8th Grade Social Studies

Unit 6: Constitutional Convention

6 / 3/5 Compromise / ßà / 60% of a state’s slaves would count toward overall population and as property to be taxed
6 / Amendment / ßà / Addition or change
6 / Anti-Federalists / ßà / Against the Constitution (Hancock, S. Adams, Henry, etc.)
6 / Articles / ßà / 7 parts of the Constitution
6 / Articles of Confederation (11/15/1777) / ßà / The First Plan of government for the USA: Equal Representation, but WEAK: no Executive Powers, no power to tax; no interstate regulation
6 / Baron de Montesquieu / ßà / Limit government power by separation;
3 branches (legislative, executive, and judicial).
6 / Bicameral / ßà / 2 house legislature
6 / Bill of Rights / ßà / Legal statement of protections
6 / Bills / ßà / Proposed laws
6 / Cabinet / ßà / President’s formal group of advisors
6 / Checks and Balances / ßà / Keeps any one branch from gaining too much power
6 / Compromise / ßà / An agreement to give up something in order to gain something important
6 / Constitution / ßà / Plan of government
6 / Constitutional Convention May 1787 / ßà / 55 state delegates meet to discuss a plan for government
6 / Delegated Powers / ßà / For the National (Federal) Government
6 / Diplomat / ßà / Representative of a country or group
6 / Duties / ßà / Requirements by law; obey laws/ pay taxes/ defend the nation/ serve in court/ attend school
6 / Economic Depression / ßà / Business activity slows & unemployment rises
6 / Elastic Clause / ßà / Necessary and Proper Clause; Congress has power to make laws needed to carry out its other powers
6 / Electoral College / ßà / Representatives from each state who select the President
6 / Executive / ßà / Power to Carry out (laws)
6 / Federalism / ßà / Division of power between National and State Governments
6 / Federalists / ßà / Favor the Constitution (Madison, Hamilton, Jay, etc.)
6 / Glorious Revolution / ßà / Overthrow of King James II; Beginning of the English Bill of Rights under William of Orange and wife Mary
6 / House of Representatives / ßà / 435 members total; each state gets representation based on its population
6 / Impeachment / ßà / Formal charges brought against a federal or state official
6 / James Madison / ßà / Father of the Constitution; Protégé of T. Jefferson
6 / John Locke / ßà / Natural Rights of Man= Life, Liberty, Property;
Government should protect those rights;
If purpose isn’t fulfilled, people have the right to rebel.
6 / Judicial / ßà / Interprets Laws & Actions
6 / Judicial Review / ßà / Review laws and actions of government to determine if they are unconstitutional. (Marbury v. Madison)
6 / Land Ordinance of 1785 / ßà / Plan for selling and settling new lands (NW Territory): Townships 6x6 miles. 1/36=640 Acres @ $1+ per acre;
1/36 reserved for public school
6 / Legislative / ßà / Lawmaking
6 / Limited Government / ßà / Government without absolute authority (tyranny)
6 / Magna Carta (1215) / ßà / Limited the power of a ruler
6 / New Jersey Plan / ßà / Strong State Governments; 3 braches; 1 house legislature giving each state gets 1 vote (favors less populated states)
6 / Northwest Ordinance (1787) / ßà / Plan for governing the NW Territory.
3-5 territories; 1gov+3judges appointed by Congress;
@5000 adult white males they could elect their own legislature;
@60,000 they could write a Constitution and apply for statehood.
Republic; Religious Freedom; NO SLAVERY
6 / Popular Sovereignty / ßà / Authority of the people
6 / Preamble / ßà / Introduction; Purpose of Constitution= form a more perfect union; establish justice; insure domestic tranquility; provide for common defense; promote general welfare; secure liberty
6 / Precedent / ßà / An example or model to follow
6 / Ratify / ßà / Approve
6 / Republic / ßà / Representative Democracy government
6 / Reserved Powers / ßà / For the States
6 / Responsibilities / ßà / Voluntary actions; be informed/ vote/ respect others/ participate in government/ respect diversity
6 / Senate / ßà / 100 members total; 2 per state
6 / Separation of Powers / ßà / Division of power between three branches of government
6 / Shared Powers / ßà / Both State and Federal
6 / Shays’s Rebellion / ßà / Daniel Shays & Co. try to save MA farms from foreclosure;
Demonstrates the Weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Leads to the Constitutional Convention.
6 / The Great Compromise / ßà / Strong Central Government; 3 branches; 2 house (bicameral) legislature; Upper House= Senate (2 per state);
Lower House= House of Representatives (based on state pop.)
6 / Virginia Plan / ßà / Strong Central Government; 3 branches; 2 house (bicameral) legislature based on population (favors heavily populated states)