WFBLL BOD Meeting Minutes: Oct 14, 2009

Whitefish Bay Little League

Board Meeting Oct 14, 2009 – Approved

Meeting called to order at 8:05 PM


BOD members in attendance:

Scott Deakin, President

David Koziol, Vice President

Crystal Luehne, Secretary

Bruce Anthony, Treasurer

Chuck Stenimetz – Commissioner/ Players Agent - Juniors

Darren Miller, Commissioner/Players Agent – Majors

Paul Otero, Commissioner/Players Agent – Minors

Tom Gaeta, Commissioner/Players Agent – PeeWees

Merrick Fruchtman, Concessions

Tim Kerwin, Concessions

Rich Yurkowitz, Umpire Coordinator, Umpire-in-Chief

John Finerty, Safety Officer/Equipment Coordinator


Minutes from Aug 5, 2009 BOD meetings were read and approved. Kerwin motioned to approve minutes, second by Anthony. Vote to approve carried. There are no minutes from the Sept 2009 meeting as we did not have enough members present to hold a quorum.

The following agenda items were discussed;

Treasurers Report

Final budget was presented, as fiscal year end was Sept 30th. This is a fiscally sound budget with a net income of $40,000 for 2009.

Outstanding debt is $55,000.

Saving is $55,000.

The outgoing board will leave $15,000 to the incoming board for standing yearly costs.

The board has about $40,000 available for maintenance or debt reduction.


Deakin and Miller are working get estimates on reconditioning fields and have several experts (landscapers, major league field advisors) to make recommendations. A strong recommendation has been made to get regularly scheduled maintenance programs started on a rotating basis. The fields are also clay and therefore water is evaporating rather than soaking in the ground, which is causing some challenges with the condition of the field.

Some private philanthropic donors have also stepped forward and tentatively expressed significant gifts for field improvements. Deakin and Miller will continue to work with donors and field experts. Items under consideration are redoing surfacing, improving drainage, pitching mounds, batting cages, safety netting with significant attention for repair to the Majors field. Some work may still be able to be completed yet this Fall.

Election results are as follows;

Chris Coplan (New Board Member for a 2 year term and has accepted position)

Scott Deakin (Returning Member for an additional 2 year term)

Tim Kerwin (Returning Member for an additional 2 year term)

Dave Koziol (Returning Member for an additional 2 year term)

Mark Szumski (New Board Member for a 2 year term and has accepted position)

The league solicited board nominees from the league membership and an election was held via e-mail and with an in-person voting option. A board member who is not currently up for reelection tallies election totals. Elections where held between Oct.12-14 with polls closing at 7:00 PM with 1 vote per adult league member. Members could vote for up to 5 nominees. Luehne called newly elected members and received their acceptance.

Tournament Teams

Miller is taking the lead on this. Spencer Franks has volunteered to handle Tournament Teams as this cannot be run by the WFB LL. This is open for WFB LL members to participate and will be coordinated with WfB LL and All Stars (if applicable) scheduling.

Fall Baseball

Had initial interest of 80 players and had 4 teams of 18-19 members. Tried to limit participation to Pee Wee players moving to minors to give them more experience. It was opened up later to kids showing interest. Board will consider providing a more structured option for Fall Baseball, as it appears to have potential for kids who want to play more baseball.

2010 Planning

Incoming board will identify next planning steps. Deakin will have updated forms and has asked all current board members to identify the learnings from this past year. Board positions for incoming board will be decided at the Nov meeting. Deakin will organize position responsibilities. Luehne will verify if try-out dates have been identified by the school district. Date request was made in July but all school functions have first consideration. The school does consider WFB LL a partner and wants to give us better dates than we had in 2009. Deakin will update all forms for incoming board's consideration. The Nov meeting the board will discuss registration, try-out, draft and All-Star vote.

End of the Year Survey

Approximately #175 responses received from league members. The board was very pleased with response rate. Miller will make all general comments made available to WFB LL members. Coaches will be given a score card for their review. Coach’s comments will not be made public. If a coach problem is identified, the board will deal with the situation on a per case basis.

End of Season Activities are in process or completed;

Anthony has winterized a majority of the Snack Shack. Some product remains and several board members will contact community groups to see if they can use this Fall.

Deakin organized field nets.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 11, at 7:00 PM at Cahill Park.

Otero motioned to adjourn the meeting, second by Fruchtman. Vote to conclude carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 PM.

Submitted Oct 26, 2009– Crystal Luehne, Secretary