Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile CommunicationProposal
Project ProposalTo be submitted by email to
ANDin hardcopy to:
Dr. Gregor Dürrenberger
Forschungsstiftung Mobilkommunikation
c/o ETH Zürich, IEF, K89
Gloriastrasse 35
CH - 8092 Zürich
The Proposal can be submitted in ENGLISH or GERMAN.
/ Registration No.Submission date:
1.General information
1.1 / Submitting research unit:Address:
Contact Person:
Tel.: / Fax: / Email:
1.2 / Applicants (Name, Surname): / Position: / Year of birth:
1.3 / Title of project:
1.4 / Total credit requested: / kCHF / 1.5Component for salaries: / kCHF
1.6 / Start date: / Duration: / (in months)
1.7 / Does the project belongto a principal theme of the research unit? / Yes, namely:
Existing since:
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Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile CommunicationProposal
2.Scientific information
Please compose Appendix 1 using the following outline:
2.1 Abstract (objectives, methods, and expected results)
(Do not exceed 1 page)
2.2Detailed information
(Technical abbreviations and jargon should be avoided or adequately explained)
2.2.1Goals, expected results
2.2.2Rationale for the proposed project and state of research
2.2.3Detailed research plan (experimental approach, methods, milestones, timetable, personnel, duties of each participant including doctoral students)
2.2.4Available resources for realization of the project (Equipment, staff, knowledge, experience)
2.2.5Expected co-operations
2.2.6List of own relevant publications (preferably the latest papers)
2.2.7Relevant publications of other authors (preferably the latest papers)
2.2.8Significance of project to "Swiss Research Foundation on Mobile Communication"
2.2.9Related projects of the Research Unit
2.2.10Further information
3.Personnel requirements / Salary
1st participant / 2nd participant / 3rd participant / 4th participantName
Year of birth
Academic degree
Type of employment:
Explanations: / Pls. select...PhDPostdocOther (pls. explain) / Pls. select...PhDPostdocOther (pls. explain) / Pls. select...PhDPostdocOther (pls. explain) / Pls. select...PhDPostdocOther (pls. explain)
Name of the supervisor, if any ("Doktorvater")
Requested salary
(PhDs: regular salary
of research unit) / Salary
kCHF / Work time on project
in % / Salary
kCHF / Work time on project
in % / Salary
kCHF / Work time on project
in % / Salary
kCHF / Work time on project
in %
1st year of project
2nd year of project
3rd year of project
Salary (total kCHF)
(kCHF = Swiss Francs in thousands)
The CV(s) of the participant(s) mentioned above need to be added to the proposal (see Appendices).
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Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile CommunicationProposal
4. Other costs
(All figures in kCHF)
4.1Capital items explicitly required for the project (e.g. material of permanent value such as apparatus and instruments. Office equipment will not be funded.)
1st year / 2nd year / 3rd yeara)
Total per year
4.1 Total Capital items
4.2Consumables (if not to be paid from the ordinary credit; please separate by categories)
1st year / 2nd year / 3rd yeara)
Total per year
4.2Total Consumables
4.3Otherexpenses: Travel expenses, field expenses, miscellaneous (only if connected with the project; expenses for conferences have to be covered by other funds)
1st year / 2nd year / 3rd yeara)
Total per year
4.3Total Other expenses
Overall Total per year
Total Other costs (4.1 + 4.2+ 4.3)
Explanations for the requested funds should be given in Appendix 2.
5. External contributions
(Not included in the requested credit)
5.1Approved contributions from other agencies (type of contribution, value in kCHF)
5.2Applications to other agencies to finance this project/part of this project (planned or pending)
(e.g., "Schweiz. Nationalfonds, SNF", "Eidg. KommissionfürTechnologie und Innovation, KTI", other foundations, federal government, cantons, communities; private industry)
Agency:Date of application: / Applied for: / kCHF
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Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile CommunicationProposal
6.Summary of requested credit
(All figures in kCHF)
1st year / 2nd year / 3rd year / Total6.1 / Salaries(3.) Total to be transferred to 1.5
6.2 / Capital items (4.1)
6.3 / Consumables (4.2)
6.4 / Other expenses (4.3)
Total per year
6.5Overall project costs (6.1 + 6.2 + 6.3 + 6.4)
6.6Externalcontributions (5.1 / 5.2)▬
6.7Total credit requested (6.5 – 6.6; to be transferred to 1.4)=
7.Signature of the applicant
Name: / Surname:Place: / Date:
The directorate of the institution (e.g., "Institutsleitung") agrees with this proposal
Name/ Surnameof head of institution:
Place: / Date:
of head of institution
Appendix 1: Scientific information (2.1 Abstract, 2.2 Detailed information)Appendix 2: Explanations for the requested funds for material
CVs of participants (doctoral students and postdocs)
List of possible experts
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Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile CommunicationProposal
List of Possible Experts
ApplicantTitle of Project
Please give the names of 3 experts (national and international), who could contribute in the
evaluation of the research proposal.
Title: / Email:
Relationship to the applicant:
Relationship to the project:
2. / Name:
Title: / Email:
Relationship to the applicant:
Relationship to the project:
3. / Name:
Title: / Email:
Relationship to the applicant:
Relationship to the project:
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