($25)
- Tomahawk and BB Gun range ($5 each)
- Zip Line / Ropes Course (price TBD)
Fundraising / Camp Sponsorships:
We also want to let you know that we will be doing the Fireworks booth fundraiser that helps offset camp costs and helpsto provide scholarships for those in need, but if you or a group of parents want to head something up we would love to partner with you to do that.
In regard to sponsorships, we don’t want any kid to miss out on camp because of money. If you’re having trouble getting the funds, please let us know how we can help.There may be opportunities for kids to come work at the church, help promote the fireworks booth, parents to work the booth, etc… and in return we can help offset the price of camp for those in need.
Let’s do everything we can to get as many kids to camp as possible!
If you have any additional questions, feel free to call, text or email.
Pastor Joe Martin